
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 12:53:10 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66451
Wow that is impressive, i figured wit was your ball joint, but apparently that is still attached to your car, lol!

how in the hell did all the lugs twist off like that?!
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 12:43:59 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66441
Whoever put your wheels on last obviously neglected to correctly fasten the lug nuts. You said you just brought it into a shop a few weeks ago. That's the most likely source of your particular predicament, although it would be pretty hard proving it to be their fault, given the amount of time that lapsed before it happened.

It also looks like you sheared off one of your lug studs in the process.

Hope you collected the wheel. In all likelihood there's nothing wrong with it, and those things are damn expensive.

Grim: Tell him to get a gat dang alignment bruh.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 12:23:03 UTC in vault item: de_soup Comment #20039
This is a good map, Good Work.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 11:41:48 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39651
I really found the final chapters to be the easiest of the entire game :P

I believe it went something like this:
1. Grenade launcher
2. EMP grenades
3. Ability to clone objects (specifically, the grenades)
4. 4 ICE picks for instant final boss killifying
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Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 11:02:05 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39647
Fun from start to finish. The unforgiving bit is why it's so good compared to todays games. You are never safe. It's relentless, challenging, terrifying... and awesome.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 11:01:34 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39656
Never played it :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 11:00:35 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66444
Damn you wheeeeeeeel!!!!!
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 10:57:38 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39652
Fun until it gets unforgiving and near-to-impossible.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 06:30:46 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66446
I was really close to a stupid accident like this a while ago. My dad just changed a tire on the car, but he got into a conversation with somebody as he put the screws. He somehow forgot to tighten them up.
Well, hours later I took the car and went a few km with it. When coming back I could hear a strange noise coming from a tire. At one moment my steering wheel began to shake and I said it's enough to stop the car(hopefully I was almost home, after going downhill...). I called my dad, and when he came he noticed the screws were on the verge of falling off.
I think I was lucky...
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 05:59:27 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39662
Wow, really awesome.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:43:33 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66449
Actually, it was just brought into the shop a few weeks ago. Go figure.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:42:08 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39660
13 years? You should file a complaint to the mail service.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:41:13 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66447
I refuse to believe this is possible without neglecting maintenance for years.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:16:25 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66448
Never had a tire blow out before, though I assume the whole wheel falling off is similar just instead losing a tire my car just lost the whole wheel.

I'll admit watching the wheel bounce down the road was pretty funny after the initial shock of it all of course.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:08:18 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66438
It'll buff out.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-09 02:02:53 UTC in journal: #7877 Comment #66439
My older brother's car eats tires. At one point he went through 3 blown tires in 2 weeks. Always on the same wheel too.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 23:52:31 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39646
Yeah, you'll notice a couple of ideas that made the jump from System Shock 2 to Bioshock, but otherwise it's a very different and frankly much deeper game.

It's closer to a predecessor of Deus Ex than Bioshock, really, and it shares a lot of similarities with Looking Glass' previous games.

The fact that it was made by both Irrational (of Bioshock) and Looking Glass (my favourite developer) is icing on the cake.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 22:44:07 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39650
@Blitz: Sort of, they're made by the same people and have some surface similarities, but the style of the two games are quite different.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 21:02:46 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #33103
You... want to execute me!?

It'll take a lot more than peanut butter and a mailing label to get rid of me!
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 17:26:04 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39659
Nice! I never played that game, it seems so obscure and odd that it's so successful but so few people are talking about it. One of my friends recommended it but I never got to play it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 14:15:36 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39654
This is Bioshock's predecessor, right? I also will admit to not having played it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 12:05:15 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39649
You don't know what a box that clearly says "System Shock 2" on front is?

