
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-06 21:35:32 UTC in journal: #8106 Comment #58221
A cheap car that meets the EURO5 standards is better than no car, imo.
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-06 21:30:29 UTC in journal: #8106 Comment #58223
Get a real car ...
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-06 01:16:12 UTC in journal: #8105 Comment #67073
Well good luck on completing the demo! =)
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-04 02:03:30 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: trigger_camera Comment #100677
Ok.. Got it right now :)
If You set speed on paths, do not set speed on camera.
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-04 01:37:52 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: trigger_camera Comment #100676
I get a little bug. When my camera travels thru paths (p1, p2, p3..) it suddenly goes slower and backwards (Without reaching next path), after few seconds it goes normally again - forward and with normal speed. I can't understand why this happens :/
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-03 20:55:40 UTC in vault item: cs_concert Comment #18389
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-03 01:41:28 UTC in vault item: Santa's Revenge (SP Mod) Comment #20242
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-02 03:25:29 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58216
It's still better to be poor in your own country than to be poor in a foreign country where nobody knows you or cares about you.

Plus it's about everywhere that natives have a slightly higher chance of being accepted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-02 00:48:06 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58217
And what if you certainly couldn't secure a stable position to make a living where you are NOW?
I would think that's why most people move to 'seek opportunity'...
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Commented 11 years ago2013-02-01 17:58:39 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50897
It's good to hear that things are improving... and she's right, The fucker is threatening to commit suicide as if anyone cared about him, it won't make any difference if he offs himself, he's not going back to that family either way. It's laughable.
Commented 11 years ago2013-02-01 05:59:11 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58215
It's not a problem with Romanians in England. This happens in every country. When you open up to immigrants, rich people from other countries don't bother moving over, because they're already rich and their moneymaking scheme is where they are (or the few that do, go mostly unnoticed). Poor people, on the other hand, flock over to the new place to find new opportunities; which there aren't that many of, so they end up begging or stealing or living off social benefits or whatever, rather than returning to their country, "because they're in a better place now" even if they are in a much worse situation than before (then again, people that do that without considering their options beforehand are idiots).

That is probably the reason I'd never move to a different country even if it is "better", if I didn't have a certainty that I could secure a stable position to make a living.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 23:46:22 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50894
Cheers skals, thanks for the insight :) Wasn't sure about what the fuck saas does anyway, this is just coming through from our "representatives". Honestly dude, thanks. I think she's doing better today, but i haven't heard any update on her stepdad.. wether he's offed himself of he's been caught. She doesn't care though , in her words " i'll be fine. everything will be fine. whether hes dead or alive."

Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 22:17:16 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50896
Instant Mix, I live in England and currently go to University, so I'm quite sure we have the same system. Over here you can apply for a student loan which is given to you when entering university, to pay for study, and to cover living costs, and this sum changes depending on the circumstances the person is in. If your friends mother does not already receive loans to cover university costs, she can definitely apply for them now, being a lone parent. If she already does, she can at least contact them and see if the change in circumstances can increase the benefits.
Child benefits should increase the lower the income of the household is, so that's another thing to look into.

I moved to London seven years ago, with my mother and sister, my mother worked a minimal wages job, for the first few years the three of us lived in a small two bedroom flat, and we were happy, because before that we had to share a single room with other people. We eventually managed to get a three bedroom council flat, my mother still lives there. We were surviving on benefits, and yet I still managed to make it through school, get good grades in college, and move on to University.

Life isn't over. As for your friend, she should study hard and go to University. All that step-dad shit was a long time ago, she's made it through, all that's left is to look ahead.

