VERC: Half-Life Cheats Last edited 5 years ago2019-04-13 08:59:09 UTC

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Cheating provides the mapper with some useful tools to test and debug levels. To enable cheats, you must run the Half-Life executable with the -dev parameter.

If you're at all confused about how to use the parameters or enable the Half-Life console, refer to the following link: VERC: Accessing the Half-Life Console

Once in Half-Life, you will be in developers mode. There are 3 settings for Developers mode: You can change developer mode value by typing developer n in the console, where n is 0 - 2. When in mode 2 , a message will be displayed for each even that gets activated - this is quite handy when you are setting up complex sequences of events.

The following cheats can be used (by typing them at the console): As well, the following impulse commands are available to you. Type impulse n at the console, where n is equal to one of the following impulse values:
This article was originally published on the Valve Editing Resource Collective (VERC).
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