
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-01 13:43:29 UTC in journal: #6905 Comment #57138
Today, 1st December, is a Pendulum gig :D

I'll be sure to raise a pint to Romania :]
Good luck in the English Olympics. (Or Engolympics? Missed trick?)
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-30 04:19:28 UTC in journal: #6903 Comment #62070
I managed to get all but one of them before reading the track list. Awesome.
Like Blue Man Group meets pop songs.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-27 14:45:56 UTC in journal: #6893 Comment #63181
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-25 21:30:16 UTC in journal: #6892 Comment #49199
Yeah, AoE3 was pretty terrible, haha.

But Maddymoo, AoM was amazing! Maybe not AoE2 amazing, but still hella fun.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-23 05:24:26 UTC in journal: #6887 Comment #54139
I tried telling him that VGA is older than time itself, but he wouldn't listen to me :P
I mean it's bloody analogue.
It's the equivalent of complaining that your brand new DVD player doesn't play VHS tapes.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-22 01:32:34 UTC in journal: #6884 Comment #49189
Contacted support. I'll let you guys know if they come back with a decent solution.

It was a bit awkward.
"I know it was only 10p, but..."
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 23:28:04 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99705
I know, Rimrook. I sent her an e-mail when you put up the first thread =)

I was just playing off Ant's post.
Not all women have brain surgery.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 21:32:23 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99703
have brain surgery?
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 21:08:21 UTC in journal: #6884 Comment #49188
Started installing it and it asked for a product key. When I checked the "Game Keys" section of the clunky GFWL interface it said AOE3 has "no keys assigned."
So you're paying $0.10 for the privilege of downloading the game, then not being able to install it.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 01:22:39 UTC in journal: #6881 Comment #45148
Crollo, I genuinely can't tell if you're a troll or whether you're actually as obtuse as you come across in many of your posts.

If you're playing "today's games" which look worse than Far Cry then there's something seriously wrong with your PC. It looked great when it came out, sure, but it played crap and hasn't aged well graphically. Also it inspired a sequel which was just dreadful.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-19 16:39:39 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99696
Absolutely not trying to make Rimmeh's news any less special, but I gotta look out for my bruv and remind you that Urby posted about his proposal a few years back :3

Congrats Rimmeh!

Haha, great bump in that thread ^
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-23 20:13:27 UTC in journal: #6841 Comment #55179
God it's good. Hardcore mode was a great addition.

I fraps'd a quick video of one of my favourite additions :)
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-16 11:22:04 UTC in journal: #6828 Comment #47982
One of my favourite games.

Does so much so right.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-07 12:26:48 UTC in journal: #6815 Comment #45134
If you swap the lenses of 3D specs, so that the left is on the right and the right is on the left, you watch the film INSIDE YOUR MIND.
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-28 10:24:07 UTC in journal: #6736 Comment #44567
Logitech is definitely the best option for comfort and practicability. Razer make incredible gaming mice which start to cramp your hand after 20 minutes and Microsoft have a range of really comfortable mice which have absolutely rubbish DPI levels and no programmable buttons.

the Logitech G5 is the most comfortable I've used out of the G3, G5 and G9. (I own the G3 and G5 and the LAN centre where I used to work had G9s) and you'll struggle to find anything as solidly built.

Don't buy from Amazon, there are better deals out there. I just linked to those for ease.
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-23 10:19:25 UTC in journal: #6731 Comment #45123
In what way, Striker? It's modelled after my face and uses a photo of my face for the texture :/

Soup: You wouldn't want to say that to its face.

JeffMOD: While we normally put stuff on ModDB without posting it elsewhere, we don't generally release anything "exclusively" on the SnC forums.
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-23 10:16:35 UTC in journal: #6732 Comment #62007
1.9m? That's what? 6.2ft?

Clarkson is 6.5ft and fit
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-23 10:16:35 UTC in journal: #6732 Comment #62006
1.9m? That's what? 6.2ft?

Clarkson is 6.5ft and fit
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-07 09:03:12 UTC in journal: #6699 Comment #63700
While I'd agree that the L4D1 characters are more likeable, after playing L4D2, L4D1 just feels like nothing more than a demo for it. You get a lot of cool stuff, sure, but not even close to the amount of cool stuff in the full game. (L4D2)

There's also the fact that L4D2 is far more likely to get the best community content, not to mention future updates and campaigns from Valve.

Also the first point is moot, as the L4D1 characters are in L4D2 now.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-20 09:23:30 UTC in journal: #6659 Comment #45111
Put cheats on, then put asw_tilegen into the console.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-20 09:17:56 UTC in journal: #6659 Comment #45110
Also most of the actual map layout is done in-game using the "tile editor."
You then export that to .vmf and open it in Hammer for detailing and entity placement.

Oh, and you remember nodraw, right? Well you don't use that here. You use nolit or something like that. Basically vRAD's version of Skip.
It's all mad.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-11 12:52:35 UTC in journal: #6646 Comment #63649
Is using a company's content without consent legal?

hmmmmm. Tricky.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-06 21:59:15 UTC in journal: #6638 Comment #63643
Wow, you definitely weren't kidding when you called it a short story - emphasis on the short.

