VERC: PHP URL Tag Formatting Last edited 21 years ago2003-01-11 17:53:00 UTC

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The url tags on this site and on the Chatbear message board system (which most of my tags are based on) use this format:

url =[/b] [ url description [b]]url

This is parsed from a block of text ( $ string ) using the following PHP code:

$ string = preg_replace ( "/url=(.*?)[/" , "<a href="\1">" , $ string );
$ string = ereg_replace ( "]url" , "</a>" , $ string );
So, you can do something like this ...

ur l=[VERC Collective]url

...and you'll get this ...

VERC Collective (Link: )
This article was originally published on the Valve Editing Resource Collective (VERC).
TWHL only archives articles from defunct websites. For more information on TWHL's archiving efforts, please visit the TWHL Archiving Project page.


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