aiscripted_sequence (Half-Life) Last edited 15 years ago2008-05-04 03:44:32 UTC

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Point Entity

This entity is similar to the normal scripted_sequence, except that it completly overrides the monster AI. Regardless of what you do to the monster, it will follow this sequence.


0 = No - Monster will perform the sequence wherever it is.<BR>
1 = Walk - walks to the location of the aiscripted_sequence, then performs its animation.<BR>
2 = Run - as above, but runs.<BR>
4 = Instantaneous - warps to spot.<BR>
5 = No-turn to face - monster turns to face the aiscripted_sequence, then performs the sequence.





Any damage taken by the monster while the script is running will take effect when the script finishes.
Use a model viewer to see the animations available to each monster.

1 Comment

Commented 2 years ago2021-07-13 16:50:28 UTC Comment #103609
I have noticed that the AI Schedule when done (m_iFinishSchedule) seems to have an effect for me; when using this entity to place a headcrab in a ventilation duct with a transparent, breakable entrance, the headcrab will fling itself at the player on sight with m_iFinishSchedule set to Default AI (0), but will wait until the vent is broken when that keyvalue is set to Ambush (1).

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