
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-27 12:00:58 UTC in journal: #8343 Comment #42287


Commented 10 years ago2014-02-26 02:22:56 UTC in journal: #8341 Comment #62623
Happy Birthday!
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-24 03:05:48 UTC in journal: #8339 Comment #61603
I miss green. It must be nice to not have a foot and a half of snow on the sides of the roads.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-13 01:16:39 UTC in journal: #8333 Comment #45925
So you're telling me it doesn't taste like Putin's words?
Well that's a disappointing end to the satire.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-13 00:29:52 UTC in journal: #8333 Comment #45924
Let me guess - it tastes like bullshit.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-12 17:31:38 UTC in journal: #8332 Comment #42277
Glad to hear things went well, if rather slowly.
Also did not know that there was such a... long and in-depth testing process to ensure the surgery worked.
If Rim has a lucid moment in between takes of the stone meds, let him know Canada is supporting him as well!
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-10 14:32:12 UTC in journal: #8332 Comment #42276
I suppose that's true.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-10 13:55:06 UTC in journal: #8332 Comment #42275
I guess operations are fun? You get nice painkillers or something...
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-06 21:26:13 UTC in vault item: de_subway Comment #20478
The layout is really good for close-quarters, fast-paced matches. There are a few places where the lighting and detailing could have used a bit of work, but overall this is an excellent map!
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-06 11:57:27 UTC in journal: #8329 Comment #40106
I'm at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) for game design.
It's a very new program (Hell, it's a very new school) in terms of the timeframe most universities use, but it's quite good.
Commented 10 years ago2014-02-05 16:07:48 UTC in journal: #8329 Comment #40105
Congrats! Seems as you're getting out, I'm just getting in (Though not to DigiPen)
Commented 10 years ago2014-01-24 03:18:01 UTC in journal: #8327 Comment #52778
EDIT: Good thing crappy pictures are allowed, it doesn't seem to like tablet input very much.
Commented 10 years ago2014-01-12 13:30:52 UTC in vault item: MISSION MCPOKER Comment #20418
Even as its role as a satire/troll mod, this really does not deserve to be in the "Top Maps" section.
Unfortunately, as much as I love satire, balance must be maintained. 1 Star.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-27 14:47:09 UTC in journal: #8313 Comment #33316
Merry Christmas, good sir.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-19 14:14:09 UTC in journal: #8306 Comment #62598
If the next president of the United States looks like Big Boss, I'm definitely gonna panic.
Google could probably build a Metal Gear right now.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 19:22:33 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45881
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 01:23:40 UTC in vault item: Secret Santa 2011 - X-LAyer2 Comment #20356
I love it! The music is a very nice touch!
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 04:20:09 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45880
Metro is more efficient for touch screen applications.
It just shouldn't be used with a keyboard and mouse. Microsoft didn't give anyone the option because they wanted to sell more surface tablets.

And if they think they can or should do away with the keyboard and mouse control scheme, they have no business anywhere near the tech industry.

Most of the aesthetic stuff is just opinion, (I had to take a bit to get used to the Vista/7 UI before I was cool with it) but functionality is not. And when you design a UI with only one functionality in mind, it should NEVER be shoehorned into another like they did here.

Bottom line for me, there should have been a separate build of Win 8 for traditional control schemes, which very much still have a place in the modern world, functionality should not have been removed or hidden, and the fact that Microsoft doesn't understand these things severely undermines their credibility, past successes be damned.

Also, fun fact: The school laptop I'm writing this on was shipped with Windows 8 pre-installed. They had the good sense to install 7 overtop it.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-04 17:31:59 UTC in journal: #8297 Comment #61130
Not yet, anyway. Thanks for the recommendation!
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-04 13:31:38 UTC in journal: #8297 Comment #61129
Hopefully not. $250 is my definite max budget though, and that's if I stretch my food budget a bit thin. I don't really know enough about commercial mics to get a baseline cost, though.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-03 13:06:19 UTC in journal: #8294 Comment #50453
Aww. I don't have CS 1.6 OR old HLDM maps...
And I'll probably be back at my folks place when this happens...
Commented 10 years ago2013-11-26 15:19:44 UTC in journal: #8290 Comment #61124
User posted image
Well, you're free with no misdemeanors. Though for how long... Probably not likely, when you leave like that.
Commented 10 years ago2013-11-25 15:49:25 UTC in journal: #8290 Comment #61123
I told you not to get caught!
Also, because I needed to reopen prisoner intake, my prison went from just under capacity to 20 over.
This will
Commented 10 years ago2013-11-15 12:29:41 UTC in journal: #8284 Comment #40344
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-26 13:41:27 UTC in journal: #8275 Comment #61114
"Wait, I thought Jeff was 14 or so..."

