Looking for all your SP maps and mods Created 9 years ago2015-04-07 14:04:06 UTC by planetphillip planetphillip

Created 9 years ago2015-04-07 14:04:06 UTC by planetphillip planetphillip

Posted 9 years ago2015-04-07 14:04:06 UTC Post #325211
Hi everybody,

I'm pretty sure most people here know me, but if not, hi, my name is Phillip and I am an alocho - whoops wrong place. I run RunThinkShootLive.com, formerly known as PlanetPhillip.com or PP to the regulars. The site lists and reviews SP maps and mods for the Half-Life series of games.

So, with that out of the way, what the heck am I posting about?

Well, I want 2015 to be the year I add more maps and mods than any other year and I need your help.

TWHL has a wealth of talent that has released plenty of SP maps that are not currently listed on RTSL, and I believe it's time to change that.

My "problem" is that whilst it's easyish for me to find the SP stuff for each game, using the custom filter, not everything on TWHL is suitable for my site.

I only add maps and mods that have an objective, combat or puzzle - so, simply walking around some great locations is not enough. Alt mods are a grey area and I do add them and hopefully you see the difference bewteen them and empty, exploring maps.

What I would really appreciate everybody doing, is posting links to maps that they feel I should add. It doesn't have to be your own work, it can be anybody's but who else knows YOUR work better than you?

It doesn't matter how old the maps are, that's not important.

In fact, why not take this opportunity to finish that map that has been sitting on your drive for a while?

Now before you think I have just come here to raid your booty cheat like the pirate I am, PenguinBoy has given me permission to post this.

TWHL and each author will get clear and fair credit, with a link back to this site and the author's portfolio page. You'll be bringing your work to a wider audience. I'll be adding a "TWHL" tag to each map or mods I post, so all of the site's contributions will be easy to find.

If you have any concerns, comments, questions or suggestions, please post them and I will reply quickly.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-07 14:46:44 UTC Post #325212
This is really good timing, as I have an upcoming release that really should have been put out years ago.
Once I package it up and put it in the wild, I'll get back to you.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-07 16:26:37 UTC Post #325213
Hey Phillip!
Here's a few of mine of varying length:
The Escape: HL1 - Built for The Mighty Atom's Map From Base mini-compo, Gordon must escape a transit area overrun with aliens.

Lost in Transmission: HL2EP2 - Built for TWHL's compo 33, Gordon gets diverted in a teleporter mishap. Unlock the mysteries of the floating islands to get back to where you belong.

Crowbar of Time: HL1 (Mod Format) Built for TWHL's compo 25, A Half-Life edition of the Kokiri forest and Great Deku tree from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-07 16:39:01 UTC Post #325214
Well, I'd post Kleiner's Secret Lab, but it was a "secret santa" gift for DiscoStu, one of our colleagues. It's also kinda short in duration, has incredibly condensed gameplay, has some obscure puzzles and might be annoying with all those manhacks.

Anyway, I've put that for you to say if that's a "not one like this".

What about upcoming releases?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-07 18:52:23 UTC Post #325215
I know you got my beach party there, so heres the other one

I also know that searching twhl maps by engine may be a good idea, but for HL theres a bunch of HLDM maps mixed in there that should have the HLDM tag instead. But you can find alot of single player maps in there (most of which arent too good, but some are)

Try these maps: (not sure if some of these qualify)

24,371,373,455,533,579,707, 769,771,786,967,1004
1215,1239 (VERY unsure about these two)

this list goes up to 3000. Do you really want more? lol
Everyone else should play some of these too. They are fun (and possibly nostalgic)
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-08 07:13:41 UTC Post #325217
@JeffMod - looking forward to it.

@Tetsu0 Lost in Transmission was added a few days ago. Thanks for the others. DO you have more? I want them all.

@The_(c)Striker Actually, Kleiner's Secret Lab is already on the site and it is exactly the type of release I am looking for. I am only interested in released work. I don't currently cover upcoming stuff on the site.

@2muchvideogames Thanks for those. I'll work my way through them. Yes, I want more, in fact I want ALL of them.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-08 07:19:24 UTC Post #325218
Just want to clarify a few things for everybody.

1. Better to link to a release if you are not sure I'd want it.

2. The quality, length and age are not important. As long as I can get it to work and it fits the other criteria, that's all that matters. I understand that a lot of people's early work is a little embarrassing, but it's also good to show how things changed, both personally and as a community.

3. Just maps are fine. Don't feel that only big maps or mods need to be linked to.

4. I'm even looking for maps you haven't released on TWHL. If it fits the criteria, I don't mind whether it has been posted or not.

Finally, an apology, some of your maps may already be available on my site. Basically, if there is no readme or the readme doesn't say I can't publish it, I do.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-08 10:38:46 UTC Post #325219
*checks planetphilip

wow, it's on the site!
there are screenshots!

