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ORIGINAL TITLE: I push button/trigger in game and get kicked out
If the compile was good, and there were no other problems, then the most common cause of this problem
is a logic loop with the entitys. Two or more entitys are set to call each other, and somehow you
set them in motion - buffers fill with the loops in under a second, crash, and you are kicked out.
Or you have named the trigger/button the same name as the entity it targets.
Solution: fix the entitys.
However, sometimes something else sets off the kick off, so keep an open mind.
It could be:
- You have a too big wav sound files that starts.
- You have a corrupt sprite/model that is called up.
- You have something that moves out of the level, like a door - but it goes too far.
- See also precache and allocblock:full for other possible causes.
- In one case where firing a gun crashed the map, it seems to have been too many ambient_generics with too many wavs playing at the same time that went over the channel limits of the sound card.
- Sometimes HL/mod (such as CS) maps which have the[ i]game_player_equip[/i] entity also crash when players overload on weapons.
- You are in software mode and are entering an area with sky, but the sky you entered is not in the gfx/env folder. See also: R_LoadSky: Couldn't load gfx/env/cl_forestrt.tga error.
- You have a strange video card that doesnt like the null texture. (very rare).
- You are triggering more than 16 things at EXACTLY the same time.
- You are loading too many entities when you enter those areas.
- You have a texture gone, leaving a window into the void in its place, causing a crash when you look.
- You have a Linux server, and something is named with captial letters which Linux does not handle like a Windows server does.
- It can be also something else in the server settings of any server kind.
- or it could be something else. Isn't mapping fun?