Post Your Photos Created 16 years ago2007-08-06 23:50:34 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 16 years ago2007-08-06 23:50:34 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 10 years ago2014-03-25 23:24:03 UTC Post #318400
Thanks guys. I did edit the post a week later--It wasn't cool to double\triple\quadruple post back in 2008 and it isn't now. :P

Don't mind the noise; I always try to introduce grain (Not noise) being a film junkie and I understand most people hate grain and even mistake genuine film grain as 'noise', so with actual noise in my image I imagine it must be pretty jarring. :P

The Zippo was shot with a flash, stu. :P
At highest iso, and my fastest lens at 1.8, a 1min exposure wasn't bright enough to see any details.
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More of a concept\test then a serious composition. My Structural Integrity project has nothing to do with knives. :P
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-25 23:50:01 UTC Post #318402
the lock is my new background. awesome awesome shot!!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-26 02:08:26 UTC Post #318403
Aw, flash shot? You said it was so dark that I really thought it made sense for it not to JUST be a flash shot.

I just realised... why are you in possession of these items? :P
Posted 10 years ago2014-03-27 02:24:22 UTC Post #318448
Photo walk today.
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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 05:50:45 UTC Post #318817
A photo of Saturn through my telescope taken a few hours ago:
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I need to get a higher magnification eyepiece, as the highest magnification eyepiece I have is only 65x, which is too low to get a good view of planets. (Venus and Jupiter being the two exceptions).
Nevertheless, you can make out the rings in the photo, especially with enhancement. It was easier to see actually looking through the telescope.

As well as the higher magnification eyepiece, if I want to do astrophotography I'll need to get a mount for my brother's DSLR. That photo was taken by holding my phone over the eyepiece (it took about five minutes of fumbling for anything to be visible), taking a video as I slowly moved the focusing dial, then taking the best frame. If I had a mount then it would probably look infinitely better.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 10:25:33 UTC Post #318820
Wait a second, 65x? There is a nikon camera (bridge) that has about 60x zoom, I'm not into optics, but would that mean the same focal range? Because that means you can make photos of planets with a camera?!

Anyways, nice achievement!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 11:33:16 UTC Post #318823
Astrophotography can be very tricky with just a camera. While you can capture some really amazing things with just a light sensitive lens and a sturdy tripod, you'll need a tracking mount if you want to capture anything reaaaaally interesting. But these cost upwards of 300-400 USD, so it's not really an impulse buy. I'm considering one, but so far short exposures are gonna have to do it for me.

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200mm 1080 by Permlid, on Flickr

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1404040014 1080 by Permlid, on Flickr
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 17:21:05 UTC Post #318829
Love those. What did you do them with?
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 19:28:53 UTC Post #318832
While you would be able to Striker, you would probably need a tracking mount. One of the things that separates a telescope from a camera is that a telescope has a huge aperture compared to a camera, so it can much more effectively gather light. My telescope has a 130mm primary mirror, and while some of that is lost due to the secondary mirror being in the way, it still has a much larger area to gather light. If you wanted to take a picture with just a camera you would probably need to do a long exposure shot, and because the earth is constantly rotating you would need a tracking mount.

A possible alternative to a tracking mount is actually a telescope. The one I have has a tripod mounting screw on the top, as well as a motorised drive which compensates for the planet's rotation. It's a bit fiddly, you have to adjust the telescope mount so that it's parallel to the earth's axis of rotation, and then set the speed of the motor drive. But when you've done that, the whole thing functions as a tracking mount. I think mine retails for somewhere around $250 US, so it's a bit cheaper.

I've never done that myself, as most of the time I'd be lucky enough to even have enough clear sky time to even set up the mount properly, never mind the motor drive or a long exposure shot. The camera mount I want to get mounts the camera directly over the eyepiece and uses the entire telescope as a zoom lens, but unfortunately it is a bit expensive for me to get at the moment.

Also, they are very nice Boomer. How did you get a photo of the nebula? Those are usually really dim.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-20 22:50:36 UTC Post #318833
Your telescope has the eyepiece on the far side? Isn't that a bit inconvenient?
Posted 10 years ago2014-04-21 00:38:09 UTC Post #318834
Not really. I personally find it easier, as it brings the eyepiece up to a level where I don't have to lean down to look through it. With the equatorial mount it can sometimes cause the eyepiece to be at a weird angle tough, although if I'm not worried about having it set up properly I can just change the way the mount is set up to remove that problem.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-02 20:41:09 UTC Post #319158
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-03 13:03:22 UTC Post #319168
I understand now. Dummy me, I've read about how big of an aperture the telescope has to have in "Big Bang".

