File Types and Formats Last edited 1 year ago2022-10-08 18:23:16 UTC

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The following is a list of file types that can be found when doing modding work. Common items are bolded.
.bspBinary Space PartitionGoldsource, SourceMappingThis is a compiled map file that the engine will load. Compile tools turn your map in the editor into a BSP file.
.fgdForge Game DataGoldsource, SourceMappingThis is a definition file used by Hammer and other editors to detect what entities are available to be used. Each game and mod will use its own FGD file, so be sure to use the correct one for your game. The name "Forge" comes from the original codename for the Worldcraft editor, now known as Hammer.
.gamLibrary list fileGoldsourceGeneralEvery Goldsource game/mod contains a liblist.gam file, describing properties about the game/mod.
.linLinear PointfileGoldsource, SourceMappingCompile tools will generate a pointfile when there is a leak in your map. You can open the pointfile in your editor to trace a line from the leaking entity to the outside of your map. It is recommended you use the LIN file over the PTS file, if it is available.
.logLog fileGoldsource, SourceGeneralA log file is typically generated by compile tools or other programs to save their output to a file. You can view them in Notepad or any other text editor. If you have errors during your compile, you can check the log file for details.
.mapQuake MAP fileGoldsourceMappingThe MAP format is the format used by Quake editors and it can be used by Goldsource editors as well, though an RMF is a better option. Goldsource compile tools require a map to be in MAP format, however the editor will automatically do this.
.mdlModel fileGoldsource, SourceMapping, ModelingModel files used in the game to represent players, NPCs, and props, separate from world geometry. These files contain meshes, skeleton, animations, and (in Goldsource) texture data. While both engines' model formats use the same extension, they are not cross-compatible.
.pakPackage fileGoldsourceGeneralA simple archival file format containing game data used by Half-Life, to help improve file access time for 1998's hardware. Modern Goldsource games distribution, and modern hardware, no longer needs it, but it's still supported.
.pntPointfileGoldsource, SourceMappingCompile tools will generate a pointfile when there is a leak in your map. You can open the pointfile in your editor to trace a line from the leaking entity to the outside of your map, however it is sometimes difficult to follow the line. If your tools generate a .lin file, it will probably be easier to follow.
.prtPortal FileGoldsourceMappingGenerated by the CSG compiler, this file is used by the VIS compiler to generate the VIS data in a BSP.
.qcQuake code fileGoldsourceModelingA file format used by model compile/decompile tools, defining various properties of a model.
.radRadiosity FileGoldsourceMappingFile used by RAD compiler to light the map. Contains a list of texture names and their ighting values. Superceded by the info_texlights entity.
.resResource fileGoldsourceMappingLists the files game servers will send to clients to precache for a particular map. Found only in maps/ folder together with the bsp files.
.resResource fileGoldsource, SourceUISteam UI uses keyvalues file with .res extension. Found typically in resources/ folder.
.rmfRich Map FormatGoldsourceModellingRMF files are the source format of maps created by the Hammer editor. The format is perfect for Goldsource maps, however it cannot be used for any other engine. Unlike the MAP format, RMF saves groups, visgroups, colours, and other metadata that Hammer displays.
.rmxRMF BackupGoldsourceMappingWhen Hammer saves your RMF, it first renames the existing RMF file to RMX. Think of it as a snapshot of your map from the previous save. It is not, however, a very good version control mechanism. You should store your map source files in a source control system such as SVN or Git.
.seqSequence fileGoldsourceMappingA scripting file format introduced to the engine in 2004 to script sentences and map events, though the vanilla SDK isn't prepared to use this.
.smdStudio Model DataGoldsource, SourceModellingA file format used by model compile/decompile tools, containing actual mesh and/or animation data. Mainstream 3D modeling softwares needs to export to this format (natively or with plugins) for compilation into .mdl files that the game engines use.
.sprSprite fileGoldsourceMapping, TexturingThis is a sprite file for the Goldsource engine, used in map detailing, muzzleflashes, and the HUD.
.vmfValve Map FormatSourceMappingThe VMF format was created as a successor to the RMF format. Rather than RMF's binary layout, VMF uses a text based layout similar to XML or JSON. This is better for version control systems, and it also makes it easy for other editors to extend upon the format to add custom items.
.vmtValve Material TypeSourceMapping, TexturingThis is a material for the Source engine. A VMT is a text-based shader definition, the actual texture is typically stored in a related VTF file.
.vpkValve PackageSourceGeneralThis format is very similar to the PAK format used by Quake, however it is modified to match Valve's requirements. VPK files typically contain all the maps, models, materials, sounds, and other files for Source games downloaded from Steam.
.vtfValve Texture FormatSourceMapping, TexturingA file for that Source engine that contains image data. VTF files are referenced by a material specified by a VMT file.
.tgaTruevision TargaGoldsourceMapping, Texturing, UIThe in-game skybox, as well as UI elements such as the game background, uses this image format.
.txtPlain text fileGoldsource, SourceMapping, Texturing, SoundVarious files used by the engines are in plain text, containing specially formatted text. Examples include gameinfo.txt (Source), titles.txt, sentences.txt, materials.txt, GameUI_*.txt, and *_detail.txt.
.wadWAD texture fileGoldsourceMapping, TexturingIn the Quake engine, WAD stands for "Where's All the Data?", as this format stored all the different data types used by the engine. In Goldsource, however, only textures are stored in WAD files. Use Wally to edit them.


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