Anyway, SS2 is one of my favourite games and a must-play for everybody, nice pick up Strider :)
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Commented 12 years ago2012-07-08 12:01:52 UTC in journal: #7876 Comment #39657
i don't know what that is, but i like dat! congrats and buh-bye!
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Commented 12 years ago2012-07-07 17:57:03 UTC in news: Competition 32 Results! Comment #100127
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-07 17:56:36 UTC in news: MotM & New Tutorials Comment #100126
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-06 15:32:16 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45653
Holy crap... girl on the far left...
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-06 11:31:45 UTC in vault item: Rchi_Minicompo Comment #20040
LOL, very fun and good placed textures.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-06 10:57:45 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45676
Quakecon's same shit
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-06 06:40:35 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45679
The porn industry probably has events like titcon.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-06 01:47:27 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45687
Are you replacing the water textures to be a little, you know, milkier?

Can't wait to see the Black Squid.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 23:26:02 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45652
Yeah. Otis has tits on his tits. It's like titcon2012 over there or some shit.

(If TitCon isn't a thing then it totally should be)
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 18:30:29 UTC in journal: #7869 Comment #62396
Great place to vacation, I spend a good portion of my summer in NYC because my Grandparents live there so I get to stay for free :) Have fun!
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 18:00:40 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45686
I wonder if Otis is gonna have double giant-tits.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 15:04:52 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45649
Crowbar boobs... what have I done.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 12:08:25 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45671
You should do something in the style of Duke Nukem 3D. Approach a female scientist, press E. "Shake it baby!"
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 11:00:19 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45678
You should do a secret place somewhere that has boobs in it. That would really get the hype up :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 10:52:43 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45651
Note: I am currently in the process of adding boobs to everything in The Core. Animating the crowbar's boobs is a nightmare.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 08:49:14 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45661
Strider told me to visit this thread, promising boobs. There are no boobs here. I am currently spreading the word on the Internet that The Core has NO BOOBS IN IT AT ALL and is therefore the worst thing in the history of the universe.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 08:05:44 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45665
I don't see how it's pointless, Collapse, unless you yourself do not enjoy making and playing your own mods/maps at all. I mean, I've got tons of material I've produced that was never released, and which I am very proud of. I'd hardly call it pointless. It was very gratifying work, and I got a lot of enjoyment out of it. None of it was quite worthy of release in whatever form it was left in, but pointless? Yeah, nah. Not at all.

I don't need to be recognized for my actions to enjoy them or anything. If I didn't like mapping for the creative process itself, I'd never have even tried it in the first place.

I realize this has become incredibly far off the topic at hand, though.

My feeling is just that if you create something which you enjoy immensely yourself, and you also intend for others to enjoy, there shouldn't be any need for massive media campaigns to gain interest in it prior to release. Of course I'm only talking about the world of GoldSource modding, which is so incredibly small that anyone still interested is going to end up seeing your mod if you post it around to a few sites. If a mod ends up being any good, it's going to attract a huge number of players through positive reviews alone. That's the number one reason I personally download mods. Not pre-release screens or trailers. It's the reviews I see once it's released that draw me in.

I mean sure, in terms of motivation, it's incredibly inspiring when you hear there's all these people who can't wait to play your mod. But I never once started working on a project because I thought it would have mass appeal. I was always in it for myself.
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 07:54:41 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45648
It was pretty much the most lowbrow keynote and trailer imaginable. It will sell like hotcakes though, because boobs. So yeah, it's the perfect marketing for The Core!
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 07:29:03 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45683
Ew, I hated the first trailer for FC3 I saw, I might not have seen E3s though. WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB WUB
Commented 12 years ago2012-07-05 06:43:38 UTC in journal: #7870 Comment #45689
Making something with no intention of getting recognition from it is literally a completely pointless act because you're not making it with the intention of releasing it in some form. Nobody sees it, plays it or recognizes it in any form.

There's a profound difference between trying to get something out of your product and being a complete corporate whore. Especially when they've invested as much as they have into it.

Mind you I'm respectfully disagreeing with your opinion, these discussions always seem to gain a negative vibe which I don't want or intend.