There's a playthrough!
There are reviews!
User posted image

Haha, I got that unique fuzzy feeling when I see others playing it. Unfortunately it was a rushed map( done in about a week), and most of the members there don't know that so they judge accordingly. I don't feel bad about that,such good criticism helps you discover your weaknesses. The map has those weird lines and missing textures because it also uses ep1 content.

Another question, I'm currently working on something. You said:
I don't currently cover upcoming stuff on the site.
Do you mean by that that you don't release "anticipatory" content, or that you curate content?
Do be clearer, can members submit content there? For example I'd almost always like to have a link back to TWHL if I post maps there, since this is my home community.

If you ever feel the need for a 2nd reviewer you might want to reach to Archie. He's great at making videos reviewing stuff, has all these cinematic skills and such.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-08 10:47:47 UTC Post #325220
Even shorter than my recent map, Then & Now, it's my secret Santa entry, Saving Santa
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-08 13:13:55 UTC Post #325221

I think the fact you made it in a week is fairly important and I will be creating a poll question around it.

I'm not really clear on what you are asking, so I'll respond to each point.
Do you mean by that that you don't release "anticipatory" content
If by content you mean screenshots and videos, then yes, I don't add that.
or that you curate content
Yes, I do that. I only add maps and mods that fit the criteria of the site.
can members submit content there?
Again, the meaning of content here is important. Yes, people can submit completed maps and mods and I will play them and add them if they fit the criteria. Noting gets "automatically" added to the site - everything is manual.

I only add maps and mods that are "released" not WIP. Sometimes I release a map or mod that is still in beta stage because development has ceased.

If you submit something and want a link back to TWHL or any particular site, just add a note in the comments section of the submit form.
If you ever feel the need for a 2nd reviewer
I'm not sure what you mean by "2nd" reviewer. Anybody can submit reviews and if they are in video format, I will embed them in their comment.

I welcome as many reviewers as possible, either video or text.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-09 17:09:44 UTC Post #325225
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-10 05:50:11 UTC Post #325229
I posted lots of HL maps and mods with DL links there:
Those a great lists, thanks.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-10 17:12:39 UTC Post #325235
You're doing great things with RTSL, Phillip. Fantastic work, mate.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-10 21:02:05 UTC Post #325236
My Somewhere in Time series of levels. I might redo this mini mod some day.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-11 04:53:57 UTC Post #325242
Oh boy that map. I still get the shivers just thinking about it. I insist that it should be awarded "Best map of TWHL EVER".
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-11 09:12:34 UTC Post #325243
You're doing great things with RTSL, Phillip. Fantastic work, mate.
Thank you, sir.
My Somewhere in Time series of levels. I might redo this mini mod some day.
Thanks for that. I'll be streaming and adding it today. FYI, using my MapTap makes it a minimod as far as installing and uninstalling it goes.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-11 19:27:55 UTC Post #325247
I was looking for Ep2 mods/maps the other day when I stumbled upon the new site, the images for the mod I was looking at all had the PlanetPhillip logo on them and I was really confused. I thought some site was just piggy backing off of PP, then I saw this thread, the new site looks good though. Makes me want to actually finish a map with proper lighting and details :\
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-11 20:04:20 UTC Post #325248
Makes me want to actually finish a map with proper lighting and details

When you feel lazy, just image your map on the frontpage of the site seen by thousands of potential players.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-14 12:54:36 UTC Post #325546
Hey Phillip, I'm working on a map pack that I plan on eventually turning into a Mod. I'll post a link here when it's complete.
In the meantime, this is the dev thread: http://twhl.info/forums.php?thread=18725&page=last
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-16 22:51:03 UTC Post #325553
I have an upcoming release that really should have been put out years ago.
And here it is.

Not the best thing ever, but what do you expect from someone with 5 years less experience than me working alone?
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-17 13:38:27 UTC Post #325562
Holy crap. That's out now? Imma get all up on that like sauce on chips.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-17 20:51:22 UTC Post #325572
Thanks Phillip for hosting my mod Somewhere in Time and making a video walkthrough of it. I really enjoyed watching it!

I just might have to finish another SP mod for your website as it seems to get some nice exposure.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-24 13:16:07 UTC Post #325647
You are most welcome zeeba-G.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-24 14:07:03 UTC Post #325649
I released this map yesterday: http://twhl.info/vault.php?map=6057
If you are looking for maps and such, you may post a link to this mapon your site. I rather don't want you to re-host it so I can keep track of downloads and have one central download page. But feel free to put a link to my map on your site. I need the publicity if my maps are ever going to be popular.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-24 14:43:25 UTC Post #325650
Doc, try a "please" instead of "you may" :P

However, RTSL is for singleplayer releases only.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-24 18:12:44 UTC Post #325652
Way to read the thread title doc...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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