TimeWarp Demo v1.1

Half-Life HL
TimeWarp Demo v1.1 by cambreaKer
Posted 1 year ago2023-06-14 09:18:47 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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TimeWarp Demo v1.1
cambreaKer cambreaKer
Mod files
1 year ago2023-06-14 09:18:47 UTC
1 year ago2023-06-24 11:32:17 UTC
5.00 (1)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (Hosted Externally)

TimeWarp Demo v1.1

You can find the changelog in the zip file.
A demo release containing one of the first chapters of the mod, I hope you'll like it!
This is a standalone Xash-powered HL1 mod, which means you don't need Half-Life
to run it, simply extract the zip file somewhere in your PC, and run game.exe!

The year is 2096. Advanced Engineering Corporation (AEC) facilities
have been on the forefront of groundbreaking technology
and human experimentation.

The mastermind of the experiments - "The Doc", has been developing
a technology people could only dream of until now - a time machine.
The Doc's planning to use the time travel technology to travel to the future,
and bring things from the future to the present. It is believed that 50 years from
now a discovery will be made that will change mankind forever - the key to eternal life.
The Doc wants to bring eternal life to the present, and make himself the most powerful
person who's ever lived.

One of The Doc's scientists - Dr. Hoff, believes that commiting such actions will lead
to the destruction of mankind, and has gone rogue. To avoid getting himself killed,
he has hatched a plan to stop The Doc, and shut down the whole facility.

He has reprogrammed J-727 Mark II (Jay), the facility's mainframe AI computer -
to become hostile to The Doc, and free all human experimentation patients.
One of them being Patient #84, who was selected for time travel experimentation a few weeks back.
In exchange for freedom, he must help with the plan.

The time machine prototype can only go to the past, but with the power of several Time Crystals,
one can go to the future, so to stop The Doc, Patient #84 must travel to the past and collect
the Time Crystals before The Doc's enforcers do.

The first stop is a mining facility in the middle of North America in 1932, in an ancient
temple of a serpent water god.

TimeWarp plays pretty much the same as regular Half-Life does,
however there's a few changes to make it different, the most important being the armor system.


The mod has a new armor system based on individual armor pieces which
also give the player a bonus effect.
There are 4 meters on your HUD that tell you the health of the armor pieces,
and the more health they have then the more effective the bonus effect will be.
Gives 15 armor points when picked up.
Bonus effect - Reduces view punch when shot, and headshot damage.
  • VEST
Gives 25 armor points when picked up.
Bonus effect - Adds additional damage reduction.
Gives 5 armor points when picked up.
Bonus effect - Speeds up weapon reloading.
Gives 5 armor points when picked up.
Bonus effect - Reduces fall damage.
  • Don't save during cutscenes, it'll result in a broken save.
  • Multiplayer sorta works but is unsupported.
  • NPC's sometimes freeze in place, I have no idea what causes that and I'm assuming it's just some HL1 jank that could only be fixed with a rewrite of the AI code.


Commented 1 year ago2023-06-19 11:04:19 UTC Comment #105361
Windows Defender is freaking out with the exe:
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User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2023-06-20 08:20:42 UTC Comment #105362
Windows Defender is freaking out with the exe:
like i said in the moddb comment, it's definitely a false positive and i don't know how to fix it since i didn't make the engine and it seems like you're the only person this happened to. just add it to defender's exception list or something
Commented 1 year ago2023-06-28 21:39:20 UTC Comment #105380
I liked it. Plz add more puzzles in further levels
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-02 11:55:43 UTC Comment #105455
Architecture — 9
Texturing — 10
Ambience — 9
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 7

Finally finished it, here is my review:
There are some level design choices that I don't like. For example there is a bridge leading nowhere in the cave and there is a not-very-obvious puzzle with a block in the wall you gotta push in. This is really hard to find and easily missable. It would be better if there was lighting to indicate that there might be something there. On the topic of lighting, it is good, it fits the atmosphere perfectly, but it doesn't blow me away or anything. Brushwork and Texturing is also good. The music and ambient noises are utilized quite well. Gameplay isn't as diverse enough as it could be, you only fight against one type of grunt with different weapons. The game just puts more and more of them into the levels. The combat itself also could be slightly improved. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't hit the sweet spot for me.

Overall: Great demo, really excited for the full game. 8/10

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