
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-20 12:54:36 UTC in journal: #8203 Comment #58319
I have a Nexus 7, my most used apps are:
  • FBReader (ebooks)
  • ES File Explorer (browse & watch videos from your network filesystem)
  • VLC (play videos)
  • Firefox (screw Chrome! :P)
Game recommendations:
  • World of Goo (perfect for touch screens)
  • The Room ('room escape' style puzzle game)
  • Plants vs. Zombies (the first one, ignore the new sequel when it comes out on Android if it's still full of microtransactions like it is on iOS)
Also, subscribe to the Humble Bundle emails and wait for one of their Android bundles to go up. They always have some great indie games in their bundles. Avoid free-to-play and stuff from big publishers, they're a waste of time and money.

For battery life, I couldn't say. I doubt what app you're using makes much of a difference when you're watching a video as they're all hardware decoded. VLC serves my purposes quite well. MX Player is another option if you want to try multiple apps.

I doubt power usage is very different on a per-app basis, it all depends on what they're actually doing. Games obviously suck the battery dry, and movies are pretty good at that too. E-readers don't do much processing but they still require the screen to be turned on so you can't really avoid it.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 20:20:39 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49460
I have to make it up to you, sometime.

I still can't believe we were just metres away and didn't see each other.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 20:01:46 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42191
Your stuff is great. In my opinion good things are timeless so no matter what engine or program you use, it's the passion that counts. Keep up the good work, ever consider making cell phone games? I hear you can make killer amounts doing so.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 19:48:15 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49458
Awesome wish I lived there man! Let me know if you're ever in Houston Tx.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 18:42:25 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49459
What do you mean you don't hold up real well IRL?
I'm going on business so i can't get rip-roaring-stupid on alcohol. :-P
I'm just thinking a night at a pub talking face-to-face with a fellow TWHLer.

Missed an opportunity once, i want to see if i can grasp at another one.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 18:23:26 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49461
I actually live around the area, but I don't hold up real well IRL
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 15:19:36 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49457
Edit: I'm silly, nevermind.
Oh wow, you'll be really close to San Diego. Too bad I haven't lived there in many moons.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-18 23:09:45 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58314
Tried windows 8 last month and guess what, turns out that the desktop is a mere 'app' that you have to manually switch to every time you wanna do something. Among other funny stuff that occurred while using this excuse of an OS:
  • Couldn't find the shut down button. Since the quintessential 'start' button was REMOVED, you have to sit there manually searching for a shut down button till you realize you have to Alt+F4 for once where it's actually useful
  • Loads of features for a console I don't own-- seriously, this thing might as well be another Xbox console
  • Bunch of other useless stuff you can easily find on the internet (you know, like those 10-20 useless phone apps)
  • While transferring files from a flash drive, the progress froze and said files were incomplete, effectively corrupted and useless
  • Microsoft wants to fight apple and start tablet wars. And that means forcing it on your average PC user. How fair is that
  • Yes, windows 8 will be the future and everyone Will be forced to use it eventually. I will be returning to this journal to look at alternative suggestions when I decide to jump ship
  • I should prolly have made this into a journal.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 18:52:29 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42205
Aw shit, been there when it comes to chemical poisoning.
Just hang in there its gonna be ok.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 16:29:06 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42163
"Hell he still thinks Fondly on the Bazooka you all made him after the Kidney stone issues."

Ho ho I totally forgot about it. That takes me back.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 15:01:36 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42156
HAHA! Love this comic like thing.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 04:38:09 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42158
As I've learned the best way to avoid pregnancy is abstinence, but I know it's hard to do. Being Christian I believe sex is more important than we can perceive and goes beyond just pleasure and reproduction. It's hard not to do it with someone you love and i'm not saying I've ever had the will power not to.

I don't want children either, at least not now. But someday I might.

I think people are voicing their concern for you because we admire you and would like to see you pass on your genes to future generations. But what you do is clearly a personal decision, good luck!
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 00:43:50 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42194
That means so much to me, thank you.
Let me know if you want a role in SMJ, I have so many spots still available.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 23:59:51 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42203
There's not anything I can do financially at the moment, but you have my support as a fan, and I enjoy every update I see!
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 22:49:00 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58306
I boot Ubuntu on my HTPC and my NAS runs Debian, but I use my main PC primarily for gaming and programming. Linux/Mac just aren't good enough for gaming (yet), and until my programming language of preference changes from C#, Windows is my best environment for programming as well.

