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This entity allows you to create a rotating platform that will switch a func_tracktrain's path, used mainly with player-controllable trains.
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Render FX (renderfx) - Gives objects special render effects. Think of it as modifying whatever the Render Mode puts out. The options are as follows:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Slow Pulse
- 2 = Fast Pulse
- 3 = Slow Wide Pulse
- 4 = Fast Wide Pulse
- 5 = Slow Fade Away
- 6 = Fast Fade Away
- 7 = Slow Become Solid
- 8 = Fast Become Solid
- 9 = Slow Strobe
- 10 = Fast Strobe
- 11 = Faster Strobe
- 12 = Slow Flicker
- 13 = Fast Flicker
- 14 = Constant Glow
- 15 = Distort
- 16 = Hologram (Distort and Fade)
- Render Mode (rendermode) - Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are:
- 0 = Normal
- 1 = Color
- 2 = Texture
- 3 = Glow
- 4 = Solid
- 5 = Additive
- Move Sound (movesnd) - These apply either to door or elevator type entities. For doors, the options are as follows:
- 0 = No Sound
- 1 = Servo (Sliding)
- 2 = Pneumatic (Sliding)
- 3 = Pneumatic (Rolling)
- 4 = Vacuum
- 5 = Power Hydraulic
- 6 = Large Rollers
- 7 = Track Door
- 8 = Snappy Metal Door
- Move Sound (movesnd) - For elevators:
- 0 = No Sound
- 1 = big elev 1
- 2 = big elev 2
- 3 = tech elev 1
- 4 = tech elev 2
- 5 = tech elev 3
- 6 = freight elev 1
- 7 = freight elev 2
- 8 = heavy elev
- 9 = rack elev
- 10 = rail elev
- 11 = squeek elev
- 12 = odd elev 1
- 13 = odd elev 2
- Stop Sound (stopsnd) - This property is found in both door and elevator type entities. For doors, the options are:
- 0 = No Sound
- 1 = Clang with brake
- 2 = Clang reverb
- 3 = Ratchet Stop
- 4 = Chunk
- 5 = Light airbrake
- 6 = Metal Slide Stop
- 7 = Metal Lock Stop
- 8 = Snappy Metal Stop
- Stop Sound (stopsnd) - For elevators:
- 0 = no sound
- 1 = big elev stop 1
- 2 = big elev stop 2
- 3 = freight elev stop
- 4 = heavy elev stop
- 5 = rack stop
- 6 = rail stop
- 7 = squeek stop
- 8 = quick stop
- FX Amount (renderamt)
- FX Color (rendercolor)
- Global Entity Name (globalname)
- Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0 (volume)
- Sound Volume (volume) - Range: 0.0 - 1.0
- Travel altitude (height) - Altitude to ascend or descend (use negative values for the latter, or 0 to disable altitude change).
- Spin Amount (rotation) - This is the amount in degrees the track will turn on its way up / down.
- Train to Switch (train) - The Name of the train that is using the track.
- Top Track (toptrack) - This is the Name of the last path_corner in the upper track.
- Bottom Track (bottomtrack) -The Name of the first path_corner in the lower track.
- Move/Rotate Speed (speed) - The speed in units/sec that the track platform will move. If the Rotate Only flag is set this will be the speed of rotation only.
- ZHLT Lightflags (zhlt_lightflags)
- Light Origin Target (light_origin)
- Minimum Light Level (_minlight)
- Auto activate train (1) - ??
- Relink track (2) - ??
- Start at bottom (8) - Moving track will start in the bottom position.
- Rotate only (16) - Track will not move up and down.
- X axis (64) - Rotate around the X axis.
- Y axis (128) - Rotate around the Y axis.
- Identical to func_trackautochange except that this one is for player-controlled trains.
- An origin brush needs to be part of the entity to specify its axis of rotation.
- The axis defaults to Z if neither of the axis flags is enabled.
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