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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-05 17:56:49 UTC in journal: Father of blender Comment #101226
Huh. So THAT'S where the monkey comes from.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-05 06:47:36 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101224
Proud of ya, Pebs. Awesome work
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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-05 04:21:14 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101222
Congratulations on your first orgasm, Satch.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 23:26:09 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101218
I don’t see how that could be taken out of context.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 20:58:24 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101217
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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 16:46:37 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #101210
uhh... that was the point.
Man no matter if this was a competition or not. To remake a map with so little amount of "special" is the definition of bad taste.
Like a guy who only has made a set of poorly laid-out, blocky and terribly lit rooms filled with leaks (later fixed by another mapper) knows better.
Coming from a guy that can't even understand my entity wiring. Seriously man. And by the way my map had no leaks whatsoever, you are making that up. I can even bring back a version on the table to put you to shame. You are officially not my friend anymore.

Since when game reviewing requires being able to make games anyways?

It's sick how you guys protect yourselves and your incredibly conservative/unimaginative concepts.

It's like hurray 5/5, you've made another gray poop. You're so focused on masterbating on you maps' visual features that you miss how deadly boring and static they are.
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Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 14:29:34 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #101208
Design: 3/5
Gameplay: 1/5
Lighting: 3.5/5
Creativity: 0/5
Like a guy who only has made a set of poorly laid-out, blocky and terribly lit rooms filled with leaks (later fixed by another mapper) knows better.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 10:33:09 UTC in journal: #8934 Comment #101207
Kia die-hard huh? Nice.

I am a Honda die-hard. My first was a 1996 Accord, then a 2008 Accord, and now I drive a 2018 Civic Hatchback.

Honda for life!
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 10:09:16 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101206
I just had an orgasm!

I can't believe this is happening.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-04 08:12:46 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101205
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-03 03:58:01 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101204
nice work, good job!
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-03 01:13:11 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #101203
"Porting a single player map to HLDM is OK, but this threathens originality. What did the map creator tried to do? Was this an attempt at making something different? If not, good conversion job, otherwise, I unfortunately was far from impressed by the midly interesting additions. This looks to me like a rather by the book replicate of the original without effective efforts at brining something to the concept."
uhh... that was the point. This map was for a mapping competition; the prompt was to take an existing map and do something new with the concept. Jessie took the dam battle from Surface Tension and made it into Deathmatch.
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 22:02:21 UTC in vault item: dm_hydroelectric Comment #101202
All right.

Porting a single player map to HLDM is OK, but this threathens originality. What did the map creator tried to do? Was this an attempt at making something different? If not, good conversion job, otherwise, I unfortunately was far from impressed by the midly interesting additions. This looks to me like a rather by the book replicate of the original without effective efforts at brining something to the concept.

Overall, I'd say the map is more space to add to the ocean of dull uninteractive space most HLDM maps constitute. (Which is a true boring cancer.) There are many occasions where you'd expect control panels or laptops to do something, but they're disappointingly just for show. Why? C'mon! The walkie-talkie at the top of the end of the dam actually brings out an helicopter, but that's an element we know from the original map. IMO, the creator didn't put one second into trying to do something new. I wouldn't be able to call that an actual coop feature.

Some doors do nothing, but suggest otherwise (e.g.: under the dam tower). Perhaps a trailer video or walkthrough description wouldn't be bad after all. Isn't it?

Otherwise, underwater windowed pipes are cool while the dam tunnels directly cut from water to air and feel broken.

Design: 3/5
Gameplay: 1/5
Lighting: 3.5/5
Creativity: 0/5
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 18:06:36 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101201
A wizard is never late, Lukkasz
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 14:02:57 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101200
A little too late, don't you think? xD
But better late than never. :)
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 11:07:30 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101199
I was wondering why the site went down.

