
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-13 05:04:10 UTC in vault item: ook_criticalmass24 (for HardCore-Life) Comment #80
HLDM, interesting.. once again a big map with a whole heap of good places to have fun.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-13 04:58:34 UTC in vault item: ook_hoover Comment #79
Great DM map. suffers from occasional high R_speeds, but it didn't seem to effect game play. This is a BIG map... well detailed, is that your photo in the secret areas? Hey your almost as ugly as me :-)
Great use of teleporters and jump pads... nice texture work. yeah a fun map... Well done.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-13 04:54:38 UTC in vault item: Operation Overlord Comment #78
Whoa... I like this... Vin de shite Red plonk.. LOL
Smooth play, good r_speeds.. only one little glitch, and that was it sort of stopped after the first flag was capped? Might just be me.. But hey, great mapping concept, and the grappling hooks.. excellent.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-12 14:18:32 UTC in vault item: Operation Overlord Comment #77
OH AND ITS A TFC MAP! :P (more info on the aforementioned screenshots page)
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-12 14:05:05 UTC in vault item: de_abydos Comment #76
looks nice............................... but anther dust look a like map.

i dont now
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-11 08:46:39 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #75
is the train a prefab i think a saw him as a prefab on the internet
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-11 08:44:46 UTC in vault item: Dust Race 2003 Comment #74
i like the map it works fully.
maby you should make themap longer to have more fun
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-11 05:19:39 UTC in vault item: de_gogogorge Comment #71
Fun quick play, speeds are good and so is the idea... love to see it on a server.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-11 05:18:48 UTC in vault item: Aura Comment #70
Great map... How did you keep the speeds down?
Looks like it would play really well, it's smooth and fun.. but those spiral staircases are hell.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 22:43:21 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #69
An industrial type map medium to large in size.
Counter Terrorists: Prevent Terrorists from
bombing the threatened Supply Depot areas.

Terrorists: Use whatever means necessary to take out one of the government
supply depot targeted areas and secure your victory!
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 19:39:10 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #68
I really like the feel of this map... Cool newspaper :-)
Smooth and has a realistic feel to it.
Great stuff... Actually I don't think it needs a description.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 16:22:17 UTC in vault item: de_vine Comment #67
Some description should come handy ...
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 15:34:59 UTC in vault item: Killsaw Comment #66
i mean my eamil it was full so i wasent getting and messages :duh:
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 15:34:19 UTC in vault item: Killsaw Comment #65
ok try my download now
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 15:09:01 UTC in vault item: Killsaw Comment #64
i did i think well if i didint i put it up for download
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 11:50:34 UTC in vault item: bg_navywar (for Battle Grounds) Comment #63
the another fgd has on the another map i make is the unfinished stuff has a neo map with the fgd on dowload
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 11:49:14 UTC in vault item: bg_navywar (for Battle Grounds) Comment #62
man waht is wrong has a info player start and all is ok compile finish and when go play he dont load.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-10 01:22:30 UTC in vault item: Killsaw Comment #61
Your e-mail address keeps failing.... Could you send me the RMF..
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-09 01:22:45 UTC in vault item: Killsaw Comment #59
Very complex map, but I think the lag is caused by a compile problem. It seems to be running in Fullbright and that indicates a leak, or the compile didn't finish due to error. Only way to tell is either post the compile log, or upload the .rmf.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-06 13:43:27 UTC in vault item: Federal Offense Comment #58
and as you can tell, i still loooove my concrete. lol.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-06 13:42:40 UTC in vault item: Federal Offense Comment #57
well... it was one of my quicky maps just made to fight a friend really quick.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 12:37:46 UTC in vault item: Allsaints Hospital of the Mentally Ill Comment #56
Thankyou man

I think at the time I wanted to capture the feel of a hospital. I agree the poly's are a little high and stuff, but Its only a mess around type of thing... cheers

Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 12:30:42 UTC in vault item: ricodm03_deadcentre Comment #55
Sorry man... My fault...

