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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Mod_LoadBrushModel:maps/mapname.bsp has wrong version number [571084155 should be 30]" ;;;
or ;;; Mod_LoadBrushModel: Sprites(lgtning.spr has wrong version number (0 should be 30)
Here are a few of the problems that popped up under this situation:
- You may have errors in your compile, if not then..
- Your pak0pak.pak file may be corrupted?
- Maybe the wrong game version?
- Wrong WC/Hammer version? Earlier versions of WC were particularly prone to this. Use WC 3.3 or Hammer 3.4 or Sledge or J.A.C.K.
- Maybe another compile will make it go away, or not? And make sure you have the most up-to-date version of zoner's compiling tools....
- You may have a bad model - like one from another mod or game, or you once installed a custom one?
- Or you may have a corrupted sprite?
- Have you installed a patch recently? It might be bad....