func_pushable (Half-Life) Last edited 6 years ago2018-09-05 06:23:50 UTC

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Brush Entity

Func_pushable entities can be pushed and pulled around by the player. Func_pushables can also optionally be breakable.





Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 12:16:47 UTC Comment #101135
Well, what's the point of Hull Size? I find it doesn't affect the bounding box of the object.
Commented 10 years ago2014-11-23 14:54:48 UTC Comment #101136
@^: The Hull Size setting determines the pev->size value, which I'm not sure what it's used for.
Commented 9 months ago2024-03-12 10:22:08 UTC Comment #106062
Just to answer that age-old question that has been left unanswered for so long here:

The Hull Size (size) determines which of the three cliphulls to test its own collisions against.
This is why a big pushable using HULL1 or HULL3 might be clipping into world geometry when pushed around.
("Am I colliding with the world?" from the pushable's perspective).

This isn't the same sort of collisions as when a player is touching/climbing the pushable, in which case it's the player testing collisions against the pushable's own cliphulls, which are similar to its shape regardless of size.
("Am I colliding with the pushable?" from the player's perspective).

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