I love to see people still taking an interest in reading and writing as its something which is greatly under-appreciated by the younger generation. I love video games and I love movies but nothing provides the escapism a truly wonderful book can.

However, this story is rushed in every sense of the word. Not only do your three chapters barely scrape the average length of a single chapter in a novel (let alone the length of a full short story,) and the situations in which your character finds himself are very poorly realised. There's a complete lack of description of even basic location, let alone atmosphere or sensory information such as sound or smell. The start of Chapter 2 is a good example: I understand that you have to convey the disorientation of waking up from being knocked out, but you have to tell the reader that. You haven't given any indication whatsoever as to where your character has landed - or for that matter that they've landed at all.
When writing from a personal perspective, you have to constantly think - What can the character see, hear, smell, feel and taste right now? How do they feel about it? - and then you have to convey that to the reader. Otherwise, they'll never get engrossed in the fate of the character and will remain detached throughout. Lack of information also makes understanding the narrative a chore as the reader struggles to try to fill in missing information.

There are also quite a few examples of poorly structured sentences - more often than not due to overuse of commas.

Finally, there's a few wee niggles with the narrative itself such as how the US soldier knows your character has been "out for about an hour" and other slight trips in reality like that.

It's a great start and I fully encourage you to continue writing - I only criticize so harshly so that you learn from mistakes and make your next projects better - just like I would if it was a map I was reviewing. Also just like a map - every scene needs to be as detailed as possible.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-05 17:50:08 UTC in journal: #6632 Comment #63602
"don't call it college in Australia"

College and uni are two separate things.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-05 06:21:04 UTC in journal: #6632 Comment #63601
Please understand, Skals, I meant no offense, hense the "I hope that's not the case" and I stated myself that the systems are different.

However, we're not run by a different government :P Everyone in the UK answers to the British Parliament.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-05 00:32:54 UTC in journal: #6632 Comment #63600
Well in Scotland, most people are 17-18 when they leave high school.

But you don't have to go straight into college.
I took a year off to work - got some life experience before going back into education.
Because of that you can't really put an age on when you leave college, because you might be 40 before you even start a course.

Pretty sure in England it's just seen as the next stage after school, so they probably leave college when they're 18-19 if they start at 16. (you can get a diploma after 2 years)
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-04 23:36:39 UTC in journal: #6632 Comment #63599
Now, excuse me for thinking I know anything about the English schooling system, but if it's anything like the Scottish schooling system (which you'd think it would be, what with us being part of the same kingdom)
People who leave High School in Scotland at age 16 are not considered to be "graduating a year early," but rather "dropping out."
I hope that's not the case, Skals, but I have some friends in Wales (might as well be England) who went to college at 16 and it's basically the final year of high school anyway.

You English and Welsh do GCSEs then A-levels in high school, right?
A-levels are pretty much equivelant to the Scottish "Standard-Grades" which we do in Fourth year of high school - 15/16 year olds.

But we then stay on for a fifth (and optional sixth) year of high school where we do "Highers" which I assume must be the equivelant of your English first years of college.

It means we start college at a higher level and makes more sense in my opinion. I was so glad to go to college and get away from the immaturity of high school. If I lived in England that immaturity would still be present in college.

Oh well - just finished my first year of college, anyhow. Starting a 2-year (diploma) course in Television after summer.
Commented 13 years ago2010-07-03 13:18:21 UTC in journal: #6628 Comment #56986
28 Weeks is nowhere near as good. Different director and it's more a classic Hollywood film with guns and action rather than the tense thrill of the original.

That said, it's got Robbie Carlyle in it, and he's utterly brilliant in every role he plays.
Also Imogen Poots who is god damn gorgeous.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-30 09:36:54 UTC in journal: #6583 Comment #60606
Welcome. Welcome to Vault 101. It's safer here.

Seriously, Fallout 3 is probably my favourite game of all time.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-12 18:40:32 UTC in journal: #6559 Comment #42839
only if you have 25 posts on the SnC forums.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-04 20:43:26 UTC in vault item: l4d_sv_wetwork Comment #17895
I think it's testament to how good this map is that almost all the "flaws" you mention are defined by the AI director, not the mapper.

"the number of tanks you have come out in succession (is that a controlable option?)" - No

"-too many boomers (can you control this?)" - No

"-seems like there were almost no hunters or smokers" - Not up to the mapper.

"there is no sound/messageletting you know you pressed anything." - There is. L4D has some bug or something with custom sounds. Livewire knows the fix. I'll get him to post it.

"the AI takes forever to help you up... (dunno if this is controlable)" - No.

"is it a gigantic model?" - No. The ship itself is mostly brushwork. The front underside was modelled by Habboi, but the tower, the deck - pretty much everything is brushwork.

