BSP Compiler Last edited 1 year ago2023-12-18 11:34:22 UTC

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This is the second of the four main compiling programs. It takes the info from the .pt0 file from CSG and makes a .pt1 file for VIS by preparing clip planes, leafs and portals. It also checks for leaks.

More info from DOE, Snowdog:
BSP: The BSP tool is the one that actually converts the .map file data into a useable .bsp file that the game engine can load. Once the BSP tool is run the map is essentially playable with the exception that it will have no visibility matrix and will have no lighting at all. Those crucial features are applied by the next two tools VIS and RAD.

Stands for "Binary Space Partition".


  • .bsp file from CSG
  • intermediate files from CFG
  • Check that the "outside" of the level don't "leak" into the "insides"
  • Splits up the geometry using the BSP algorithm
  • Generates the rest of the structural data for BSP file
  • Generates collision data (clip hulls)
  • BSP file data added:
    • Models, nodes, leafs, clipnodes, faces, vertices, etc.
    • BSP file is playable at this stage
  • Portal file for VIS compiler
Compilation programs
  1. CSG
  2. BSP
  3. VIS
  4. RAD


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