Thanks for your comment! I'm using Vluzacn's ZHLT v34 compiling tools, I didn't know how to fix the missing faces because I couldn't find guides about it, I'll do as you said and see if it fixes it.
I'll also try to fix the other points you mentioned.
I'm looking forward to playing Remedy's Control once it comes out on Steam, looks really good with its brutalist architecture and X-Files like setting and reviews are claiming the game features elements similar to Metroidvania games like large interconnected levels.
Commented 5 years ago2019-10-09 13:43:28 UTC
in journal: Need to leaveComment #102321
Try joining different communities that may find your kind of work interesting. I understand your frustration, opinions and feedback from people can be valuable to motivate you to get better and continue your work so perhaps your problem is that you're showing your work to the wrong community. The more communities you're part of the better chances more people are going to notice your work. Don't get discouraged.
Commented 5 years ago2019-08-13 18:14:53 UTC
in journal: I made a gameComment #102210
Thanks, will do. I got inspired mostly by Mirror's Edge, you can tell because the moveset is almost identical (wallrunning, rolling, wallclimbing, grabbing onto ledges, springboard jumps...) heck even the style, using strong colors lol. I'll try to make more detailed levels after I'm done with the base game, the current ones are mostly just abstract test levels to make use of the mechanics.
Commented 6 years ago2018-11-30 11:12:34 UTC
in journal: Video editing softwareComment #101644
VSDC is pretty good and totally free, they offer a premium version but I never needed it, no watermarks, easy cutting, splitting and adding effects...etc, most basic features you might need are there, and a couple of extras aswell, try it
I'll also try to fix the other points you mentioned.
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