how do I import a model? Created 20 years ago2004-06-01 18:08:15 UTC by bulldog2k bulldog2k

Created 20 years ago2004-06-01 18:08:15 UTC by bulldog2k bulldog2k

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 18:08:15 UTC Post #29767
Have downloaded a few from the net and can't work out what I need to do to include them in my map. I can't find a 'import' command or anything that recognises the *.mdl format. What do I do/where do I put it? Using Hammer and Steam... Cheers
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-01 22:27:20 UTC Post #29778
Guessing this is for CS?
Not sure about Steam, but this generally works...

Locate your cstrike folder.
In that will be a models folder.
Place your models in there.

To put them in your map use a cycler, monster_generic, monster_furniture or any other entity that uses the model option.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 02:17:30 UTC Post #29787
ok, thanks for replying - much appreciated and i'm getting warmer!

It's for half life, found the models folder but now get a message saying mod_numforname - c:/program files/steam/steamapps/bulldog2k/half-life/valve/mode not found

is it truncating this? it should say model not mode...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 02:27:15 UTC Post #29788
Don't type the whole pathname in such an entity. Only "models/modelname.mdl" is enough.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-02 09:19:16 UTC Post #29808
use cycler_sprite, with model name in the path.
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