Wip map.
Currently very short. Lambda marks a trigger_endsection.
Lighting, hidden items, finding a ceiling texture hopefully and generally being longer is planned for the future.
Also, that one
M thing
9 at the start, I
J don't
6 know
D why
K but it
J doesn't
X matter
o how
K far out of brushes I try
k to make it but the zombie makes the yellow debug dot things so just ignore that I guess (its fixed now but there's a hidden joke i made here so uh i guess it stays?)
- Start - First Headcrab
- Fixed portal and Zombie (also after release i discovered i forgot to make the zombie play the animation, doesn't effect gameplay though so i'll wait for another reason to update it)
- Fixed a leak, giving me a reason to do proper lighting! Also fixed the Zombie, and added a Houndeye encounter.
- added a stupid joke that took me a stupidly long hour its stupid how much i hate it
..but i did it anyway
such amazing boxes