Like everyone's said already, comfort her, continue being her friend just like you were up until this point, and use your head to help. Look up the things I mentioned before.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 21:22:11 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50898
That was extremely insigtful skals, i didn't think you had a sensitive bone in your body :o

I hope you're able to sort things our Instant Mix! ='(
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 20:40:53 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50890
"SAAS Pays for tuition fees for all scottish students at scottish universities"
*all EU students

Anyway, sorry to hear. Definitely get out there & comfort her.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 16:40:34 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50893
Well so far they can't really do that much now as they've only got my friend's words ( however I think the father now running away and threatening suicide reinforces this) - I haven't asked her if there have been any advancements today. Only until the police have gone through all this shit that the government can start helping them. She's 16 - since she's been in scotland she's entitled to free university ( SAAS Pays for tuition fees for all scottish students at scottish universities ) , it's really one of her main goals and from what it sounds like she's going to get the right grades to get in. It's just that it's more her family and friends to be honest. The damage has already been done to her, but her stepdad was the only source of income in the family. Her mother will have to quit university and get a job to support her younger brother and sister, and it'll be hard for her to support her bigger sister who goes to uni as well.

It's hard to think of solutions though, because it's a really pretty big involvement with the police on the phone half of the time. It's life changing shit, and nothing I can say will help to be honest. I'm not exactly the best quick thinker, I can have a laugh but i'm not an entirely optimistic person and I'm worried whatever I say could be taken wrongly and just make things significantly more shit..

I hope to god she's alright today.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 11:42:43 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50895
I'm guessing you live in Scotland, since it says so in your profile, right? Aren't there any kinds of benefits they can provide? Some kind of help / compensation? Surely there should be some help in this type of situation.
I can't really say much on the matter since I don't know how old you both are, honestly I have no idea how old you are so I can't judge. If she's 18 or over, she can get a student loan from the country and go study in university, living at dorms. If that was the case then her life would not be ruined. If she's under 18 then the country should definitely provide benefits for her family.
You should search this stuff up, at least help her while she's going through crap.

I had a problem on a similar scale last summer, my grandad had a stroke, he lives alone in the country side in Latvia, whilst his relatives and family are far away. My mum called him one day to find he could barely speak in the phone, he had been lying on the floor for over a day dieing, I had to keep calm in the situation, and find solutions quick, had to help my mum think straight. We managed to call an ambulance, and in a few days I took a plane straight to Latvia to constantly visit him in the hospital. He's all right now thankfully :).
Anyway what I'm saying is, the best thing to do in these types of situations is just to think straight and try to come up with a solution. Comforting your friend would be a start. Try to look for solutions together.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 08:28:49 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50901
Makes me sick how people can get so fucked up.
Ruining others lives with out any concern at all.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 02:06:41 UTC in vault item: MISSION MCPOKER Comment #20241
Fun, funny. Could have been funnier and more fun, if it was polished a little bit more. It is ok, I guess.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-31 02:03:32 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50900
Shit man, that's a mess.
Take a couple of days off school and go to her right away.
And if the bastard shows up, beat the living daylights out of him.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 23:19:15 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50892
How lovely. Her mother was initially widowed because for depression or something, her husband and my friend's father commit suicide. The issue is that now, her step-dad has gone missing and now he's messaging her bio mother threatening to commit suicide. That's going to fuck her up big time if he does...

I really should've stayed in better contact with her. Should I go and see her on the weekend or get her to come to me ( bear in mind she's 1 1/2 hours away )
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 21:31:24 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50891
Yeah... Great fun.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 21:26:24 UTC in journal: #8103 Comment #50899
The raper goes to jail and the mother gets to live her days off in the trailer park, all is well with the world.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 18:22:50 UTC in vault item: surplus Comment #20240
Your description makes me feel I should not be commenting.. but anyway..

I personally hate warehouse I was a bit skeptical at first but.. Surplus is actually quite good. It feels like it should have been a CS map at first sight. However, after every player spawns with a long_jump module, the map truly starts to shine.

Jumping from roof to roof, throwing grenades to people below...
Giving eveyone a long_jump from at the start was a brilliant idea, if you didn't gameplay couldn't have been more boring in this container and crate filled map. Of course it is not entirely containers, crates.
There is some lovely brushwork too, the truck looks really good. It feels like it doesn't belong there however.. The hl1 textures used on the truck look a bit weird when you are using better textures on the rest of the map.

