Multisource question Created 20 years ago2004-09-19 23:55:06 UTC by [VDC] Rad Brad [VDC] Rad Brad

Created 20 years ago2004-09-19 23:55:06 UTC by [VDC] Rad Brad [VDC] Rad Brad

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-19 23:55:06 UTC Post #60769
I have 5 doors that are linked with a multimanager and I would like them to "activate" when two trigger_multiples are triggered. The doors work fine. The multiscource triggers the multimanager just fine, as well. The trigger_multiples fire the multisource, as intended. Now the problem....

Once these doors reset, and I try to activate it again, I need only touch one of the trigger_multiples. I have the triggers set to .2 delay before reset. They are very close together in the game, so I have the reset set that low. I have also set the master key of each trigger to the name of the multisouce, but that didn't help my situation. Maybe I need a different trigger? I'm not sure. The triggers cover a small space and are invisible, or I'd use func_buttons.

As always, any help here is appreciated!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 01:40:45 UTC Post #60773
Good idea... i'll try that, but other suggestions are still welcome! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 21:23:52 UTC Post #61315
The trigger_multiples don't re-lock the multisource after they activate it the first time. It just stays 'on', that's why the doors open with one touch after that. However, if you make the trigger multiples each target a func_button, and have the func_buttons target the multisource, the func_buttons WILL re-lock the multisource after either one of them resets. Then your trigger_multiples will behave correctly. Just make the func_buttons invisible and put them out of reach of the player.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 02:53:10 UTC Post #61335
Whoa... that's really deep...

But I like it! If I ever get un-busy, I will definitely do that. That sounds like a decent shot at working. Hopefully, Saturday, this will be a functioning map.

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 13:28:34 UTC Post #61682
I have 5 doors that are linked with a multimanager and I would like them to "activate" when two trigger_multiples are triggered.
make a damaging beam hit a target.

put a shootable button in front of the target (this targets the 5 doors you want to activate).

put 2 doors in front of the shootable button (the doors are targeted by the trigger_multiples)

when both trigger multiples are triggered, both doors move out of the path of the beam. the beam then hits the shootable button and activates your 5 doors.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 21:24:10 UTC Post #61750
Actually, the "doors" part is misleading. They are func_doors that act as a platform and four walls of glass. When two people stand in the "special" spots, the platform rises,as does the glass walls, locking them inside for 30 seconds. Since func_doors start closed, I'm using them instead of func_plat.

Since I added the func_buttons, the func_door that is my "lift" has become invisible. At first I thought it was STEAM and their shutting off the custom content (its covered with custom textures), but I realize that something isn't set right. Nothing I do seems to make it visible. It is there... I bump it... but doesn't show.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-24 23:05:30 UTC Post #61763
what i described above should work perfectly for what you want.

while a player is standing in a "special spot" (on a trigger multiple) one of the doors will move out of the path of the beam.

when both players are in the right spot, both doors are out of the beams path, and nothing will block it from hitting the shootable button.

when the shootable button gets hit by the beam, it activates and targets the "func_doors that act as a platform and four walls of glass"

i didnt mention it before, but the beam, 2 doors, and shootable button setup should be out of the players sight.

here's a low tech diagram:

---- beam
{ target
[ door
< shootable button

-------[ [ < { neither player is in the right spot
----------[ < { one player is in the right spot
[   [
----------------< { both players are in the right spot and the shootable button gets activated... voila

p.s. what mod is it for?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 00:26:21 UTC Post #62092
i didnt mention it before, but the beam, 2 doors, and shootable button setup should be out of the players sight.
What you describe will work. I didn't understand that it was out of sight. I am more concerned with understanding the entities right now than creating workarounds, though I appreciate your help!

The mod is straight-up Valve Halflife.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 05:06:56 UTC Post #62113
here, take a look at this example map i made that shows exactly how it works :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 05:07:54 UTC Post #62114
and afaik, this cannot be done reliably with a multisource.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 17:51:45 UTC Post #62218
I don't know about the door/health/shooting trick. I would think you could do that with a "fire on trigger", too. But the trigger_multiple/func_button/multisource seems to work o.k.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 21:08:40 UTC Post #62250
Both solutions offered will work. It's just a matter of preference. As long as you got the results you were looking for, that's what matters. ;) Anonymous put a nice example map of his solution in the map vault. Cool stuff!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 22:15:32 UTC Post #62264
Anonymous put a nice example map of his solution in the map vault. Cool stuff!
hey thanks! :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-27 19:41:43 UTC Post #62502
fyi, the multisource is fine if you are targetting it with buttons. but if you want to use trigger_multiples, and have 2 players stand at 2 different spots to activate it, the multisource will not work reliably.

the reason is that each time the trigger resets while someone is standing on it, it will toggle the on/off state of the multisource. so that means a player doesn't need to be standing on each trigger to have the multisource activate your door settup. one player can go to both triggers to set it off, or 2 players can touch the triggers at different times and the multisource will activate.

thats why i posted the example map... to show a pretty easy workaround to this shortcomming of the multisource. i don't see an easyer way to achieve what you originaly asked... but if you come up with one i'd like to find out what you did. :)
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