"Happy birthday Jeff. I'm a bit surprised you're 18 already, I was under the impression that you were 16 or something. Come to think of it, you probably were the last time I asked."

"Happy bday mate. I thought you were older. Like 21 or something."

"Same as TJB." ("Holy crap, you're much younger than I thought you were.")

Make up your mind, lol.
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-26 13:36:05 UTC in journal: #8275 Comment #61113
Went to dinner with friends. Split spicy wings for dessert. Didn't drink, went back to dorm, played video games.
Previous night they baked me a cake under the guise of a movie night.
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-26 01:39:07 UTC in journal: #8275 Comment #61112
Thanks everyone!
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-18 12:25:23 UTC in journal: #8270 Comment #43929
Happy Birthday!
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-11 00:49:11 UTC in journal: #8266 Comment #40331
You're right, that is pretty cool.
Where did you get the watch parts, and what kind of process do you go through to braid and attach the cord?
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-05 21:07:16 UTC in journal: #8261 Comment #42240
Happy Belated Birthday Rim!
Commented 10 years ago2013-10-04 09:55:29 UTC in journal: #8260 Comment #65849
Happy Birthday to you!
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-27 20:52:02 UTC in journal: #8256 Comment #49529
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was a good one!
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-19 12:43:06 UTC in journal: #8251 Comment #45816
Happy Birthday Archie and Ichi!
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-11 10:29:44 UTC in journal: #8245 Comment #45805
It's not too wanky. It's pretty good.
And besides, all advertisements need to be a little wanky. You have just the right amount of wank.
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-31 16:38:36 UTC in journal: #8235 Comment #49482
Fish that mofo ate, octopus tentacles, was nice, yet everyone lost their appetite. They contemplated removing their eyes and whispered "Hallelujah". However, Death often anthropomorphizes them into
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-30 23:01:41 UTC in journal: #8235 Comment #49481
Fish that mofo ate, octopus tentacles, was nice yet
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-21 00:20:47 UTC in journal: #8225 Comment #63360
One of the reasons I liked Dishonored so much is that it is very much designed to empower the player, and not just in terms of gameplay. Outside the storyline cutscenes that occur primarily in the "hub" map, rather than during missions, (which are skip-able) every single script can be interrupted at any time in any way, up to your discretion and/or lack of skill at stealth. For a game with a linear story, it has the most non-linear gameplay and level design in any first-person game I've played that's come out in the last decade.

In a more general context:
They player should always be in control, even when they're not. If they die, that should be their fault, not because they triggered the wrong script. If they want to stop an enemy from doing something, they should be at least able to try. They player should, within reason, be able to go where they want, when they want, to do what they want. That's why we play games rather than watching a movie or reading a book. Both are great pastimes when you've got a quality one. But neither gives us a choice.

I think what they're doing is trying to make the games accessible to everyone and thus dumbing it down for the lowest-common denominator. However, the "lowest-common denominator" they're looking at is the kind who would much rather just watch a movie, and as such, have no reason to be playing a game in the first place.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-08-16 13:29:14 UTC in journal: #8223 Comment #62546

I don't really know all that much about Tarot reading. It could be real, but it's likely just a collection of cards and rules that are worded in a way it could apply to anyone with a decent degree of success.
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-14 00:06:17 UTC in journal: #8219 Comment #61095
"dude my dad watched lexx too that show was so random lol"
Never seen it.
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-13 11:48:46 UTC in journal: #8219 Comment #61094
Wow, didn't think I'd get such a resounding "No", I thought if anything it'd be mixed.
Alright then, it'll stay. I might have need of an additional alias sometime, might as well not use it up fixing what's not broke.
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-09 11:49:42 UTC in journal: #8216 Comment #43873
To be fair, it is Urby. I have it on good authority* he does video tutorials like this:
User posted image
*Google would never lie to us or release buggy transcription software, right?

EDIT: Wait, simg isn't supported in journals?
Commented 11 years ago2013-08-03 00:07:52 UTC in journal: #8212 Comment #67322
A belated "Welcome to TWHL!" to you!

As for my favorite game characters... hm... That's a tough one.

I guess Sheik (The Legend of Zelda, but more for her Smash Bros appearances) and... eh... male characters... male characters...

Three Dog from Fallout 3 is a pretty cool guy.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-31 23:58:03 UTC in journal: #8211 Comment #58327
I know the first time I saw a squatting toilet was a few days ago.
Luckily, I was watching anime, not going to the bathroom. Because I would have had no clue what to do before I read that article.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-28 21:58:27 UTC in journal: #8208 Comment #38723
Happy belated birthday! Sorry to have missed out on posting on the actual day.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 23:59:51 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42203
There's not anything I can do financially at the moment, but you have my support as a fan, and I enjoy every update I see!