This is the future!
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 07:50:09 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101198
Actually I prefer old school, please revert back to TWHL v0.9.
Well done penguin ! I assume your arm is feeling better !
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 07:38:32 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101197
I must be dreaming
Commented 6 years ago2018-06-02 05:34:36 UTC in news: Welcome to TWHL4! Comment #101196
It finally happened, folks.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-30 03:16:25 UTC in vault item: Vehicle Prefabs Comment #21353
Cool, I will need some of these for Forgotten Bunker 3!
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-29 23:58:43 UTC in vault item: Vehicle Prefabs Comment #21352
Ooh, I've been batting around ideas for Half-Life themed CS maps and some of these prefabs would definitely look nice.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 23:51:32 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44175
sounds like reverse sjw. I guess we arent going for perfect historical accuracy, but something reasonably historically believable, but whatever, I didn't make the game, I dont get to decide whats in it. The only thing i decide is whether to buy the game or not.

You might think its not that big of an issue, but sjw's have in the past caused games to be pulled off shelves or prevented you from being able to play them. I think that's a problem, some minority group should not decide whats available to the general public or not. Just dont buy it if u dont like it.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 15:17:27 UTC in vault item: Access Point Comment #21351
Woo! A singleplayer map in the vault!

Short, sweet and very authentic. I would go as far as to say that you could drop this into the middle of We've Got Hostiles and a lesser experienced Half Life player would be none the wiser.

Played on hard and actually missed the optional side path so it was pretty challenging.

One issue I noticed was that the grunts having a conversation don't react when the other is killed. I assume this was done so that the player can bust the vent without the grunts spinning round and blasting them? Otherwise, solid.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 13:01:38 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44170
@NineTnine: also 5 years before COD2, Medal of Honor: Underground had a female protagonist who was also on the cover of the game.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 12:46:40 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44171
I dont know, people shredded the Call of Duty Infinity War trailer remember?

"Futuristic combat not agaaaaaain!"

On the other hand, I recall Call of Duty 2 Russian campaign featured female squad mates and I don't recall people making a fuss (and that was historically correct for WW2)

Ahhh back in those days you could only read like one persons opinion of a game in a a PC magazine or you would have decide if you were going to purchase the game based on if you liked the screenshots on the back of box.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 10:23:19 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44168
"They hear the awful extreme misandrist "feminists" and form their opinion based on that flavour of "feminism", because the arguments of more reasonable feminists are difficult to swallow when you don't have enough women in your life to notice the genuine societal issues that affect women"


Thiiiiiis. This.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-26 08:36:22 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44177
We're talking about gamers, who are mostly made up of toxic and immature individuals, and we're talking about people commenting online. You're always going to find any extreme opinion in there, and not always expressed in the most polite way. So really the reactions to the new battlefield doesn't really mean anything I believe.

As far as I know about battlefield V, I have no problems with the new character, but I understand why people get annoyed with it, though I don't believe they should.

Many people are fed up with feminism. potatis calls it "a flavour of feminism", but I think this flavour can be called mainstream feminism. It's already been discussed here, but it's taking enormous proportions literally everywhere, to the point where it seems to be the norm. People are completely right to be angry about this flavour, but I don't think that's a problem with Battlefield V.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 23:42:53 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44176
Idk, I'm a strong anti-modern-feminist and I don't particularly care.

I think more what's happening is that people are so polarized and self-masturbatory that they'll find anything to complain about. The fact that many women didn't fight in WWII is how they're justifying their complaints, despite Battlefield being a pretty fantastical series that doesn't care about being a documentary.

Similarly, a few years ago lotsa people used to complain about the lack of women in these games, and I don't really care about that, either.

I tried to get him to explain just what any of this had to do with communism but he wouldn't elaborate, making me think he doesn't quite know what that word "Marxism" means.

Not to open the doors to a huge debate, but Marxism is the deconstruction of social roles -- specifically classes. Neo-Marxism takes this deconstructive approach to many societal identities, like gender roles, which is what you do to an extent when you put a female in a traditionally masculine role. But complaining about characters' genders in art is dumb no matter what side you're on, IMO.

Unrelated, but I did see one instance of this happening where the dev team might have actually gone too far in trying to be inclusive. Remember in that CoD WWII game where you could fight black female Nazis?
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 21:53:45 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44172
I guess it depends on what circles you run in, Pebs, because I’ve seen a lot of this garbage. Like, just a stupid amount. It’s amazing the amount of anti-woman sentiment being displayed around this thing.

