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A very useful entity that can make door/gate, piston, elevator, forming press, etc. Can be made to act very much like a
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives objects special render effects. Think of it as modifying whatever the Render Mode puts out. The options are as follows:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Slow Pulse
- 2 = Fast Pulse
- 3 = Slow Wide Pulse
- 4 = Fast Wide Pulse
- 5 = Slow Fade Away
- 6 = Fast Fade Away
- 7 = Slow Become Solid
- 8 = Fast Become Solid
- 9 = Slow Strobe
- 10 = Fast Strobe
- 11 = Faster Strobe
- 12 = Slow Flicker
- 13 = Fast Flicker
- 14 = Constant Glow
- 15 = Distort
- 16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Color
- 2 = Texture
- 3 = Glow
- 4 = Solid
- 5 = Additive
- KillTarget (killtarget) - When the door is triggered, it will remove the entity specified by this property from the game.
- Master (master) - The name of a multisource (or game_team_master) entity. A master must usually be active in order for the entity to work. Thus they act almost like an on/off switch, in their simplest form, and like an AND gate in the case of the multisource.
- Move Sound (movesnd) - The sound that is played when the door opens. Options are:
- 0 = No Sound (
) - 1 = Servo (Sliding) (
) - 2 = Pneumatic (Sliding) (
) - 3 = Pneumatic (Rolling) (
) - 4 = Vacuum (
) - 5 = Power Hydraulic (
) - 6 = Large Rollers (
) - 7 = Track Door (
) - 8 = Snappy Metal Door (
) - 9 = Squeaky 1 (
) - 10 = Squeaky 2 (
- Stop Sound (stopsnd) - The sound that is played after the door closes. Options are:
- 0 = No Sound (
) - 1 = Clang with brake (
) - 2 = Clang reverb (
) - 3 = Ratchet Stop (
) - 4 = Chunk (
) - 5 = Light airbrake (
) - 6 = Metal Slide Stop (
) - 7 = Metal Lock Stop (
) - 8 = Snappy Metal Stop (
- Target (target) - When the door is opened, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
- Locked Sound (locked_sound) - Sounds to play when the door is 'locked'. Options are:
- 0 = None (
) - 2 = Access Denied (
) - 8 = Small zap (
) - 10 = Buzz (
) - 11 = Buzz Off (
) - 12 = Latch Locked (
- Unlocked Sound (unlocked_sound) - Sound to play when the door is 'unlocked'. Options are:
- 0 = None (
) - 1 = Big zap & Warmup (
) - 3 = Access Granted (
) - 4 = Quick Combolock (
) - 5 = Power Deadbolt 1 (
) - 6 = Power Deadbolt 2 (
) - 7 = Plunger (
) - 8 = Small zap (
) - 9 = Keycard Sound (
) - 10 = Buzz (
) - 13 = Latch Unlocked (
) - 14 = Light Switch (
- Locked Sentence (locked_sentence) - Sentence that is spoken when the door is 'locked'. Options are:
- 1 = Gen. Access Denied (
) - 2 = Security Lockout (
) - 3 = Blast Door (
) - 4 = Fire Door (
) - 5 = Chemical Door (
) - 6 = Radiation Door (
) - 7 = Gen. Containment (
) - 8 = Maintenance Door (
) - 9 = Broken Shut Door (
- Unlocked Sentence (unlocked_sentence) - Sentence that is spoken when the door is 'unlocked'. Options are:
- 1 = Gen. Access Granted (
) - 2 = Security Disengaged (
) - 3 = Blast Door (
) - 4 = Fire Door (
) - 5 = Chemical Door (
) - 6 = Radiation Door (
) - 7 = General Containment (
) - 8 = Maintenance area (
- FX Amount (renderamt)
- FX Color (rendercolor)
- Global Entity Name (globalname)
- Pitch Yaw Roll (angles) - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The settings are not always (or not all) used, depending on the entity type.
- Speed (speed) - Speed of movement.
- Delay before close (wait) - Time to wait before the door closes after opening (-1 or 0 makes it stay open, or else use >0.1)
- Lip (lip) - Number of units left after move (the lip value is subtracted from the move distance).
- Damage inflicted when blocked (dmg) - How much damage the player receives if he gets stuck between the door and something solid.
- Message if triggered (message)
- Delay before fire (delay)
- Fire on Close (netname)
- Health (health) - With a non-zero value here, the door will have to be damaged to this extent to open.
- Minimum light level (_minlight)
- Light Origin Target (light_origin)
- ZHLT Lightflags (zhlt_lightflags)
- Starts open (1) - Door starts in its 'open' position.
- Don't link (4) - Restricts the door from being linked to a door with the same name (preventing it from opening as part of a pair).
- Passable (8)
- Toggle (32)
- Use only (256) - Player must "use" to open. Enabling this prevents the entity being triggered any other way.
- Monsters can't (512) - Monsters with arms (e.g. zombies, grunts) can't use the door.
- Giving func_door entity a name will make it locked.
- In addition to speed, the door will move relative to angles and according to its brush size; the larger the brush, the longer the time until it reaches the other edge (time can be reduced by lip).
- While moving, it can get blocked by monsters, player, func_pushable and some satchels, but not by any other thing, then will return to its origin.
- It can be pressed 64 units away from its edge by the player, regardless of anything surrounding it.
- Turning smart edit off and adding "Contents (skin)" key with value "-16" to func_doors allows to create a moving ladder (the ladder will behave strangely in it's open position, so it's best to keep it's open position somewhere the player can't reach).
- Deathmatch Classic handles door sounds slightly differently than other games/mods (likely to behave Quake's behavior).