Anyway, I'll update this as soon as possible...
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 01:22:47 UTC in vault item: Train Comment #54
Interesting.... :-) and the texturing isn't too bad, from a distance.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 01:16:16 UTC in vault item: Underground Comment #53
Smooth, fast and very playable. No snags in this map. Lighting, texture and electrified rails.... great stuff.
Also places that each class will excel in, very team minded map. R_speeds peak a little in places, but I didn't see them go over 800.
Defense orientated? but not too easy to defend.
Yeah, good stuff.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 01:03:47 UTC in vault item: Allsaints Hospital of the Mentally Ill Comment #52
Looks really good, but suffers in the bedrooms because of the windows. The speeds are pushing 2000 in some areas. Apart from that it is a good TFC fun map, I think that because you don't get snagged on everything, there are either a lot of clip brushes, or some good design ideas happening. Love the lift.....
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 00:48:37 UTC in vault item: ricodm03_deadcentre Comment #51
Any chance of including the ricotex01.wad ???
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-03 00:46:39 UTC in vault item: Warehouse 052KG Comment #50
Yeah, the r_speeds are a little high when your on the top of the map, but down the bottom they are not too bad...:-) I really liked the feel of this map, textures matched and lighting, gave it some ambience.
I can see why Hint brushes might not have worked, but I read an article on Collective from Jeff Pritchard about Horizontal Hint brushes, have you tried that? Also, if you made the bottom of all the containers into func_entities you might save some count.
Either way, R_speeds or not, I like it.
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-02 19:46:15 UTC in vault item: Rooms Comment #49
Very Difficult. The tolerances between the jumps are really close, so much so that to get through this, you either play it a hundred times or cheat...??
The camera shots can be a little distracting at times, take the opening sequence. It makes sense that when you whack the guy in the bunker, you get to go through the door. Wasn't all that happy with the transitions either, some of them are a bit sudden and don't give you time to explore.
Apart from that I like the concept. I didn't find any bug's and liked the texture, lighting and the white Zen..
Commented 20 years ago2003-07-02 19:29:46 UTC in vault item: The Only Way Is Up! Comment #48
This map has a really good 'feel' to it. The scale seems right too. Yeah, cool textures, ambience and I love those pylons... Great stuff... I want more !
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-29 01:27:50 UTC in vault item: Off Duty Comment #47
I really think you should work on joining all these maps together. The brush work and lighting are OK as well as the textures, but each map suffers from size, and played seperately, they are not really playable.
You have four maps that look good, connected they might be really good. By connected, I mean joining them into a single map, rather than level transitions.
Looking at all 4 map's I say good work, well done. Looking at them seperatley.... well, sorry, but I am not inspired.
PS: I didn't kill your rating, not sure who did.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-27 16:39:09 UTC in vault item: Helibattle Comment #46
thanks! ill try.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-27 15:56:51 UTC in vault item: The Only Way Is Up! Comment #45
Where did you get that cool texture pack ? Map looks good, continue mapping :)
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-26 22:37:46 UTC in vault item: Off Duty Comment #44
alrught, this is my most fun map, who killed the ratings??
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-26 16:26:52 UTC in vault item: Allsaints Hospital of the Mentally Ill Comment #43
Like I did say in the ShoutBox, if you cant run this level for now you need to just copy both tfc and tfc2 wads and place them in the valve folder. I'll update this level with wadinclude as soon as possible...
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-25 16:40:46 UTC in vault item: Allsaints Hospital of the Mentally Ill Comment #42
The title never quite fit in -

ricodm02_allsaints.bsp (allsaints)
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-25 09:05:12 UTC in vault item: Federal Offense Comment #41
What is with the info_player_start? again...

Actually this time I decided to run it in DMC, just for fun. Didn't change the fact that your stuck in the concrete.
Random placement of weapons that don't regenerate ???

Good lighting, textures and space... this map is crying out for expansion. Have you thought of joining all your maps together to create something that is playable ?

Glad it didn't take you too long to make this. :-)
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-25 09:03:41 UTC in vault item: Helibattle Comment #40
Start in the concrete... I am getting used to that.
Interesting effect having the steel crates tied to the func_pushable entity, but you can't push them.
Nice lighting, nice textures, nice map. However it is about as interesting as the last one....
You maps show promise, try spending a few more minutes on them.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-23 15:37:39 UTC in vault item: The Only Way Is Up! Comment #39
RSpeeds are Alright. Obviously you should expand.. however, ambience is good.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-23 15:26:14 UTC in vault item: The Only Way Is Up! Comment #38
More info (because of bloody limit), the map is for TFC, is probably going to be either a 'skillz' type map, or something based on the same premise as the recent 'theclimb' map. This is only the start section, and im submitting it simply because Im quite proud of some of the ambient features Ive put in (like some sunlight dappling on the water) and some nice custom sounds!

Enjoy :)
More screenshots on my front page:
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-23 00:03:36 UTC in vault item: Radiance Comment #37
Hahaha! I wanted that many snarks. They do die down after 20 seconds or so.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-22 03:51:15 UTC in vault item: Canyon Barricade Comment #36
I really liked this TFC map.
Didn't quite understand why you would put in the Vent Shafts, but figured that the sneaky scouts might like it. The spawn protection didn't seem to work? and I didn't like the buttons being shootable only. Apart from that as I said, I really liked it.
Some good places to Conc jump too as well.
Yeah, I like this map......
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-22 03:30:15 UTC in vault item: Radiance Comment #35
Looks like good brush work and good use of textures. Gives it a good feel, lighting is consistant with the theme and play is actually Ok. Did you overdo the Monstermaker, or did you want endless snarks? I found that they don't really swim that well do they...
For a 6-8 player DM, the only thing I would recommend is making it Bigger, as there will be a lot more Death than match.. and maybe a few more breaks in the slime cover?
Good effort for a first map.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-20 09:34:17 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #34
It's not really a commitment. It may be an okay map but there are a few problems when it comes to playing it with more than four people. No, I am actually a very lazy cba sort of person, but when you're mucking around with something as stupidly logical like Worldcraft it's piss really. (the rendering however, which I havn't got right, you actually need knowledge of other relms aside from common sense). Wood
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-19 21:07:39 UTC in vault item: Radiance Comment #33
not bad, not bad at all. when i first saw it, i thought "boring..." but then i played it. its pretty fun, even for 1 player for a bit. the part where the glass breaks and you fall into the snark pit made me smile. a few breaks in the concrete make it not so uniform, stops it from being so boring. however, i wouldnt reccomend it for more than 2 players. 3 stars.
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-19 15:53:14 UTC in vault item: Radiance Comment #32
Whoops, forgot to meantion it is for Half-Life Deathmatch. Recommended 6-8 players
Commented 20 years ago2003-06-17 00:10:37 UTC in vault item: Freak AS1 Comment #31
i forgot, you shouldnt judge from the screenshot.

but still, pretty neat!