From what I’ve seen, it can be divided into two camps: firstly, the it’s-not-historically-accurate camp, which... well, 1: From what I understand, it’s not historically inaccurate. Even just going off of the debates I keep seeing, about the only part of the war in which women were absent was the British frontline, which would be quite some minutia to get hung up on, since 2: As Urby grandly pointed out, Battlefield’s realism is skin-deep at best. To call it completely realistic would be to ignore vast amounts of what is going on in those games. 3: Pretending women weren’t a part of the war is some serious erasure of the part they played, and either takes some brazen ignorance or brazen sexism. It’s hard to tell the proportions of both.

The second camp are people who are just straight up angry that there’s women in their video games. Emphasis on their. The kind of folk who believe video games are made for people like them and thus don’t need to cater to any other group, and in turn feel whenever that representation rears its ugly head, the design team must have been forced or coerced by feminists or liberals or whatever. I don’t even know how someone gets into this kind of mindset. The design teams for games like this are huge and there’s no chance there’s no diversity in said teams. You can bet top dollar that a lot of those people fight tooth and nail for any kind of ideal representation in AAA works, since management knows that as soon as you start rocking the boat (which should be an exaggeration) people like this come out of the woodwork.

People who say there’s too many X in any given media - women, queer folk, etc - they don’t want one or two less. They want none.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 18:02:30 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33078
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 15:20:27 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44174
I saw the reveal trailer livesteam (or rather, an archive of it) and as soon as that character came on screen the chat filled with shit. The trailer is also currently being bombed on youtube, which I can only explain as people not liking it because it dared to include a woman, since from where I'm standing the visuals and gameplay both looked great.

In some (surprisingly unheated!) discussion on twitter I pointed out that since there was historical precedent for female combatants in WWII, and the trailer was obviously meant to be for the multiplayer, it should be a non-issue even if someone genuinely cared about the historical accuracy. (putting up the example of the Hellriegel from Battlefield One, of which maybe up to 5 were made period, being a main SMG in multiplayer without complaints about "but historical accuracy!")

I got a response to this, and this is a quote, being "It never was, until it became a tidal wave of progressivism & Marxism"

I tried to get him to explain just what any of this had to do with communism but he wouldn't elaborate, making me think he doesn't quite know what that word "Marxism" means.

So yeah, people are being very vocal in their condemnation of the people who are complaining about women existing, but only because those jokers started with it right out the gate and they need to be shown that sexism is not acceptable behavior.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 13:47:48 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44169
Honestly I've only seen posts like this complaining about these people who are upset about having gender options in Battlefield. That's the only exposure I got in regards to this Battlefield malarkey, I think folks are blowing it out of proportion a bit.

If you look hard enough you'll find idiots on the internet having a whinge about any completely ridiculous thing you could imagine. Who cares what they think.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-25 13:20:15 UTC in journal: #8937 Comment #44173
In my personal experience a lot of the people who write vitriol on the Internet are surprisingly normal, friendly young men who have a bad sense of self-worth and no strong personal connection to people of the groups they spew hate at. A lot of teenage boys and young adult men hate feminism and don't understand it. They hear the awful extreme misandrist "feminists" and form their opinion based on that flavour of "feminism", because the arguments of more reasonable feminists are difficult to swallow when you don't have enough women in your life to notice the genuine societal issues that affect women (and men). I think that when they perceive feminism to be damaging something they care about (like putting women soldiers in a WW2 game which might be perceived as some kind of feminist historical revisionism - though I'm guessing the real reason is that DICE wants more variety of characters and want women to feel more welcome in their game or in other words more moolah) they get angry and write the kind of nonsense you see in YouTube comments.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-24 18:52:34 UTC in vault item: Vehicle Prefabs Comment #21346
Great prefabs. You might see one of these in my mod, Half-Life: Revenge.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-23 01:22:00 UTC in vault item: cs_managements Comment #21348
Fixed again the link. Check it out.
Commented 6 years ago2018-05-23 01:18:28 UTC in vault item: cs_managements Comment #21349
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