
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-19 03:26:40 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46154
I would if GTA5 was free :P
I wouldn't play GTA otherwise, and getting to listen to your soothing accent making dick jokes just isn't worth that kind of money, Archie. Not when I get experience the same dick jokes for free when you upload it to Youtube.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 22:08:16 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46159
slowly raises hand then slowly lowers after careful rethinking
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 16:56:59 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46163
Well, if not owning F1-2014 isn't a requirement, well, I don't have GTA V either, so I'm still grounded by that. :P Sorry Archie, I assumed it was the F1 video I watched; slipped my mind that it was with GTA V...
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 16:44:09 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46152
Happily owning F12014 is not a requirement, Ghost. Perhaps check an episode :P

Strideh, if we promised to make Ant stop pretending he's Australian would you be able to deal with him?
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 16:10:46 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46150
That whole Ant factor is a pretty big drawback.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 13:39:29 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46162
+ Don't mind Ant
+ Able to converse in English
+ Has TeamSpeak
+ F1 fan since a long time
  • Don't own F1 2014
  • IB life is killing me
Well, looks like I don't qualify, but I hope two others do it quickly so it can grow though.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-18 13:15:13 UTC in journal: #8627 Comment #46158
Well, you'd probably have to own the game, too. Which is the main reason I'm not going to apply.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-15 15:54:03 UTC in journal: #8626 Comment #61269
Noted. I started this blog back in high school, and haven't really touched it in a few years, so it's maybe in need of an update. Changed the font to something more readable in the meantime.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-14 23:47:39 UTC in journal: #8626 Comment #61268
Maybe it's because of the dark background, but I found that the monospaced font of your blog site makes it really hard to read. I added this to make it a bit easier on the eyes:
.post-body {
    font-family: serif;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    line-height: 1.7em;
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-14 20:01:20 UTC in journal: #8626 Comment #61270
I wholeheartedly agree.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-14 16:15:40 UTC in vault item: A really boring hallway Comment #19483

At least, that's what I predict their name will be by then. Just a guess.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-13 19:03:57 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61256
It's 78% positive reviews on Steam, 2much.

There are some things I don't like about it; I prefer the old dialogue system, for example, but overall I'm loving it. The combat feels great, the world is expansive and interesting, the AI is much improved and the crafting and building aspects are surprisingly robust.

It's far, far too easy on normal difficulty, but once I ramped it up to hard it feels much more like New Vegas did on hardcore mode. Much more fun and challenging. There are fights you literally just can't win unless you play it super smart, and I love that. On normal difficulty I wasn't even considering whether I could take a fight or not - I just went in as a one-man-army all the time and never had any trouble.

Also something I think has been largely looked over is the sound design. The sound effects are vastly, vastly improved. Every surface feels unique and real, and bullets whizzing by your head are exhilarating!

17 hours in, still very, very much enjoying it. Occasional bugs are frustrating and require a restart, but it's not been enough to prevent me enjoying it.

If you liked Fallout 3 and New Vegas, you'll like this. If you didn't, you won't. Simple.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-12 05:23:00 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Security Cards Comment #100526
Nice little tut. Informative and simple enough for a noob like me to understand :)
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-12 04:20:24 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Realistic Shadows Comment #101003
Nice tut. I'm not getting all of it, but I'll just read it a few more times. It's well writen, I'm just slow :P
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-12 03:37:47 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61266
It's been a downward spiral ever since Bethesda acquired the franchise.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-11 19:15:16 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61263
its got an endless line of red reviews on steam, i think that means it is different from the previous titles. Looking thru it, I noticed recurring themes of 'only 4 dialog choices at almost all times', 'crappy console port', 'wasteland cod', 'OP stuff early' and stuff. Looks like it had been dumbed down for the kids with lots of features removed. Nobody was impressed by the building feature. Discuss?
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-11 18:57:29 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61258
As much as I am interested in Fallout 4, I don't like the fact that my YouTube feed now contains nothing else. I'd rather experience the game myself when I get the chance to play it than watch other people do so.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-11 01:06:24 UTC in vault item: cs_awesome Comment #19482
It really doesn't ;)
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 19:57:08 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61265
User posted image
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 17:51:56 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61262
[Looks up what LotV stands for]
Oh hey, they're finally finishing Starcraft II. :P
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 16:39:10 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61259
Nobody around here is equally hyped about LotV...
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 14:19:23 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61257
If I had a Wii U, I would be playing the shit out of Super Mario Maker.
But, alas, I do not.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 11:39:50 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61260
Meh, watched the beginning, the vault part was much shorter than Fallout 3.
Pretty much all i wanted to see.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 09:14:30 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61254
SnC is in turmoil for at least a month now. :(
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 04:10:34 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61261
Mario Maker is damn good. I should boot up my roommate's Wii U sometime this week.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 03:47:11 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61255

