speaker (Half-Life)
Last edited 15 years ago2009-12-14 04:36:38 UTC
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Point EntityCreates a public announcement system that randomly plays announcements.
- Name (targetname) - Property used to identify entities.
- Sentence Group Name (message) - The sentence group to randomly select sentences from.
- Volume(10=loudest) (health) - Sound Volume for the public announcement.
- Start Silent (1) - If enabled, the entity will have to be triggered to work.
- Place this in one or more spots in your level. Every 3 to 10
minutes it will make a random announcement, as if a public announcement system is in
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Think the VOX in HL, or the random messages at the mall.
Tetsu0: It works kinda like this: When you have this in your level, and set to a certain sentence group, it will say those sentences from the VOX section of the sentences.txt file. You remember the AM labs, and how there would be a random announcement, usually when you go down the elevator? That was one of these.
They can be hard to use, but are well worth the effect if you find a proper place to use it.
EDIT: In retrospect, I probably should have used this in Colony 42 instead of replacing the sentences with new ones altogether and using a scripted_sentence...