
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-29 19:08:11 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42153
You get in front of her instead.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-29 14:26:11 UTC in journal: #8193 Comment #50437
i think we reached idiocracy
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-29 13:22:03 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42151
They let me film at the gala event but they placed me back behind the photographers which they all kept fucking up my shot. This one British lady was super bad because she just leaned right before my lens like I wasn't even there and blocked the view for a dozen other people also recording the show. If she does it tonight, I do have a nifty tripod that is sturdy enough to double as an extendable baton. Either way, it was cool because they announced me all awesome and shit. Even though anyone can film the main show, they asked me to form the DVD. So everyone who filmed is also a potential alternate camera angle if they volunteer their videos. Most will I think, I know many of them and could ask. My battery ran out half way through so I was scrambling to grab footage on my backups. The show tonight is twice as long to that worries me so I have a long day of unloading and recharging since I can't do much else. If that bitch blocks my shot again tonight, she's getting bludgeoned.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-06-29 03:18:59 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62531
That's what caused her this contradiction.

And this is why I remain single. When there's even a hint of this sort of drama being permanent, I just walk away. I'll give her this one, but I don't think I'll let it happen again.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 21:58:52 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62537
Good luck to you then sir. Hopefully she thinks this through better, and realises that if she waits too long she may lose something special.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 18:58:28 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42152
Ah, been there. They bring you in to work but they don't let you do your work.

I don't care because I bill by the hour, not by the photo. And I make sure they know this and I'll be billing them for my presence even if they don't let me take any photos.

I'm constantly in events where the bullies at the checkpoints ask for access credentials which I'm never given. Instead of giving me a pass or something, I have to chase around the people in charge so that they can walk me up to the checkpoint and tell the bully I'm clear. And the bullies have a short term memory of about five seconds, because this will happen again in ten minutes and fifty more times through the night. And they never remember me walking in ten minutes earlier or even having seen me in the place hours before the doors were opened and the public was allowed in.

I feel you bro.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 18:49:54 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62530
We had a talk. Apparently she really really wanted not to be in a relationship this year because she "needed to be free of ties for a while", and "didn't want to miss out on life for a change" (whatever that means) but also she really really likes me and wants me and it was that contradiction that was causing her stress.

I had to bring up that famous quote from John Lennon: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

Seems she's giving it a try. I'll post again if anything interesting happens.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 15:43:23 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42154
Now Available for Wedding and Funeral Services.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 15:35:46 UTC in journal: #8194 Comment #42155
Lol. Rimrook illegal filming 2013.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 15:05:13 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Counter-Strike mapping Comment #100601
hey bro how do you make waypoints for bots...plz tell!!
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 13:05:27 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62517
Can't be together, too perfect? seriously? That's as shitty of a reason as "you're not the one."

If you were a couple, you'd work it out somehow. Start doing some minor forgivable fuck ups ;] If you let her go with that as the reason, thats bullshit and you can't let that slide if you really like her. You can't tell a woman you care about her, YOU HAVE TO SHOW HER! and it doesn't need to be grandiose like in the movies, though if you can pull something off like that, go for it. Women love movies.

Some girls like assholes. They do that because something on the inside is damaged or missing. Its a loophole in feminine psychology that they want the outside situation to match their inside. Men are nearly opposite so we don't understand it, but it's safe to simply know about it. If you talk and get to know this estranged side of her, you could be able to let her know that she can be happy, and that perhaps she deserves to be happy, and give things a chance.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-28 12:43:00 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62536
Ah, women are made of confusing emotional turmoil that for some reason men can't understand... Sorry about the silly woman, and sorry if this kinda is a kick to the stomach.

Usually, when a woman gives an excuse that is "Its not you, its me." it usually means, you are a awesome person, I like you because you've done all this but I don't think I could do the long term thing. It's kinda a womans way of going "It's been fun, but I'm going to go find a different person to go lead around for awhile."

Doesn't mean you shouldn't try though, if she does mean something too you, try (if she's truly interested she will think this is sweet and think you are "the perfect man for her"). But know when to back off. If you try one or two times more and its fruitless... I would suggest moving on because it probably was an above situation.

But hey, you could get an awesome female friend out of this, and she may have friends. X)
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-27 21:57:10 UTC in journal: #8193 Comment #50438
listened to them a couple of times long ago...omfg gaben is brony
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Commented 11 years ago2013-06-26 13:30:44 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62538
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-26 12:50:21 UTC in news: MotM & New Tutorials Comment #100196
Oh wow, it's been over a year already? Time flies.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-06-26 12:23:39 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62520
.. because logic.

On a serious note, sorry to hear. It's always hard to get over the "it's not you" kind of break-ups.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-25 22:35:13 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58301
This is mesmerising.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 17:29:36 UTC in vault item: Watercity Comment #20310
Won'tcha come on down to Rapture!..
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 05:34:26 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58303
That doesn't always work, though. Most likely it won't.

How's this?
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 05:09:09 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62523
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 04:45:10 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62535
Don't just wait like that, if she shows interest, and is a nice girl, act!
Don't waste a chance just because some one else tried and failed.

You never know until you try. If you want a relationship, there is no other way.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 04:26:33 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58305
Or just set up your IP address yourself.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 04:18:54 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58300
Change your ISP to one that offers static IPs :D
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 03:42:55 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58304

I don't even know what I just made.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 03:13:51 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62529
Yeah... I guess only time will tell.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 03:12:55 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58302
You should completely disregard that. You said the answer yourself: You have a dynamic IP. Someone that had your IP before messed up on Wikipedia and got Wikipedians angry. A few days after, that IP was reassigned to you, and you're seeing things meant for someone else. Since that person didn't register as a user, only their IP got registered. Just the same, soon that IP will be assigned to yet another person and you'll have a new IP that won't be blocked.

The only way to tell computers apart on the internet with no additional communication is through their IP address. This is, of course, pretty unreliable over a period of time because of dynamic IPs. Things like this happen.

It's no big deal, really. Just ignore it. It has happened to me too.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 00:35:50 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62519
sorry to hear man :(:(
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-24 00:20:35 UTC in journal: #8192 Comment #58299
That's what your MAC address is. It's a hardwired identifier for devices connected to a network.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-23 18:21:39 UTC in vault item: Blue Paradise Comment #20309
played this map on a server recently...great !
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-23 07:03:31 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62522
naw listen to the women experts here!
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-23 05:16:50 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62534
Its common logic that women will do this.
If you like the girl, than don't give up as if she means nothing to you.

First try, because you indeed can keep her if you understand her and her feelings. You need to show that you can love her and give her all your best.
Listen to your inner feeling.

And do keep in mind that some girls are "corrupted" by the fake morals of todays society, and that many are confused a lot about how things should work. As I said, show that you can give her your best and understand her.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-23 01:58:04 UTC in journal: #8186 Comment #58297
That's summer for you.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-23 01:56:35 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62528
She made it clear not with words, but with past deeds.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-22 23:43:54 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62518
A white lie, perhaps? Some people are very good at it.

I'm sorry, I understand that you are very upset about it or you wouldn't share it here. But, I have to agree with Soup Miner.
Commented 11 years ago2013-06-22 22:48:05 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62527
She has left it more than clear that she's very interested. That's why this makes no sense.

I've been dismissed for not being interesting enough, which makes sense in a way; but getting rejected for being too interesting... that is new.

Commented 11 years ago2013-06-22 22:19:50 UTC in journal: #8191 Comment #62516
Means she's not interested. It's possible that she's already found someone else, unfortunately.
You're welcome to try to get a real answer out, but you'd probably just waste more of your time.