Goldsource Error: Lightmap for Texture aaatrigge Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:17 UTC

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ORIGINAL TITLE: Lightmap for Texture aaatrigger too large [11x32=352 luxels]; cannot exceed 324.

Most probably your .rmf, your .map or .bsp has been corrupted
in some way.

AAAtrigger textures are treated special, and should have a special lightstyle of
255, which means

"no light data" = RAD is supposed to ignore them.
If AAAtrigger is going through RAD, something is wrong, most probably corruption.
(BTW: a luxel is short for "luminosity pixel" -- it's a fancier name for a light sample.)

1 Comment

Commented 5 months ago2024-08-22 11:57:48 UTC Comment #106321
Actually, it's not the lightstyle 255 that marks "no light data" but the "special" flag on the face's texinfo. If your map is pitch black all the light styles on all faces will be 255 but they're all still valid faces because BSP already chopped them up so that the lightmap size is reasonable. Faces with "special" flag don't get chopped.

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