
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-09 17:34:09 UTC in vault item: Player Blocked in Door/Ramp Combo Comment #19411
i mean, at least tell us how you fixed it! =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-09 16:16:13 UTC in journal: #7351 Comment #51535
hai phoenix! =P
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-08 18:30:27 UTC in journal: #7350 Comment #55254
ha the stargate gameplay actually looks pretty good! i never owned a megadrive myself, i'm also guilty of owning the super nintendo..


Commented 12 years ago2011-08-08 18:13:08 UTC in journal: #7347 Comment #66475
nice! i wish i had a flea market near my house =(
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-07 21:15:08 UTC in journal: #7350 Comment #55253
chea! wut was the stargate game like?!
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-07 18:19:57 UTC in vault item: Player Blocked in Door/Ramp Combo Comment #19406
cha cha, wut stu said and/or try:

make the rotating doors not solid, and use an invisible func_door or func_wall_toggle to actually block/unblock the doorway.
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-07 16:11:20 UTC in vault item: beta_narcosynthesis_2 Comment #19324
private snowball, we won't be serving fried chicken and watermelon in the mess hall; do i offend you?

map is actually a very interesting space/layout! I also liked your little cavern! try experimenting with a light environment and different brightness values!

random suggestions

-lower the texture scale a little of your radio in the tent to make it look better, or better yet, use a different texture =)

- try not to let brushes overlap, cuz in game, it tries to render both overlapping spaces at the same time, causing a a visual glitch that is very
ugly. (found one overlap near one of the small craters.

Nice start! pm me if you update and want more critique.
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-07 09:03:46 UTC in journal: #7346 Comment #63847
Commented 12 years ago2011-08-01 12:06:32 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Destiny Comment #19404
Found a mirror for this, and hopefully, Pengy will be updating the link and the hosting soon!

Temporary Mirror:

A great SP mod, excellent work that we have come to expect--and wish we'd see more of--from Daubster.

Please take my comments with a grain of salt, since i don't expect you to update this after all this time, and i'll try to keep the minor nitpicks to a minimum! ;)

+Excellent custom splash, sounds, and text effects!
++Superb cutscenes and special effects(the whole timepod/timetravel sequence part is very impressive!)
+good use of scripting and custom voice acting
+general good mapping as we've come to expect from you.
+great use of ambient sounds
+the "reactor" room(BM past) with the pipes is SO COOL-LOOKING!

+/- sweet lift(BM past) in future black mesa, though it has bugs reseting.
+/- Excellent implementation of the time pod, though it could be textured better.

-ends rather abrupbtly and feels a bit unfinished.. you could base a whole mod off this and it'd be rather interesting!
-couple clipping issues, but nothing you can't manuever with a jump or two.
-some texturing could be better
-scale seems a bit squished to me in most areas, but not horribly so. (past BM seemed much better mapping)
-i was standing on top of the "projetor thingie", perhaps it should be clipped and textured with the black/yellow caution stripes?

Minor Nitpicks:
-Plz delete config.cfg to avoid resetting a users keybinds

Even some room for improvement, i'm going 5 for excellent effects, attention to detail, and fact that this is an excellent example of one of your earlier works. Would love to see a sequel where you get stuck and eventually get back with the timepod!

great work!
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-31 08:57:32 UTC in journal: #7338 Comment #38530
somebody pm me the answer pls! =)

Edit: ok with help from Moaby, i've seen the light. Congrats atom! =)
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Commented 12 years ago2011-07-30 07:28:42 UTC in journal: #7338 Comment #38529
the borg collective?
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-29 08:20:41 UTC in vault item: sp_olympic Comment #19391
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-29 08:18:41 UTC in journal: #7338 Comment #38528
idk my barcode reader refuses to read it. =(

edit: my android reader will only recognize it i shrink the image down in windows picture viewer.It scans instantly for me at normal size, but still no idea what this means!


Commented 12 years ago2011-07-29 08:10:52 UTC in journal: #7340 Comment #45254
holly balls that is sooo COOL!!!

For anyone who HASN'T read World-war Z, 'tis Fucking awesome story.

CONGRATS mang i'm so jealous!


