apologies newbie! max patch error Created 20 years ago2004-10-03 12:45:04 UTC by eddt eddt

Created 20 years ago2004-10-03 12:45:04 UTC by eddt eddt

Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 12:45:04 UTC Post #63867
I'm working on a map and have discovered the issues concerning a skybox, however my map is outdoors based upon the idea of a small town/village. everyone lists the problems with the skybox but no-one seems to detail the solution. I'm sure it should be really obvious and guess I'm just dumb. :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 15:51:42 UTC Post #63902
Just treat the level as if it were indoor. Outdoor area's really are just corridors and rooms, though their 'ceilings' and parts of their 'walls' are skybrushes, so you see sky there instead of a wall...

Everywhere you see a skybrush (in-editor), you see sky instead (in-game). The shape of these brushes doesn't matter anything, you see.
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-03 17:48:13 UTC Post #63929
think I've got the idea, Is it then a case of being as sparing as possible with the sky and keeping it down to the smallest possible area. i.e. have victorian arcades instead of open modern walkways?
thanks :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-04 05:01:33 UTC Post #63975
its being creative and trying to make a small space look big

Say u have a cliff, try to have that go up to the height where the player at any point will not go past (height wise). Make the sky from that point the roof, that way at certain points u dont need sides to be sky! now u have incorporated the terrain into the out doors. Now u can make
a couple cracks in the cliff, put a couple brushes directly on other side of wall seeling the cracks. Make them sky brushes so it gives a neat effect, u can even do this in corridors if u like. This of course is just idea to get u started. Sky doesnt have to be outside map it can be part of it, no matter where u put sky it will still look like sky if that makes sense. SAo it doesnt have to be an outlying source but a part of terrian at parts. (Note it also works as clip) so u dont have to put clip brush infront if u dont want peeps to fall or walk past that point.(hint hint)
Enjoy taking this to the next level theres alot u can do with it so have fun
cheers [DDHLP]copper
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-04 08:15:41 UTC Post #63991
Posted 20 years ago2004-10-05 18:16:34 UTC Post #64297
got it! thanks for all your time and help ;-)
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