
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 09:57:46 UTC in journal: #5225 Comment #54226
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 09:49:30 UTC in journal: #5225 Comment #54223
just one more reason to get a cat.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 09:38:36 UTC in vault item: Stolen Gauss Comment #16759
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 07:46:08 UTC in vault item: Stolen Gauss Comment #16758
Yes, fix the download link, HL_Genius
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 07:32:58 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39834
Although IEMC in the UK would be fucking awesome, I do have to point out that Michael Moore himself is an asshole. He probably thinks America genetically engineered the AIDs virus and sent it to Africa because they never sent them a christmas card, and i know you're not stupid enough to be bought over by his bullshit, so I know the truth.
You're just coming to the UK so you can be part of the CrazyWeek system.
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone :3
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 07:22:38 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50565
Thanks! :>
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 07:00:21 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50563
Cheers right back at ya' and chin up.
Nothing like a pint of your favourite to brighten things up. ;)
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 03:55:25 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39840
I miss living in Australia.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 03:46:32 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39836
well yeah, europe sucks.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 03:15:41 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39829
So what Pb, I'm just telling them to come to Aus instead of the UK!
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 02:52:28 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39832
our government heavily subsidises our uni fees though, pb. at least in victoria...
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 02:25:06 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39838
And our counrty is trying really hard to be like the U.S. We have almost 400 cockends leading this tiny country, and as of this year, the university here isn't free aswell. The prices are unfairly high compared to the minimum wage, or even compared to the average payments.

I would prefer UK aswell, but Austria is much closer and it's 100x better, than this shithole.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 01:31:29 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39835
i don't know about health care, but university in australia certainly isn't free, strider, so that's not a good response
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 00:48:47 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39828
Come to Australia instead.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-02 00:46:26 UTC in journal: #5224 Comment #39839
I've honestly been thinking the same thing for awhile. Wanted to go to the UK myself in fact.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 18:23:43 UTC in journal: #5223 Comment #51629
When I moved I found some hidden pron, but I didn't want that now that I have a big wide screen monitor.
Technological progress is awsome.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 16:19:01 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50564
Double fail on lady front today. And I feel stabbed in the back by one of my best friends because of this. It's complicated and long to explain but believe me, it's total suckage to find out that one of my best friends doesn't care for my feelings as much as I thought, and a girl, where I thought I had a chance, suddenly proves that I don't. All on the same day.

I feel like a fucking emo wanker. Whatever, tomorrow's gonna be better, and at least I haev some beerz. Cheers!
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 15:05:24 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50566
today rocks. Gummi snacks for lunch. =]
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 14:46:57 UTC in journal: #5223 Comment #51627
You can find stuff you forgot existed.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 14:32:32 UTC in journal: #5223 Comment #51630
Its pretty fun moving all your shit into another place
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 14:32:06 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50570
I went to see batman again today

it was just as awesome
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 14:29:49 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50560
Yep, today sucks. TGIF.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 14:06:44 UTC in journal: #5223 Comment #51628
Moving sucks.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 13:53:52 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50559
It's pr0n time all the time.

This day is good and win so far.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 13:01:55 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50567
"Pron time."

For sure
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 12:25:08 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50569
I'm with killa. I failed 3 exams.Shit
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 12:18:18 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50562
Pretty win day here, too.
Just found out I'll be working for another week, meaning even moar cash.

What's the problem?
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 12:16:35 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50568
My brother just got another daughter, so my mom and dad is at the hospital, and I'm home alone. Pron time.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 12:10:30 UTC in journal: #5222 Comment #50561
Not too bad actually. Hanged with the cats all morning and midday and then started downloading KotoR 2 again for later on.