I also disagree that it's too dark. It's no darker than No Mercy.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-02 22:20:38 UTC in journal: #6536 Comment #47809
he'll appreciate it when he's older. Seriously.
Just the few videos of me as a wean are wonderful to watch now that I'm a young adult.
Sitting on daddy's knees playing Elite :'] (yes, seriously)
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-29 17:21:30 UTC in journal: #6527 Comment #56892
If you're continuing the joke from earlier, raver, you're too late and you've just killed it.
If you're genuinely asking - the PC version has a replay edtior which the console version lacks.
The PC also has larger-capacity multiplayer games, remarkably scalable graphics and mappable controls (so you can play with a 360 pad, should you be mad enough to prefer it)

Also, bringing up the DLC argument always makes me chuckle. The PC has limitless free DLC in the form of mods. And there are some utterly fantastic GTAIV mods.
Also, the PC generally gets the official DLC as well.

Note: This is from someone who owns the game on both 360 and PC, so it's fair and backed with first-hand experience.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-27 17:14:59 UTC in journal: #6527 Comment #56891
"I'm waiting for Halo: Reach atm"
What do you mean?
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-19 20:41:13 UTC in journal: #6512 Comment #41378
Daubster is always gunna be the yoda avatar in TWHL veterans' heads. I think you're going to have to change yours, potatis.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-12 22:51:17 UTC in vault item: dm_termino Comment #18106
This isn't finished.
You know it's not.

There's so many things wrong with it I don't even know where to start.
It lacks even basic texture alignment in many places (especially windows,) there are no little details or even light fixtures (even if they're not on, they still exist.) The road just disappears into a house. Everything is very blocky. There are very few physics objects which is what HL2DM is all about. There's no safety rail above your staircase - unlikely.
Nothing about it says "home."

Hate to be overly harsh, but I think you need a kickstart to get this up to and beyond your standard, because it has lots of potential!

Custom materials would also go down a treat.
Lighting is quite nice.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-11 19:20:46 UTC in journal: #6495 Comment #56853
I have no memory of doing this.

I need to stop drinking.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-12 10:46:38 UTC in journal: #6441 Comment #61869
Oh for fuck's sake. Trust a Christian to try and recruit another member of the cult by targeting them when they're feeling down.
Volunteer at the church it'll solve all your problems. Will it fuck. All doing something like that will do is estrange you even further from your current friends and introduce you to a bunch of hypocrites who you won't be able to stand hanging around with.
Sorry for rant, but that method of evangelicalism sickens me.

As for your problem - I went through a very similar situation 3 years ago, and I found that a lot of the people I thought were my friends actually weren't worth the effort. If they're willing to use you then drop you, then they're no friends.
Try new things - tone down the computer geek side of you when you're meeting new people. Try inviting that girl who called on your birthday to something you wouldn't have done before, whether it be a nightclub or a gig - something sociable and public where you can reignite the friendship and meet new people.

From what I know of you through TWHL - you're a good guy and you deserve to find friends who care. If you don't think the current ones do, maybe you shouldn't waste your time on them.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-04 14:09:58 UTC in journal: #6426 Comment #56835
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-01 14:30:13 UTC in journal: #6423 Comment #63430
Wow, sounds pretty full-on.
I'm sure you'll soar through it, though. Good luck.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-01 01:20:17 UTC in journal: #6422 Comment #53517
oh I had no idea you were engaged. Congrats if it's recent.

Congrats if it's not, too, actually.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 08:28:46 UTC in journal: #6419 Comment #55673
Where the hell's that bass coming from? Come on!

I can't talk and drum. I can't talk, talk, and drum.
To be honest; I don't really like any of this electronic stuff, but I will admit - when it all comes together the effect is, um, profound.

Power slide.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-26 16:56:20 UTC in vault item: cs_trepidation Comment #17880
I originally used a more orange fog to suit the sunrise ambience, but it looked awful, and there wasn't enough depth created without any fog at all. The blue-grey was the best effect I could come up with, which is annoying because I totally agree with you about it looking dumb.

Thanks for the feedback
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-25 17:39:18 UTC in journal: #6415 Comment #61855
Happy Birthday!

Continue to bring your disco fever to TWHL throughout your 20s
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-21 16:55:43 UTC in journal: #6410 Comment #44497
transformers 2 was gash
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-21 09:51:16 UTC in journal: #6409 Comment #56823
Starcraft for all those, like me, who aren't used to seeing the abbreviation SC2, mostly because they don't care about SC2.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-17 19:03:00 UTC in journal: #6401 Comment #55669
You will die of both boredom and laughter in equal measure
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-17 17:07:46 UTC in journal: #6401 Comment #55668
It's awful. Completely and utterly awful.
And one of my favourite films ever.

You have to see it to understand
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-17 15:50:49 UTC in journal: #6401 Comment #55667
Darkstar placed well. Glad :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-16 03:02:59 UTC in vault item: ctf_stotis Comment #17759
Very blocky and lacking detail, but a good solid design.
Alarmingly decent for a first map. Kudos.