
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:40:42 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #6988
Yeah, I thought of this but I like making all the textures myself. As soon as I have some basic idea of what the level will look like I'll texture it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:36:25 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level-Player Comment #6987
So, here we have it:

It's a very good thing that you have very low r_speeds. But if you're going to turn this map into an office this is going to change. And with this ladder setup and doors on every side they are surely going to be rocketed up to something like 700-1000 wpolys (wich isn't good for a multiplayer map).

You're in a very early stage of development so you can add pretty much anything to the map. I've attached an example layout which allows the map to be anything, not just office. It's made of blocks, just to show you where to put the corridors. Here's the legend:

AAATRIGER is for rooms (where you put the good stuff)
CLIP is for corridors (where you have windows, looking at the middle area)
SKY is for the middle area (which is only accessible from the top
RED is for the top arena (where you have mass murders :-] )

And a tip for start locaion placement: Put the ladders away from the doors and the walls. Then make a solid column next to the ladder and let the players start behind it. This way they won't die the second they spawn and at the same time will be close to the action.

This is only an example layout, you don't have to follow it to letter. Just make sure you change either the door or the wall texture, cause they don't mach very good.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:36:02 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #6986 and get Chronic.wad, thats a set of some of the best city textures I've ever seen.
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 13:57:53 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6984
tkz and please rate my map(the map is not over)
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 13:33:17 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level-Player Comment #6979
Quite so. Downloading now, expect feedback soon.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 10:52:58 UTC in vault item: de_maze Comment #6978
i know i was thinking of making like a de rats car or something
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 09:12:40 UTC in vault item: de_maze Comment #6975
My tip is also to start a new map once released because it gets boring to make better and people get tired of seeing the same map again!
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 09:10:37 UTC in vault item: chemical_trap Comment #6974
Not really an example map ? moved.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 09:04:33 UTC in vault item: Several things like multimanagers Comment #6973
The Example Maps section is for specific examples of techniques. Moved accordingly.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 08:42:50 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #6972
Oh, and something else - I used mainly cs_assault.wad's textures, so you'r egoing to need that one.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 22:41:00 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6971
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 22:23:31 UTC in vault item: firing_range Comment #6970
i hadn't thought of that. still new to all this.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 16:04:49 UTC in vault item: 3D Toolbar / newmap Comment #6969
8 wedges turned ate different angles/orientations
4 spikes
1 useles tetraragon in the middle turned Z 45?

The outer 4 wedges + the spikes together form a simple some or anything with a rounded edge you'd like to make. I've used it on door handles, simple domes, hatches, etc.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 13:48:17 UTC in vault item: cs_arctic_warehouse Comment #6968
this is ok but pretty bare, and the displacment mapping needs to be smoothed over
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 13:27:53 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level-Player Comment #6967
Weapons placing I know, and chairs and stuff, hmm... gave me a great idea just now to have an entrance cut off from the rest of it so you have to go around...

The spawn points is what concerns me - what ENT am I using? info_player_deathmatch ?
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 12:05:56 UTC in vault item: de_maze Comment #6965
thanks for the feed back i was thinking about adding some archs to some of the longer walk ways parts or something like that but thanks im still making it better in better

i would be working on a new map or something but i havent gotten any ideas
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 11:31:33 UTC in vault item: de_maze Comment #6964
I suppose it is quite good seeing as it's your first map and I will applaud you there. But (and yes there has to be a 'but') you must now look at other high detailed maps and try using the clip / vertix manipulation tools to make unique and interesting architectural buildings. Look at the World you live in and try to recreate a building you see!

Just keep practising and eventually you will get ideas that will make sense and your skills will improve within a year. My first map was crap but looking on you can see in my profile that each map I submitted gets better each time.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 11:15:47 UTC in vault item: cartoon Comment #6963
HA I was such a loser back then wasn't I :P
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 09:51:54 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #6961
Neat example.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-23 08:19:35 UTC in vault item: Mobius Strip Half-Life Comment #6952
i likedit, but i do not know how to do that...

Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 22:34:27 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #6951
It can increase wpoly: Anything that faces the void won't be rendered. If you've surrounded the map with a skybox (take that first pic for example) the engine will render EVERYTHING inside the box, including the bits the player won't even see. So, in that pic, the engine will render the bottom of the skybox and the back of the rocks walls, adding to the wpoly count.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 12:59:24 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6950
where can i find The anti-skybox example map...
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 09:11:55 UTC in vault item: cs_retreat Comment #6949
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 08:40:35 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6948
Where is what?

The batch compiler: I just gave it to you.
The .NET framework: It's probably on the same website as the batch compiler.
The anti-skybox example map: It's in the example map section. Where else are example maps put in?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 07:55:13 UTC in vault item: Easy Breakable lamp Comment #6947
Is it even posseble in HL1? =/
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 06:24:21 UTC in vault item: Blue/invisible textures turning black Comment #6946
Check thread for answers.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 02:09:58 UTC in vault item: firing_range Comment #6945
Just a question: How many wadfiles do you have loaded in hammer? If your taking textures from a ton of different wads, I would suggest copying those textures only into ONE custom wadfile, and including it with your map distribution.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 02:07:47 UTC in vault item: firing_range Comment #6944
Missing czcs_office.wad
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-22 00:56:21 UTC in vault item: firing_range Comment #6943
sorry missed it when i zipped the files should all be there now sorry
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 21:44:48 UTC in vault item: 3D Toolbar / newmap Comment #6942
whats the one all the way on the left for. it really dosent look like itd be usefull
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 20:48:44 UTC in vault item: cs_retreat Comment #6940
I thought this map was pretty good. The only thing is the texture usage. The cliff texturing in some spots was just awful. Other than that, this was a really good map. I think if you just didn't stretch those textures so much it would be quite impressive. - HeAdCrAb KILLA
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 18:19:30 UTC in vault item: firing_range Comment #6938
Still missing Hlbasics.wad. In Hammer, go into 'Tools' then 'Options' then hit the 'textures' tab. Anything besides:


Needs to be removed from your texture list, or included with your map distribution.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 18:06:57 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #6937
Cool example. I'm definitely guilty of skyboxing, 'cause I routinely make big maps that necessitate it.

Although I must admit I've tested Skyboxing vs. not a little, and I haven't seen much or in some cases any, in the way of performance increases--at least with my maps.

It might be helpful to include a text file listing the reasons why skyboxing is bad, besides just the blanket statement that I hear all the time, that; 'The engine was not made for it.'
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 18:04:39 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6936
ya where is it???
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 17:57:06 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6935
You can find one here: I use it too and it works great. Also make sure you have the .NET framework to run this batch compiler.

You might also want to check my anti-skybox example map.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 17:47:57 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6934
where can i find the batch compiler?
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 17:28:03 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6933
"and when i use the vis and rad mode to compile the hammer crash "not responding""

Actually, it's just working their code off too hard to respond although they are still working. Just leave it alone (try replacing that skybox with a real sky, and maybe it'll work faster for RAD), or if you are really worried, use a batch file/batch compiler to compile your map.
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Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 13:54:05 UTC in vault item: Security Cameras Comment #6931
"Cannot locate valve/fonts.wad"
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 13:13:37 UTC in vault item: cs_retreat Comment #6930
Just add more trees etc...
Oh and displacements can be made wrong as yours are stretched a lot. If you look at other maps with displacements such as the map on this site called dm_lakeside I think.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 11:52:34 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6929
sorry the "post data"
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 11:37:34 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6927
and when i use the vis and rad mode to compile the hammer crash "not responding"
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-21 11:33:50 UTC in vault item: De_csns Comment #6925
tkz for the the way , when i compile my map with vis and rad mode it takes too much time...How can i reduce this time? can i reduce?