Mario Maker is where it's at right now.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 01:53:51 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Changing Levels Comment #100627
I had a problem with a levelchange, maybe it helps someone what I found out.

I have three maps and the player traverses them in this order:

Map a
Map b
Map c

The transition between Map b and Map c didn't work because the trigger_changelevel from "map a" to "map b" had a wrong "New map name", like "Map C". So I guess The Value you type in for "New map name" is Case-Sensitive.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-10 00:44:00 UTC in journal: #8624 Comment #61264
I don't know whether or not I should skip school and work to play Fallout 4 tomorrow.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-08 09:50:59 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58507
Congratz on making the leap. Arch is one of the best distros to fiddle around with. Haven't seen the window manager in years :) im more than used to just the terminal interface.

Yeah once you go deep enough there's pretty much everything for everyone, and if there isn't you can make it yourself. Also performance compared to other OS'es is off the hook. Debian (my distro of choice) consumes virtually 0 resources when idle.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-08 01:53:55 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58503
... aand browsing with opera:
User posted image
At this point I've managed to configure Fluxbox. Opera seems to be the best tradeoff for resources while still being able to process Javascript(netsurf doesn't know js).

Apparently it's a whole world out there when it comes to Window managers, file managers etc.

Speaking about file managers(I installed PcmanFm), there are also console-based file managers. Kinda like the old norton commander stuff. While exploring the diversity, I stumbled upon Ranger, which has a creepy page right off the bat. Just scrolled about the page and I thought I see some weird word. No, no... I actually see it: caca-utils. I click on the link and arrive on the libcaca page.

As I said, the linux world is a wonder.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-08 00:00:28 UTC in vault item: cs_awesome Comment #19481
yes it does
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 22:18:40 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58506
just get some older version of hlds from fileplanet or something, everyone knows that valve fucked up both hl and hlds long ago and nobody uses it lol
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 22:11:13 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58502
I should be able but I lost my patience. Valve uses the Steam Console Client since 2013 to manage server installation, in theory making it as easy as running an apt-get/yum/pacman/whatever. Each server/game has an App ID, and HLDS(for Half-Life and mods like cs, tfc), having app ID 90, is notorious for a bug opened more than a year ago on Valve's github account.
Since I can reproduce it, it's obviously not entirely fixed(or not at all).
User posted image
SteamCMD downloads ~0.3% of the app, then craps its pants and halts. At one point it progressed a more quickl, but what you see in the image is after about 40 minutes of manual labor.

@DiscoStu: It's NetSurf.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 20:11:10 UTC in vault item: 72-Unit Pianist Comment #19480
Like in Big!
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 19:35:19 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58505
can you run hlds on it?
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 16:58:53 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58509
Sweet. :D
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 13:59:25 UTC in vault item: 72-Unit Pianist Comment #19479
Reminds me of the CSS jailbreak maps that would have functional pianos for the prisoners to play. Good stuff!
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 07:28:32 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58504
now thats beautiful
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 06:30:47 UTC in journal: #8623 Comment #58508
What are you using, Lynx?
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-07 06:23:27 UTC in vault item: 72-Unit Pianist Comment #19485
Sorry to whoever downloaded this before I remembered I hadn't included the sounds ><
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-06 13:45:50 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46142
I should think so too! You've made a wise, life changing decision.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-05 15:38:33 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46147
I was surprised to find that I wasn't already subscribed to SnC Games. I made sure to rectify this immediately.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-05 07:37:12 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46140
Give me your editing skills.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-04 22:21:55 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46144
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 8 years ago2015-11-04 17:01:33 UTC in journal: #8622 Comment #46145

Loved this!
Also that intro sequence is tits