Here's some walnuts, well... walnuts flowers, or what they are:

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Walnut flowers by Carstic Productions
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-05 10:47:47 UTC Post #319228

The nebula was a fun challenge. It was made by stacking several images with Deep Sky Stacker. Since all I have is a wobbly tripod, and not-so light sensitive lenses, it's my only option. Here are some failed stacks, before I got into the groove. I used a 70-300 4/5.6 Sigma lens.
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Now I can't see Orion's belt any more, so I'm gonna have to wait till winter to experiment some more.
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-08 04:24:42 UTC Post #319298
Astrophography always seemed too over complicated for me. :/

New addition to the lens lineup
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With this one on the way:
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And the obligatory shot of the thing I love most other than new lenses.
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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-08 05:52:13 UTC Post #319301
150-500? That's madness!
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-09 20:51:12 UTC Post #319341
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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-09 22:06:50 UTC Post #319344
Film photography is retro and all, but it's still perfectly usable. VHS is not. People haven't had VCRs in a decade. I hope you're not planning on using that :P
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-10 23:27:51 UTC Post #319353
I'll have you know that I still have a VCR.

It's in my shed.

It's full of rainwater and spiders.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-11 05:26:05 UTC Post #319359
Challenge for Urby: Fix it :)
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-21 22:42:57 UTC Post #319484
Some new toys to play with.
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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-21 23:08:39 UTC Post #319485
Why did you shoop the monitor?

And 720 24? Come onnnn. We're moving onto 4k for most projects now, at least give it the 1080 treatment :P
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-22 00:57:30 UTC Post #319486
Well, I don't feel really comfortable posting the actual shot here since it's not a final shot and he didn't really give me permission to post pictures of him online outside of the actual documentary release. :P

It's actually shot at 1080p\24p.
[I was super tired when I made that shoop but I think I did 720p because the monitor really doesn't seem like 1080p at all, seems like it's maybe a 720p monitor at best. It really irritated me when I turned it on and it felt barely like a step up from a SD monitor.]
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-22 01:43:13 UTC Post #319488

Seems legit.
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-29 23:40:41 UTC Post #319603
Got something in the mail today.
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It exhibits a little bit of chromatic aberration but is tack sharp and plenty light sensitive. I love it.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-29 23:45:47 UTC Post #319605
At 1.4 you'd expect to get the photo with the lens cap on.
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-30 09:33:28 UTC Post #319608
mm, my f1.8 45mm is my absolute go-to lens for just about every situation. It's so unbelievably useful having that sensitivity, and the shallow DoF is gorgeous fully open. I'd highly recommend you get yourself some ND filters for it if you don't already so that you never need to stop down and can get that sexual shallow look all the time.

1.4 is almost excessive :D
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-30 15:45:45 UTC Post #319610
ND filters are pretty much required for this lens, as I've learned from trying to use a flash at lowest iso and getting a completely white image, haha.

I was not forseeing enough to have ordered ND filters with it. :(
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-30 22:29:50 UTC Post #319613
Elliot, can you please upload a 1920x1080 version of that or higher? Would love it for a wallpaper.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-31 02:32:46 UTC Post #319614
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My mailbox seems to be getting a lot of traffic lately.

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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 10 years ago2014-05-31 16:22:37 UTC Post #319622
Elliot, you still linked to the 1,280px × 790px version :P.

Seems like you have the opportunity to get your hands on exquisite stuff.
I don't know what site are you uploading these on, but make an account for flickr and keep a gallery there. That way we can check your stuff laterz.

2 of my latest additions:

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Orange Lily

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Orange Lily
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-01 07:26:59 UTC Post #319623
Love a good shotgun. What are you recording it with? I can recommend a few good external recorder options if you've not got one yet.

That's beautiful, Striker.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 10 years ago2014-06-01 18:09:20 UTC Post #319624
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Great Planes P-40 Warhawk, 28 Four stroke by OS. 9x11 pitched APC prop. Redone color scheme
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Kyosho Spitfire
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Kyosho Fw-190
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P-40 again
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Dad and me goofing about (zoom in and see :3)
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Airbus A400
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I know some shots aren't great, this guy didn't have as many lenses/etc for zooming as I'd require for better, just make do with what he had and asked me to use...
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2014-06-02 21:33:38 UTC Post #319638
Click on the images Striker. :P
You need to get yourself a dslr for chrissake, it's been years.

