Goldsource Error: my textures far off get lines Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:49 UTC

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ORIGINAL TITLE: my textures far off get lines in them

This can happen because a custom texture has not been properly remipped when made in Wally, or it could happen
due to z-fighting.

Basically, z-fighting is due to limitations in the floating point precision calculations which your
graphics card is
processing, objects far away tend to fight over who has presidence to the player's view.

Put in simpler terms, if you have, for example, a poster 2 units thick on a wall and walk away from
it, sooner or later the card's calculations will become less accurate, and will not be able to
properly determine which is in front - the poster, or the wall behind it.

So you have to be careful when putting thin entity brushes next to regular brushes.
Making a space in the brush behind the thin one can help reduce the problem. Also read Checkers below.


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