infinite weapon boxes Created 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:18:15 UTC by Darth Duvet Darth Duvet

Created 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:18:15 UTC by Darth Duvet Darth Duvet

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:18:15 UTC Post #139848
How do you create a weapon box that will give you infinite (or near to) of a weapon? I can't even get it to create anything. Please be axplain clearly, i am a bit of a n00b to mapping. cheers for any help
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:22:25 UTC Post #139853
You want weapon boxes in HL? I know there are ammo boxes in HL2, maybe you posted in the wrong forum?

Otherwise, for HL, a monstermaker entity could do the job, spawning a weapon everytime you trigger it (instead of spawning monsters, it can also be set to spawn a specific weapon). Read up on that entity on this site for more information.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:29:20 UTC Post #139857
almost works, but it will only create one in the beggining and no more, will play with options a bit a see what happens
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:34:28 UTC Post #139860
nope. still wont work. I am using a monstermaker like your said, have set:

montser type - weapon_egon
number of monsters - 900
frequency - 1
max live children - 1

and i have checked 'start on' under flags, what am i doing wrong?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 13:39:54 UTC Post #139862
Trigger it each time you want a weapon. The settings look good otherwise.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 14:47:49 UTC Post #139889
Max live childern -1??? Are you mad!?! :D The game can't render 5000 guns or so!! :roll: Change it to 10-20. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 15:12:23 UTC Post #139899
He has put a - between the keys and the values so that 1 is just fine already, Elon... ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 15:14:07 UTC Post #139902
Oh...whoops. Write in the 'number of monsters' value -1(with the minus) to make it infinite! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 21:42:46 UTC Post #139967
No No No you guys have it all wrong. Remimber in the Xen levels when you got your ammo from dead HEV guy's ammo ummm.. tubes?

Anyway I believe there is a weapon box entity in there with the other weapon entitys take a look at that.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 03:48:58 UTC Post #140006
This is what you need. Check out this tutorial how it works:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 11:02:56 UTC Post #140053
why not just place 20 of that weapon in the same place?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 11:31:53 UTC Post #140073
Kinda useless, becuase you can decide what you want to give to the player when he picks up a weapon_box. It is all in that tutorial.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-07 11:35:01 UTC Post #140074
I thought he wanted a weapon that will never disapear! :
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