My conclusion is that for me, Linux is the correct choice for a specialised box or a server, but Windows is the only option for a general purpose computer. Hopefully that changes in the future :)

Windows 8 is silly, with all the shoving tablet interfaces onto a desktop environment. 8.1 is a tiny step forward, but not enough to convince me to upgrade. Hopefully MS see the light and fix 8.2 or 9 or whatever to not be crap :P
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 21:27:02 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42193
I would love to work for a studio or company, its means at least some job security.

Sadly, in key points of my career development, things were missed. Being a high-tech based industry, I didn't have a computer that could run Source for a loooong time, or I couldn't get the tools everyone was learning like Zbrush. Simply I couldn't keep up with what I had at the time and it's set me back so much to the point where I'm nearly undesirable. I'm making a game in hopes that it would simply float and people enjoy it. I would like to make money, but seriously it features real people. All of whom I have not acquired photo-release forms from and I have no clue what legal bounds I have either selling the game in anyway, or if it can even be sold.

Even then, I see a lot of super successful titles being campaigned on kickstarter or similar. I tried and my campaign flopped for semi-political reasons. I didn't make a dime. I haven't gotten donations in forever and it seems like no one is even paying attention to it, or I don't see it or something. Feels like I have no support but I just keep working on it anyway.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 17:56:01 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42199
I hope you get well. It is a bit disturbing to think that, while in this condition, you are also considering that operation you posted about in the last journal...
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 16:56:25 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42190
Wow hope you come out of this ok!
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 16:31:27 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42202
I think Rim prefers to be his own boss. That way he can do things in his own style.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 16:18:48 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42198
i guess i meant i thought rim would be working for one of the big ones a long time ago, ya know?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 16:04:52 UTC in vault item: Persian Element Comment #20321
great map
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 15:13:42 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42201
Well he is making an indie game. Does that count?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 14:42:29 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42197
I'll pay you to tutor me modelling and materials creation rim! =P

It goes without saying you could make money as a freelance digital artist/animator/skinner/etc, just to name a few.. not to mention all the multiple contests with cash prizes(less for the money and more for the exposure).

How are you not working in the gaming industry, or do you not want to do that for a living?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 09:12:41 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42206

I thought that the gender bender shit was off those refill scratch cards for phones and cupons or raffle thingys... o.o

Don't worry, you'll recover soon enough and all this shit will be left behind!

Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 03:40:12 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58313
It's just about learning the new things, which is not hard at all. Operating systems have lots of things in common today, especially when using GUIs. (except for Win 8, but that's the point). All of them do about the same things.

Also, Win 95* (just a typo :P )
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 03:05:52 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42204
DEFINITELY let us know if you sprout boobs. And post pictures.

Ah, suing. The second American pastime after baseball. I'm not sure what to say to that so I won't say anything.

I'll just say I hope you're alright.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 02:08:23 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42192
Life has been not fun lately. >_>
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 00:45:42 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42200
That's terrible. I hope you can recover fully, though if just walking into the building does that to you after 3 months, it doesn't bode well for that...
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-15 22:08:54 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42195
I don't recall this incident. Recap? (I'm assuming it's more than "I inhaled some chemicals".)
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-15 21:22:29 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42207
what job do you have? seems dangerous for your health
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-15 17:44:58 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42196
You can find a wayyy better job rim, and also good luck with your lawsuit if you intent to sue(i know that won't be fun either).
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 23:02:14 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58308
Cool information stu and striker! I will play around with mint and zorin per your recommendations!

So long as my major programs work I will totally switch over, or maybe just keep dual boot win7 as a backup.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 22:06:45 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58312
Windows 8 is absolute crap and I am going to do everything I can to skip it just like I did with Vista and ME. I'm waiting for Windows 9, and if that is just as bad, then I'll move to *nix.

You might not think so, perhaps you've never tried one, but Linux distros already are promising and solid alternatives. I've used Linux Mint and I can tell you there's a bunch of settings in it somewhere that can make it look just like Windows if that's what you want. I personally don't care what it looks like as long as it works the way it's supposed to work. The only thing that was holding me back from moving over was gaming, and now that Steam for Linux is out, I don't even need to care about that either.