Related pages
Team Fortress Classic only
- Targetname of teamcheck goal (teamcheck) - Using this in conjunction with an info_tf_teamcheck allows you to switch the entity's team allegiance when the info_tf_teamcheck changes its team setting. The team_no property must be set to Any (0) if you use this value.
- Has item # (items_allowed) - The player must be carrying this item to use this entity. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Has item from group # (h_i_g) - The player must be carrying any item from this group to use this entity. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # active (if_goal_is_active) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # inactive (if_goal_is_inactive) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # removed (if_goal_is_removed) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # active (if_group_is_active) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # inactive (if_group_is_inactive) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # removed (if_group_is_removed) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Affect all on Team (maxammo_shells) - This allows an entity's effects (giving ammo, taking health, etc.) to be performed on an entire team rather than just the Activating Player. Options are:
- 0 = Disabled
- 1 = Blue
- 2 = Red
- 3 = Yellow
- 4 = Green
- Affect all not on Team (maxammo_nails) - This allows an entity's effects (giving ammo, taking health, etc.) to be performed on all players in teams other than the one selected, ignoring the Activating Player. Options are:
- 0 = Disabled
- 1 = Blue
- 2 = Red
- 3 = Yellow
- 4 = Green
- ...activate goal # (last_impulse) - Use this in conjunction with all_active to specify a goal # to activate.
- Activate goal # (activate_goal_no) - When the entity is activated, it will activate the goal specified here.
- Inactivate goal # (inactivate_goal_no) - When the entity is activated, it will deactivate the goal specified here.
- Activate goals in group # (activate_group_no) - When the entity is activated, it will activate all the goals in the group specified here.
- Inactivate goals in group # (inactivate_group_no) - When the entity is activated, it will deactivate all the goals in the group specified here.
- Remove goals in group # (rv_gr) - When the entity is activated, it will remove all the goals in the group specified here.
- Restore goals in group # (rs_gr) - When the entity is activated, it will restore all the goals in the group specified here.
- Remove spawn group # (rv_s_h) - On activation, the entity will remove the group of info_player_teamspawn entities with the Goal Group # entered here. While the spawnpoints are removed, players cannot spawn at them.
- Restore spawn group # (rs_s_h) - On activation, the entity will restore the group of removed info_player_teamspawn entities with the Goal Group # entered here. After being restored, players can once again spawn at the spawnpoints.
- Name(targetname) (targetname) - This entity can be triggered to open. Giving it a name automatically 'locks' it (providing the Use Only flag is not enabled).
- Goal Activation bitfields (g_a)
- Goal Effects bitfields (g_e)
- Goal Results bitfields (goal_results)
- Team allowed to activate entity (team_no) - The team you specify here will be able to use this entity Values are:<BR>
- Any (0)
- Blue (1)
- Red (2)
- Yellow (3)
- Green (4)
- Playerclass allowed to activate (playerclass) - You can limit the use of this entity to specific playerclasses. Values are:<BR>
- Any (0)
- Scout (1)
- Sniper (2)
- Soldier (3)
- Demoman (4)
- Medic (5)
- HWGuy (6)
- Pyro (7)
- Spy (8)
- Engineer (9)
- Hasnt Item from group # (hasnt_item_from_group) -The player must not be carrying any item from this group to use this entity. Setting this to 0 will allow any player to use the entity if he meets the other criteria.
- If item has moved # (if_item_has_moved) -This item must not be in its original spawn location for any player to use this entity. Setting this to 0 will always allow players to use the entity if they meet the other criteria.
- If item hasnt moved # (if_item_hasnt_moved) -This item must be in its original spawn location for any player to use this entity. Setting this to 0 will always allow players to use the entity if they meet the other criteria.
- Effect radius 0=infinite (t_length)
- If criteria fails activate Goal# (else_goal)
- If all goals in group # activate (all_activate)
- Remove goal (rv_g)
- Restore goal (rs_g)
- Remove Spawnpoint # (remove_spawnpoint)
- Restore spawnpoint # (restore_spawnpoint)
- Remove item form AP (axhitme)
- Return item # (return_item_no)
- Remove items in group # (r_i_g)
- Add/Subtract frags (frags)
- Add/Subtract lives (lives)
- Add/Subtract health (health)
- Armor Value % (armorvalue)
- Armor Class (armorclass)
- Add/Subtract shells (a_s)
- Add/Subtract nails (a_n)
- Add/Subtract rockets (a_r)
- Add/Subtract cells (a_c)
- Add/Subtract detpack (ammo_detpack)
- Add/Subtract grenades#1 (no_grenades_1)
- Add/Subtract grenades#2 (no_grenades_2)
- Invincibility duration (invincible_finished)
- Invisibility duration (invisible_finished)
- Quad Duration (super_damage_finished)
- Rad suit duration (radsuit_finished)
- Score to AP team (count)
- Team check team point gain (increase_team)
- Blue point gain (increase_team1)
- Red point gain (increase_team2)
- Yellow point gain (increase_team3)
- Green point gain (increase_team4)
- Owned by-for msg&itemglow (owned_by)
- Owned by team check (owned_by_team_check)
- Death Type (deathtype)
- Message to all (b_b)
- Message to AP (message)
- Message to AP team (b_t)
- Message to non AP team (b_n)
- Message to non-owner team(s) (non_owners_team_broadcast)
- Console msg. to all,%s=AP name (n_b)
- Console msg to AP team (n_t)
- Console msg. to non-AP team (n_n)
- Console msg to Owner team (n_o)
- Speak (Global) (speak)
- speak (AP) (AP_speak)
- speak (APteam) (team_speak)
- Speak (non-APteam) (non_team_speak)
- Speak (owner team) (owners_team_speak)
- Speak (non-owner team) (non_owners_team_speak)
- Angular Velocity (PYR) (avelocity)
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