Why does your day suck? My boy!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 02:35:26 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98691
Congrats Grim!
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Detritus Comment #32804
Architecture — 7
Texturing — 6
Ambience — 2
Lighting — 8
Gameplay — 6

Video Review

Bottom Line

Overall, I'm hugely disappointed. I am perhaps being a bit overly harsh, but it's only because I know that Satchmo can do and in fact has done much better.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Detritus Comment #32806
Architecture — 4.9
Texturing — 4.9
Ambience — 0.7
Lighting — 5
Gameplay — 4.5


Avid gamer, skilled mapper, thirty-something-year-old and father aren't words you'd often use together to describe a single person, yet Satchmo of TWHL is just that. Being one of my most respected people in this community, ironically, he could also be dubbed as the king of dead-horse-beating. He has single-handedly adapted, remade and re-released almost every one of his creations for any game mode or mod possible. For example: Justice (, Justice (, Justice ( and, oh, don't forget, Justice ( Now even given that, you can't really hate the guy for doing so; Justice was actually good. And Detritus? Not quite.Loading finishes. You spawn in an unfamiliar bland and dim-lit room with no weapons to be found.. or roof. You look around and advance. Before making it 'round the first corner, you're ambushed with your pants down by a bunch of headcrabs. You rush outside to find even more monsters and even more average visuals. You get a crowbar from a dead citizen. You crowbar your way to the gravity gun. Gravity gun + loads of handy disassembled car motors and propane tanks = godmode on. You kill everything.. What now? Is that it?Whoopdee-fucking-doo.The only word that comes to mind when describing the gameplay is "meh." Being a single small arena filled with zombies and powerful weapons - wiping every single enemy in the level takes you from about ten (first try) to less than three minutes. So even if to some extent challenging at first when you still don't know where the heavy artillery's stored, it's all baby mode afterwards. Sure, stuffing some spectacular combat into such a small layout isn't quite easy, but then why try doing that in the first place? The first version of the map was obviously not designed for single-player.Another large problem was the complete absence of any kind of background story; not even a simple env_message-powered briefing or readme with some basic information. As I mentioned before, killing everything that moves in the level triggers absolutely nothing, so after your epic crusade, which could be metaphorically compared to a war where one side has nukes and the other is limited to butter knives & teacosies, you're left unaware of whether you should just quit right now or go through the tedious process of exploring your surroundings. I chose the latter, yet searching every corner of the map for an exit or a monster I may have missed and even piling stuff to get over the large fence proved completely fruitless. Even if that somewhat serves the player right, considering the low difficulty level (after all, you don't pat your kids on the back for roasting an anthill with a flamethrower), it's still one big disappointment in the end... but what's this? There was actually more to it? Hunter's video review reveals the secret of an almost impossible-to-find hidden button in the underground part (should've been somehow highlighted; even a cheesy glow sprite over it would've been great!) Filled with hope, I rush off to detritus once again, find the button.. and am rewarded with a whopping extra minute of gameplay involving a couple of zombies and a very dry fade-to-black ending. Again, it was unclear what to do next after pressing the secret button and took me quite a while till' I figured it out, thanks to, again, the absence of story.I suppose now that I've officially finished it, I can actually wrap up the gameplay part. So in conclusion, due to there being nothing new or original, due to combat being dry and mostly too easy and due to there being absolutely no given reason or explanation for your actions, my initial point stands: "meh." Period.Continuing with the negative stuff, ambience was more-or-less left out. Having only a couple of extremely silent background sounds, it was absolutely inaudible most of the time. Something like the occasional wind howl, a buzzing sound for those spotlights scattered all over the level or an engine sound for the generator in the gravity gun room would've improved things a bit.Architecture and texturing too weren't special or somehow interesting in any way, yet did their job for most of the time. Simple architecture with little to no detail, all wrapped up in a default array of Half-Life 2 textures. No serious alignment flaws, no bigger problems and pretty much nothing interesting about it. Most buildings, even if having a trim or two really lacked prop-detail, which is mandatory in Source mapping. Also, the facades of some smaller buildings were unusually varied in depth, while the larger ones were left perfectly flat. Another thing bugging me was the absence of a roof on the building you spawn in. A collapsed roof I'd understand, but with all the supports left perfectly intact, it looks like some magic hurricane's blown off every single tile and taken them all somewhere beyond the area you can access in detritus. And finally, probably the most noticeable logical fault was how the underground section was laid out. Looking like nothing more than a small sewer-like support corridor, it was connected to the surface with two vast staircases you'd normally expect to find leading to a subway station or something. Such weird architectural design, even if somewhat spicing up the looks really makes the setting far less believable.Lighting was adequate, yet still very bland and not suited for such a setting at all. With a few more yellow areas in the interior, outside areas were all lit with a a florescent white coming from numerous spotlights spread throughout the level. Such bright lighting did a great job ruining the atmosphere, killing whatever is left of its scariness. Natural bluish night tint broken up by the occasional small yellowish flickering street light would have worked so much better in my opinion.