With some luck, Win 8.1 will be half decent. In the way that the original Win 98 was just a half assed upgrade to Win 96 and it sucked so bad they had to haul ass to push Win 98 Second Edition out, which turned out to be awesome. I don't think this will be the case, though, so I have strong intentions of moving over to Linux at the first opportunity.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 17:23:35 UTC in journal: #8197 Comment #49456
Always a good idea to backup your steamapps tho.

That's a public service announcement brought to you by Captain Terror!
Imagine that in the DJ's voice from Burnout 3 take down (ps2).
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 16:06:10 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58307
Hate Microsoft so much... Thanks for the warning Striker =)

I don't fucking roll on fucking Shabbas!

Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 13:58:49 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58316
Jeff i honestly cant believe some one actually buys an operating system.
Ive got mine 7 for free from my college, windows 7 professional. Before installing it i was using Windows 7 Ultimate. Not much difference, but against XP windows 7 is a great improvement.

You can easily improve loading time of windows 7 by disabling the crap you don't need.
Win 8 isn't more optimized at all, the only new thing in win 8 is DX 11.1 , which is bullshit to make you buy a new system because of that. Thats why Micro$oft deserves to get its ass wopped by linux.

My windows 7, with out SSD loads in 20 seconds from end of POST screen to login screen, than 10 more for everything else. Total of 30 seconds.
If thats too long for you than i dont know.
Even if it were loading for 5 minutes, putting your PC to sleep makes it load instantly.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 13:39:21 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58311
I know I am. Operating system upgrades are expensive.
That said, it would be nice to get the full potential out of my DX11-capable Graphics card...
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 12:57:14 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58309
It is a bit more optimized - performance wise. Starting it takes a lot less time and on a laptop that's a big plus for me. On a desktop, I don't care that much.

At some point we will be forced to upgrade- that's if Linux distros won't be solid alternatives by then. Windows XP was a great OS. I switched to Windows 7 at the end of 2010. Are you still using Windows XP?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 12:53:49 UTC in journal: #8199 Comment #58315
Just why do you need windows 8 when windows 7 has everything you will ever need in an operating system?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-14 01:27:47 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42165
Rim, I'm just seeing this now, but i can just say that i admire your courage. Lyssa, I admire your strength for what you've been through thus far.

I'd like to think of TWHL of my family, and after reading all the posts and responses here, you have my 100% support. It's an amazing thing to do for the woman you love.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-13 13:48:58 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42188
Oh ok...
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-13 12:42:48 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42162
I think it should be at least known about. But if you're that young, just use condoms and have a good time.

I'm still considered young for this, but given circumstances, I'm old enough.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-13 12:03:53 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42187
15. Should I be knowing this stuff?? o.o
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-13 12:01:35 UTC in vault item: The office Comment #20320
OK, I found that button and it works, but this type of design is not hard, it's weird... But if you wish for your maps to be unpopular among players - it's not a problem, of course ;). If you create an illogical puzzle, you should at least give a hint for the player, or make something to point his attention to the right decision.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-13 06:48:39 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42171
Good luck sir taking one for the team, and we at twhl are always concerned with your reproductive health and well-being =)

I'm surprised they haven't come up with the male "pill" yet, but it seems whatever method they come up with, every one has bad side-effects of some sort...

Wish you and Lyssa well! =)
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-12 22:21:22 UTC in vault item: The office Comment #20319
Thanks for the feedback.The map was supposed to be hard and also the door can be opened by the button under the floor in one of the rooms.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-12 21:58:47 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42182
He's older than me, I know what's going on.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-12 20:06:01 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42177
How old are you, Ghost?
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-12 13:13:15 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42186

I must be under-aged for this as I have no idea WTH is going on, but read Striker's statement and agrees with him.

Sneaks off journal and disables account.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-12 11:04:28 UTC in vault item: The office Comment #20318
Odd beginning / end. Weird / unfair / illogcal weapons and enemies placement. Plain mapping. Permanent lack of ammo at hard skill, even if you have found all the "secrets". Some places to stuck in ventilation system (add at least killing triggers there). A security door to the room with alien grunt and zombies can not be opened in any way (unworking button/panel?), had to use noclip to pass it. Excessive size of the box, which you should use to reach a ventilation shaft (also it's even non-wooden, but very lightweighing and floats in the water). Conclusion: I liked some moments, but there are a lot of things to improve. Still not bad for the first map released.