start up parameters Created 20 years ago2004-06-19 06:30:31 UTC by armadillo armadillo

Created 20 years ago2004-06-19 06:30:31 UTC by armadillo armadillo

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 06:30:31 UTC Post #34808
Does anyone know where i can get a list of start up parameters. Like "-dev" and stuff. Theres ones you have to use for the final compile to get the lighting to look better.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:14:13 UTC Post #34816
Well, the reference in the tools themselves offer some guidance,
I think that's what you mean....

-extra is one...

There are no command line switches in the game that make the lighting look better
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:41:49 UTC Post #34821
I did a search on Google and found some, although not a full list:

-dev *
-console *
-32bpp *
-toconsole *
-particles x *
-heapsize x
-game modname *

+port x
+hostname servername
+map mapname *
+maxplayers x

I'm not sure if all of these work but that's easy to try out for you. The ones with a * are the ones I've tried and am sure of that they work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 09:10:35 UTC Post #34828
if you're talking about compiling then...

there are a number of tweaks to RAD you can do to affect the lighting, like extra, bounce, etc. the best and easyest way to use them and find out all the options you have (including the options for CSG, BSP, and VIS) is by using this batch compiler: .

this batch compiler gives you a list of ALL the options you have when compiling along with a description of what each does. then, instead of typing in the commands, you just need to click on the ones you want. its simple.

another benefit to using the batch compiler is that you can close hammer when you compile. that frees up extra memory for compiling so it doesnt take so long.

after you download the batch compiler, follow the tutorial at that site for setting it up. once you use it you'll never go back to the old way... i guarantee it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 15:25:30 UTC Post #34862
thankz all
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