Goldsource Error: no free edicts ;;; [i]or[/i] Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:18 UTC

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ORIGINAL TITLE: no free edicts ;;; or
;;; NUM_FOR_EDICT: bad pointer

Each entity ingame takes up an edict slot, if the game ever runs out of edict slots you get the crash "no free edicts." Solution is to reduce the number of entitys in the level. Single player mods may have a different number of edicts than multiplayer mods, possible due to the number of player entitys, sprites &
models required. Reported general HL limits are SP=900 to 1024?, MP=1365 to 2048?? your Mod may vary.

However, in a small map with few entities, the error can also be too many of one sort of entity -
some Mods of HL have individual entity limits.

In addition the "bad pointer" may mean the bsp was corrupted, or even that your game engine/dll is corrupted. Test other maps to see if it happens with them, and if not, get a new copy of the .bsp and retry. If it continues only with that map, then it is probably too many entitys.


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