Currently I haven't actually been able to use it short of testing it on my PC, I'll probably have to use it tethered to a laptop when shooting. I'll probably buy a Zoom H1 when I get another job.

Cool images ghost, borrowed a friends' dslr I'm assuming? (No EXIF extension right now so I can't just pull up EXIF data)
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2014-06-03 09:56:56 UTC Post #319642
Nice pics Ghost129er! The evening P-40 shot looks great, but would look even greater without that flash.

@Elliot: Yeah, it will have 4 years this summer, but it still serves me well. I can't afford a DSLR right now, and frankly camera phones have started to take incredible pictures. Remember, the best camera is the one you have with you, and I don't carry a big DSLR/Bridge everywhere I go!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2014-06-03 14:26:41 UTC Post #319648
Thanks, and I think it was a Cannon EOS 400D if I'm not mistaken .w. I dunno much bout cameras but I love photography~ .///.

And Striker, I agree, should have done that without flash, just realized... DAMN IT. >A<

The sky was nice, though... iPod touch 4 has a crappy camera in the dark...
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Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2014-06-06 02:30:11 UTC Post #319651
It's that fucking palm tree island again. Who in the world has money to build something that ridiculous? (Other than Dubai, of course)

Got something else in the mail today.
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Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-05 12:42:46 UTC Post #320126
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-05 12:47:59 UTC Post #320127
I'll take one!

The photos are pretty good, too.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-05 18:44:31 UTC Post #320133
Very good, if a bit dark. In photography there's more room for overexposing some things.
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-06 03:25:46 UTC Post #320138
I've been into photography for the last 3 and a half years but I've never really posted here since I really suck at it. Though I'll post some of my better pictures for fun. I use a Canon Rebel T3, and do I love the hell out of it.

First off is one of my favorite pictures, it's an HDR of an old fire engine I took in November last year. I don't know why I took a picture of it at all, no one else seemed interested in it(we were on a field trip).
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Next up is from the same area is a panoramic picture I took, that even though I thought looked horrible, I got a small scholarship for somehow. I like how all the old vehicles are sort of just all together rotting away. I actually put this picture up on display in an old peoples home when they asked my school if we would.
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And finally I'll post this picture from November 2012, I really liked how the riverbed looked, I may have upped the vibrancy just a bit :p. I managed to get an Honroable Mention for this one in my state's fair. The area where this was recently got closed down late March because of forest fires, really hope it's still as beautiful as it was when I was there.
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So yeah, that's just a few. I have a lot of albums on my Facebook, and a I have a few pictures on my website. Hopefully I get better, I don't plan on stopping taking pictures anytime soon, I may be bad but it's a lot of fun.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-06 17:15:11 UTC Post #320145
Hello! I'm back! Yay! I lost my password, embarrassingly enough, but here I am. Doubleplusgood, I've been going through a photo renaissance after a year of almost nothing, so I have some stuff to show off as well!

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Posted 9 years ago2014-07-15 22:30:43 UTC Post #320345
The 5th and 6th pictures are really neat, the fog is super cool looking. I went up a mountain a few days ago an took some shots. Here's a panoramic I took, it's a bit big.
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brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-15 23:08:33 UTC Post #320348
That's real nice. How did you make it?
Keep off the roof.
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-28 22:58:31 UTC Post #320860
I get the distinct impression this thread could use a new page.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-29 02:23:03 UTC Post #320866
Too many loads for one page, Arch? Let me get us one post closer.
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-30 23:24:29 UTC Post #320890
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-30 23:33:02 UTC Post #320891
Cool pics.

Post 47/50
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-30 23:34:51 UTC Post #320892
I'm off to Japan for two weeks on Saturday, I'll try to remember to take some photos with my shitty phone and post them here when I get back :)
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 9 years ago2014-07-31 00:13:06 UTC Post #320894
LUCKY!!!!! :o :'( I want to go there someday... Anyways, have fun, have a safe trip and enjoy it to the most! PS I have friends and contacts there,and I'll see if they can help out...

Go to some WWII museums and shoot some Zeke's or Jap aircrafts. xD
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
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