The movie might be shit after all
no. read or listen to the book, it's a great story. ;)
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Commented 12 years ago2011-07-28 09:57:12 UTC in vault item: cs_nwk Comment #19389
Have you played it on a server? probably discover some gameplay flaws playing with other people, or at least with bots. ;)

Since there is no "watch" nor "subscribe" feature here, feel free to pm me if you make changes and want a fresh review. =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-25 08:13:06 UTC in journal: #7333 Comment #60872
jeesh that's horrible i could never cope with internets like that. =(
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-25 08:11:56 UTC in journal: #7334 Comment #54345
holy shit that's creepy. i think worldcrafter has these as well. =(
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-25 08:08:29 UTC in vault item: Garage Door Comment #19386
NP man it was my pleasure!

The new version looks great, and the multiple telescopic improve the illusion very much, as well take your attention from the non-moving segments.

Good work! =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-23 17:32:51 UTC in vault item: Garage Door Comment #19378
chea! checking this out now. This would have made a sweet entity challenge back in the day!

Here is a very quick/dirty solution not using trains. It still needs some renders to hide some things from the outside, besides the main flaw of this design is the middle section never moves, but i have some ideas to fix that.. ;)

Your train attempt is pretty awesome btw, as well that light bulb prefab is pimp/pwn. =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-19 21:46:57 UTC in journal: #7328 Comment #48148
kids are little funny sponges they remember/recognize everything
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-19 20:10:42 UTC in journal: #7328 Comment #48147
hahah. it's also part of the engine of the SC2 battlecruiser:

User posted image
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Commented 12 years ago2011-07-19 09:13:30 UTC in vault item: Aquatos: Aqua Labs (Remake) Comment #19372
I showed my friend Mark(a fetus in the womb) Dimbark's comments and he laughed.

An amazing top to bottom refit of the original map. So breatakinly better than the original, it's not really the same map anymore!

here are some comments from a very quick run-through of the map. I'll try to play again soonish and give you a better review:

++SUPERB general mapping in all catagories
+good use of submodels in places
+very nice soundscaping
+Superb texture scheme
+some very nicely varied lighting in places
+wow, some really beautiful cooridors and layout in general. Great work!

+/-Lighting is great in some places and a little two consistent in others. Some better contrast in areas(brighter brights and darker darks)would really make some areas pop! =)

-some cooridors are so bright they amost seem fullbright. If you want to keep them that way, i would recommend adding sprites or volumetric light(fade brush), to give these areas some more dimension.
-Some of the submodels you used are kinda ugly and don't match the quality/consistency of the rest of the level.
-"stuck point" by two examanation/lab tables where it looks like you can walk through but you can't. clicky-pic
-This water looks very strange

I couldn't figure out how to get outside to see the stuff depicted in the screenie, but i DID only play for a little while. We need to get this on a server! Maybe convert it to a cs deathmatch and get it on Archie's server?

Great map sir1 =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-18 07:01:20 UTC in vault item: Aquatos: Aqua Labs (Remake) Comment #19367
Downloading! =)

btw, mediafire hosting is dreadful, perhaps consider here instead?
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-16 18:05:05 UTC in vault item: cs_nwk Comment #19355
Wow. Design is 100-times better then the original assault even though i still love the original. SUPERB hammer props and some very nice attention to detail. That said, a couple nitpicks and observations:

-A lot of things would look SO much better with a retexture like the beautiful tractor trailer and crane you made. Some textures i wouldn't reuse from the original because they are so bad like the skybox and some of the billboards. (if you want to keep them for nostalgia purposes, maybe try fixing them up in photoshop or completely redoing some like the popdog billboard fore example)

+/-structures and design are well-built and original, but are a bit blocky in spots. Not a huge deal but you still notice some things are "chunky"

-lighting is adequete i guess but a little bland

-add some machinery/fabrication/conveyor sounds to add some immersion

-where is the swat van?! =)

-Bump up your "max-viewable distance" in hammer map properties, cuz in the corners of the map, some things start to disappear.