Weapon placement is pretty good. The brushwork inside the buildings are satisfying, it doesn't distract the players.

The thing I disliked the most was probably the skybox. It felt like the map was floating? Perhaps, some high walls or rocks just outside the fence could have been a simple solution to eliminate that feeling.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 17:53:18 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58211
I agree with that comment Captain, but still the living standard is a lot better :P
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 15:05:40 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58214
(I hate typing on Android specially at twhl rawr!)
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 15:01:50 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58213
I'd love to live in London, were not the weather iso goddamned awful.. plus; the women in general look like ugly men wearing a black skirt and stockings :)

the cabs and the bacon are best in the world, bar none:P
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 11:17:26 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58210
Who wouldn't want to live in Britain? It's one of the richest places in Europe. Minimal wages in Britain are three or four times higher than most other countries in Europe, whilst everything costs the same.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 07:43:34 UTC in journal: #8095 Comment #67124
Look at the bottom of the page!
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-30 04:42:28 UTC in vault item: 2Partment Comment #20239
I actually liked the simplicity of it too.

It is blocky, it is ugly but it seems it would be very fun to play with friends. Silly maps like these, always provide the best amusement with your friends.

If possible, do not put many func_breakables in a HLDM, it is not CS.
Considering your first apartment map, 2Partment is an excellent improvement.
You definetly took the comments seriously and fixed the most troublesome issues, which is awesome!

+ I liked the extra entrances and exits, in the buildings. Good call.
+ Lighting is alright, ambience is alright. Nothing special.
+ Gameplay probably would be good.
- Very blocky, but I'm sure you'll improve in time. Try to learn more about the clipping tool and vertex manipulation.

I was going to rate the map 2 stars but I believe your thought process and consideration of the old reviews, makes it deserve one more star. It is good to see new mappers, who are taking the suggestions seriously and delving on them. Also, after seeing your older maps. I think you could have made this map a lot better.

Note: Jetmoto.. blast from the past..haha
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-29 23:40:41 UTC in journal: #8086 Comment #42140
That is very impressive!

I will definetly play it when it is done.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-29 22:16:11 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58209
I enjoy my wide open space too much to consider moving. Not a fan of crowds. Traveling to other countries is much much harder over here though, that's a bit of a downer.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-29 16:25:42 UTC in vault item: dm_warped_island Comment #20238
Alright, I suppose dm_warped_island is more of a killbox map?

There are some neat effects, some cool func_rotatings there and there.
Classic Xen teleportations, good entity work.

Would it be fun to play? Probably yes, since killboxes mostly are just spawn kills and stuff.

But, the endless water texture bothers me a little.
Lighting is pretty basic, and ambience is ok.

I'd like to give the map 3 stars but I can't, because that would be unfair to other better 3 star worthy maps.

So in conclusion;

+ Neat effects and ok ambience
+ Fun gameplay
- Almost no architecture
- It is just a killbox, filled with models, sprites, func_rotatings and lasers.
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-29 13:37:52 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58207
I'd sooner live in Britain than in the US!
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-28 18:54:14 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58212
gah, that tells you how bad their home country must be if they want to live in Britain, god what a bleak place!
Commented 11 years ago2013-01-28 16:52:49 UTC in journal: #8101 Comment #58208
Every new wave of immigrants seem to get the same shitty treatment in the lower layers of the UK society.

Pakistanis had it bad in the 80s, racism and everything. The Polish were the next scapegoat for every job lost due to binge drinking, etc. Now it's Romania/Bulgaria.

There's tons of locals on welfare looking for someone to blame, which means bullshit articles like that sell.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-01-27 21:57:13 UTC in journal: #8097 Comment #48650
Thank you guys!

I can not give more information about it at the moment, but I'm planning to finish and release it around June. I'll definetly share more "work in progress" screenshots later.