
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:40:12 UTC in vault item: pup_usp_aim_canyon Comment #12911
Like Hunter said, this site is for mappers to show off their skills to other mappers. It doesn't really focus on gameplay. A map with good gameplay but horrible mapping/texturing/what ever, will get a VERY bad rating here. Because I, as well as most of the people here thinks a map should always look good.

Also I absolutely REFUSE to play a map named, "pup_usp_aim_canyon" What is with the name man? It is so freaking long! That also is a sign that the map focuses on gameplay rather than mapping. The one thing I CAN'T STAND is when mappers name their maps like, "fos_sks_24d_surf_abcd"
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-28 22:28:37 UTC in vault item: The Crab Lab v2.0 Comment #12910
I love it!! Nice idea for a map. My favorite one is the crab smasher!
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-03 11:29:56 UTC in vault item: dod_spire Comment #12730
Ohh and I am probably the only one that will review your DOD Source maps. I am like the only one that plays it here.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-03 11:29:28 UTC in vault item: dod_spire Comment #12729
Pretty cool Idea for a map. Here is my review.

-You did the spiral staircase very well.

-Out of alot of the windows I could see the geometry. And since it is no draw on the ceiling tops I could see through it. That never looks good.

-Wouldn't really work for game play.

That is about it.

2 Stars, very interesting idea.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-02 11:28:40 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #12716
Are you kidding me? You can't give it a 0 for gameplay, It isn't my layout, the whole point of the map was to keep the original gameplay and layout but make the mapping alot better, which I have done. Obviously you didn't read the name of the map. And also obviously you know nothing about gameplay because If the bridge was used it would be WAY to big and long for any map layout. You can't put a usable mile long bridge in a map. It look's as if you just gave it a 0 for gameplay simply because you don't like aim maps. Well I don't aim maps either pal, but I made this map because I knew people would like it.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-01 15:22:03 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #12708
I didn't want to make it different from the old ak_colt. Why change it, if I did, it wouldn't be the same map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-08-01 07:54:53 UTC in vault item: aim_ak_colt_pro Comment #12706
Haha, well put Hunter, very well put.
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-22 16:43:33 UTC in vault item: cs_bulletheory Comment #12630
Nice job! This is the only map I have seen worthy of 5 stars. I can not find anything wrong with it. The attention to detail is remarkable. Also it has Insane FPS! The average is like 120! Excellent map!
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-21 18:02:12 UTC in vault item: cs_bulletheory Comment #12617
What is that? The download link leads to a site? I don't want to navigate a site to get to the download.
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-19 09:19:37 UTC in vault item: cs_metropolis Comment #12587
Ah I see, Thanks! And I agree you should be able to edit your comments.
Commented 18 years ago2006-07-01 09:01:28 UTC in vault item: scoutzknivez_2006 Comment #12423
Scoutzknives was already a HORRIBLE map that must of taken about 2 seconds to think of. The map is so poorly mapped even on the source version, everything is blocky and for some reason there is a walkway? Above everyones head. Even though you cant walk on the walkway.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 09:09:38 UTC in vault item: Dm_furnace Comment #12041
Also, that picture doesn't do it justice.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-29 09:09:13 UTC in vault item: Dm_furnace Comment #12040
Very Nice! Very well put together and I love the 3D skybox. ONE thing was wrong though. Up by where you get the cross bow, on the ledge, you can jump to the left and get out of the map. I guess you forgot to put a player clip there. Also you could of added water to your 3D skybox in the spot infront where there is just nothing. Other than that Nice Job man!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-28 11:18:58 UTC in vault item: De_Splinter Comment #12033
Pretty good. A few things bugged me though.

The displacements outside looked like they weren't aligned right, or something. You could see the lines where the different displacements start.(Talking about the snow ground outside.) Also the outside could have used a 3D skybox or some sort of scenery over the mountains, to give a scence of reality, rather than just stop abruptly. I don't know if there is a blend snow texture, but it there is you should of used it on the mountains instead of the one you have now.

The inside architecture was alright. You could of used more diverse textures on the walls to give another scence of reality; or at least some decals/overlays.

I liked the detail you put in the inside like the env_sprites on the lights. It seemed like you put more detail on the inside of the map more than the outside though.

All in all it is a good map. Extraordinary for a first map. (Although you mapped on the HL 1 engine prior) Good job!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-28 08:11:44 UTC in vault item: HL1 Engine Is Not Old Comment #12031
REALLY small map. But it is pretty good. I like the destroyed walls. Only one thing bothered me though. Where that gate is outside. There is no scenery to make it look like you are in a real place. You know what I mean? Like the road just stops and cuts off behind the gate. Make the road turning around the corner so you can't see outside the map, make like buildings on the road, anything but making it just stop abruptly. Everything else was good though.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-25 21:14:36 UTC in vault item: dod_town Comment #12013
Yeah here are some pics.

Long list of dead Tinypics links removed

Yes they are the same screens from that movie I made, but at least you don't have to download the movie to see them.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-19 12:08:17 UTC in vault item: Mansion Comment #11935
First off a map can't be "laggy" what you think is lag is actually low frames per second, or FPS. I can't stand when people think that is lag. Anyway you need to learn how to optimize when you map. Optimizing makes the FPS better and makes the map run smoother. Don't intersect brushes, don't makes things go off the grid. (vertex manipulation) Make func_details. Before creating your next map I suggest you read some articles on optimization. There is nothing sadder when you create a good map and can't play it because of the low FPS. Okay enough of that, on to the review.

The architecture was way to square and didn't really make sense.

The interior didn't make sense either, there was just 1 linear path to go. Put some doors on the wall to make it look like there are multiple rooms.

The ground was to flat. Add some "displacements" to make the ground more realistic.

Read some tutorials on how to 3D skybox so you can make the scenery outside the map look realistic.

For a first map it is pretty good, but make sure to read on optimization!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 18:37:23 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11750
Judging by the pitcture, it is just a square? And it doesn't have any lights? This map took what? A minute and a half to make?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 18:35:46 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11749
Scoutsknivez was a horrible map, I hated it, and anyone who played it. I am more of a person that likes more realistic maps rather than crappy looking maps with so called "fun gameplay."
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-04 18:39:33 UTC in vault item: Dam outside Beta Comment #11655
Ooh thats awsome. Too bad your not finishing it :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-24 18:52:27 UTC in vault item: de_complex Comment #10986
Why zip it when you can click the link?