Great work! Even though this map has room for improvement, i'm going 4 stars for an really creative redesign, kick-ass hammer props and of course, nostalgia!


p.s. you should add this to gamebanana's map section if you haven't done so already to get some more exposure/comments for the map!
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-16 00:25:27 UTC in journal: #7323 Comment #46800
Congrats Dr. Moocow! =P
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-15 09:20:48 UTC in journal: #7321 Comment #62231
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-14 22:14:29 UTC in vault item: narcosynthesis_test4 Comment #19353
wow that's really nice/informative editorial Scotch, gj! =)

EDIT: says:

WARNING: could not open gearbox.wad

when i try running the map.. i would recommend using Atom's Compilator which you can easily include the wad files you've used. Get it here
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-12 10:56:11 UTC in vault item: DM_Streetlevel Comment #19346
ok, but shame to see a map with this much work into it not see completion. =(

Lemme know if you ever open it up again and or need help optimizing! Again, really nice map sir. =)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-10 14:12:17 UTC in vault item: DM_Streetlevel Comment #19330
I took a quick two-minute run-through and here are a few noticables:

+HUGE and interesting and elaborately detailed world!
+good use of local ambient sounds
+some nice texturing

-"too many viewable entity in packet list", so items are disappearing(combine multiple based entities to one to try and stave off this limitation)
-r_speeds rival 8000 wpoly in some areas. Research optimization and do some cuz you need it ;)
-scale is weird/chunky/squished in places. some things are unusually thick.

anyway i have to say despite all minuses i am throrougly impressed with what you have already. I loved the train station facade very beautiful.

This should probably be in unfininished since there are so many oustanding issues, so i won't rate until if/when you update.

Nice map! =)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-09 04:05:40 UTC in journal: #7311 Comment #45232
can't read my can't read my!

edit: to make it even more awesome, you should have said you gave him a 50 for the ultimate dick-move! =P (he would of course hopefully have a 50 on top his drawer, and be REALLY tired from not sleeping the night before. you just-possibly-might get away with it!)
Commented 12 years ago2011-07-07 11:29:42 UTC in journal: #7310 Comment #54333
happy bday TJB! =P
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-03 11:31:26 UTC in journal: #7305 Comment #66372
ya but i don't think the middle button is made to be used as much as right and left. ;)

I'm pretty on mice anyway and they usually break on me after 3 months maximum. i just keep buying the targus multi-led mini mouse, but maybe i'll spring for a proper gaming mouse when my current breaks..
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-03 08:18:15 UTC in journal: #7305 Comment #66371
me too, middle click button is wearing out on my mouse, i use it constantly. i also like the feature to select text, right-click, and select "open in new tab", for those links that may not be coded.
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-03 08:15:57 UTC in journal: Birthday Comment #59111
Double Birthday! It's so vivid and bright! congrats to you both.


Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 22:11:35 UTC in journal: Birthday Comment #59110
Happy b-day day potato!
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 20:00:13 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55823
Lawl, i can't even formulate a wiping strategy in 30 seconds! :P A good poop session lasts 15-20 minutes easy. (you know it's a good one when your legs fall asleep)
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 18:11:20 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55822
ROFL! =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 17:44:34 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55821
moocow! haha i bought that book(did NOT have einy's face on front tho) and tried to read it 3 times--some of that time on the crapper--, but i never got through the whole thing! Elegant Universe by Brian Greene however, was super-pimp. =)

crollo: awesome. maybe we just need an ipad with a plastic cover for our bathroom intermapping?


Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 15:44:38 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55820
dimbark: your mum has trouble with the bathroom ;)
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 14:06:48 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55819
i put it on a table next to the bath and lean over... less than optimum conditions. would really liek one that's submersible! =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 12:57:33 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55818
moocow reads pron obv...

gameboy is another fine dirversion whilst pooping if your interwebs is not available. i rarely ever take my phone to the crapper fsr..
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-02 10:10:58 UTC in journal: #7303 Comment #55817
i really need a waterproof "console" for my bathtub... i frequently prolong bathing because i can't escape from the interewebs.. =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-30 14:18:06 UTC in vault item: Small Map Bundle Comment #19308
whoa, really amazing stuff for 20 minutes of work. i can't even build a door in 20 minutes.. =)
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-28 11:33:41 UTC in news: New Tutorial! Comment #99897