trigger_changelevel (Half-Life) Last edited 8 years ago2016-01-14 11:39:47 UTC

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Brush Entity

This entity causes a level transition, where a new map is loaded and the player is placed in it.





Commented 15 years ago2009-02-24 21:34:55 UTC Comment #101105
Just to make it clearer, if you want a button, mm or anything else to trigger a teleport, the "use only" flag MUST be checked.
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-20 07:30:22 UTC Comment #101106
What's "No Intermission"?
Commented 2 years ago2022-12-16 11:57:01 UTC Comment #104931
gameaddict117o7 said:What's "No Intermission"?
I know it's 11 years since this comment was made but posting this anyway just in case anyone else wants to know what this flag does.

Out of curiosity I looked up trigger_changelevel in the Half-Life SDK and it appears it only defines the "USE Only" flag and this is the only flag it checks against.
It seems it's a leftover from Quake where after a level change was triggered it would switch camera to an info_intermission during the "monsters killed/secrets found" screen, unless the flag was checked. While this functionality was removed in Half-Life, the flag remained.

TLDR: The "No Intermission" flag doesn't do anything and is just a leftover from Quake.

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