Bottom Line

Overall detritus is really far from properly showing Satchmo's real skills. Bland, rushed and in no way special, this is something you can pass. Instead, give good ol' Justice a try. You won't regret it.
Commented 16 years ago2008-08-01 00:00:00 UTC in vault item: Detritus Comment #32805
Architecture — 5
Texturing — 5.5
Ambience — 3.5
Lighting — 7.5
Gameplay — 9

Video Review

Bottom Line

If this map was a cake it would look like a plain sponge and would taste like gravel. Entertaining enough to place but not more than once.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 21:00:31 UTC in vault item: Stolen Gauss Comment #16757
Download link is fubar, dude.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 11:06:04 UTC in journal: #5220 Comment #58712
@Satchmo: I work on the logistic departmen of a hospital, I have to see if the products arrive well, call the suppliers if medics need something on the hospital, etc...

@Grim: I'm buying Gmod because it comes in the same box as CSS.

Oh yeah, and I'm going to buy Bioshock and Assasins creed too.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 09:35:27 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98690
its a cool program that makes geometry stuff the link 4 moar information
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 03:09:48 UTC in news: New Tutorial Abound! Comment #98689
I totally want to start modeling again, and i will totally check this out when i do so. Thanks so much Rimrook for all your work making modeling more bearable. = )
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 02:20:39 UTC in vault item: de_cakemania Comment #16756
wow lol! = )

There's a lot of impressive things about this map, but a lot that could be improved.

I like how huge the map is and it's a very original and how the r_speeds are amazingly low considering the wide-openness of the map, and use of lots of cylinders (which usually bump speeds up). I guess you achieved this partially by bumping up the texture scales?

If you implemented your custom textures (which were hilarious btw) better, and made a lot of the structures not so blocky/edgey, this map could look so much more pimp. some candylandish type music would be great to, as well as some tooninsh ambients here and there.

Anyway, it's a nice map! good work = )

p.s. - you should include those cz models as many people don't play or have it, and most people aren't going to bother hunting for models or renaming them.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 01:43:48 UTC in journal: #5220 Comment #58710
What do you do exactly?
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 01:32:53 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #32904
So this is how it started. ^^
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-31 00:58:47 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98688
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-30 23:50:13 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98687
I better be on that list. Shakes fist

Meh, I'd end up banning myself for breaking a rule, or something.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-30 22:49:00 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98686
Grim's been on the shortlist for a moderator position for a long time now. I just finally remembered to promote him. :P
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-30 22:07:02 UTC in news: New Moderator! Comment #98685
Thanks :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-30 22:01:50 UTC in journal: #5220 Comment #58709
A fine choice of spending methinks, although I do disagree with buying gmod.

Its fun, but its not what i'm going to play a lot; I have to be in the "mood"

If you do get it though, call me up and lets use our unwisely spent money to build.. things
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-30 21:52:40 UTC in journal: #5220 Comment #58711
tell me if you get some extra hardware!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.