Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 13:52:30 UTC
in journal: #7093Comment #57352
I know YOU are not lecturing me about formative comments, are you? really?!
Anyway, that is your blog?! it looks very nice i must say, though, i don't understand the hating on SC... SC is arguably the best (definitely the most commercially successful) rts of all time, and you totally dismiss?
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-10 09:18:52 UTC
in journal: #7092Comment #60756
Wow i haven't played the SP campaigns in ages.. Don't remember any of them being very challenging tho, but maybe i had it set to easy? (is there even difficulty settings for SP campaigns?)
Jeff you ever play on bnet? pm me if you ever want to play coop against AI or whatev... i love playing comps on Broodwar it so much fun...
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-08 07:30:27 UTC
in vault item: de_antari_evenskComment #18857
i'd like to start out to say i REALLY like this map! It has a great structure and "feel", even though you can tell it right away it is a first-edition map.
+The bus prop is amazing world prop for hammer, as well the light polls and arrangement of the cables/lights. Using HLFix will help you shore up the the vertices--on parts of the bus and other places)that the hammer compile screws up trying to snap things to grid points. Using Atoms's Compilator makes using HLfix and other useful things like wadinclude, very easy.
+/-The buildings are really nice. use the clip tool to cut out some windows, and make an alternately named texture that is a textlight. This way, you can easily make random windows look like light is shining out.
-some areas are ridiculously dark, like the roof and the basement. I'm sure you are planning to add more lights.
Anyway, again, i really like this map. Contact me via PM or start a WIP thread if you want more feedback!
I rate this 3.5 for the ambitiously awesome bus prop and those cool train cables, and the general feel of the map. 3.5 rounds up to a 4. If it were more finished it would get 5 easy.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-08 07:07:39 UTC
in vault item: awp_dust_portugalComment #18856
Very nice for what it is, and especially for a first map. A couple simple things you could do to spice it up:
-change the sky(map properties)to something other than that dreadful black mesa sky. (i see from your screenshot your sky looks different. did you forget to include your sky files?! they are in your valve\gfx\env directory if you did)
-add some ambient sounds like wind or beez buzzin or sume such.
-use something for cover besides crates, unless you really like the aesthetic value of crates! i.e., burned out cars, merchant stands, rock outcropping, water well, machinery, etc.
Nice beginner map and it looks like it would be fun awp.
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-08 06:22:08 UTC
in vault item: Chicco's Bedroom 2Comment #18855
well not much is changed since your first version of this map, though i still think it's very neat. My favourite part is how cool the closet shutters look and the little detailing like the computer mouse, the coffee steam, etc...
That said, i noticed a couple distractions right away:
-the fan is not shaped like a real fan. google image a ceiling fan and make it look right. i.e., rotate the blades, shape them more creatively, etc..
-If the big thing on the dresser with is supposed to be a flat-screen tv, add a couple simple things to actually make it look like a tv screen, like make the screen itself an illusionary glass texture, and put the tv image underneath it on a seperate brush. make that seperate brush a textlight, so the thing appears backlit. you may have to leave some space between the glass and the texlight for the light to shine through, i'm not sure. This same exact effect applies to the computer screen.
-no sound at all. through some speakers on by that pc and pump some music, an youtube video, ANYTHING =)
-clutter up the floor a little bit to make the room look more lived in, with some clothes, take out containers, bookbag, etc.
Again great map, but not noticeably different from the first one afaik, so again, 4 stars. this map is easily 5 stars with a little extra loving.. = )
p.s. i would love to offer help to build some props for your map if you need any.. i would love an excuse to map something for goldsrc again..
really?! i could have sworn.... o-well i'm sorry =)
edit: haha i just played it again and see that you're right.. i don't know how i could have thought stepping under those would change the destination...
***** Works superb! =) A very nicely crafted example map. 2 small observations:
1. have the player facing the the opposite side(not against the wall) when he teleports.
2. walking under the multimanager blocks(which was really neat btw) worked fine, but i found you had to walk under each one twice to get it to trigger. Without knowing your entity setup, maybe like having trigger_cameras and some other things, if you killed the previous entity before triggering the next, you'd get an the teleport change instantly after walking under the MM block the first time. I realize this is not even remotely crucial to the nature of the example map, again, just an observation. = )
Have mv moderator remove dimbark's rediculous comments(and these responces to the stupid comments), since none of those criterion apply to an example map. If he even downloaded the map and actually tried the example, i would be surprised. (if only i had a ban stick) Same with psilous' one-word comment/rating... =|
Commented 13 years ago2011-03-06 00:30:48 UTC
in journal: #7083Comment #55771
I wouldn't have a problem with vacuum, except id have to take my whole laptop apart to physically get to the fans ant heatsink... NO THANKS, I'll spend $5 on airduster and be done with the whole job in under 10 seconds...
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-19 18:31:35 UTC
in vault item: dm_sandstormComment #18824
Superb Stuff i've never seen a map with this effect!
+Sandstorm effect works well, and turns an otherwise very open map in spots to NOT just a killbox ++Superb destroyed/broken architecture.. you could copy and paste almost your whole map into any terminator movie..(a good thing!) +music worked decently ++you put a lot of time into small detailing and it shows.. map looks sexy as hell...
I can't really think of any minuses after only giving it a quick look. I will play it again or pm me if you want to try some gameplay on a server..
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-17 00:30:36 UTC
in wiki page: Tutorial: 3D SkyboxesComment #100754
Nice tutorial!
If i want to add displacements to my 3d skybox, do i add them before or after i shrink the whole thing down to .0625?
I also found that if you have your 3dskybox texture right next to a the same texture in your normal map, if you scale it to 1.00, it will match perfectly with your 3dskybox textures scaled .0625.
I also found "rounding" the outer edges of your 3dskybox makes it blend with the sky textures very well, i.e., you don't see a square on the horizon if the player is able to get up somewhere high to see the horizon.
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-15 14:52:28 UTC
in vault item: Lightning DemonstrationComment #18815
ha looks pretty cool! i like how you have the flashing lights intermittently to simulate the flashes.
some possible ideas to tweak the effect:
-make the beams thicker -add more colors to the beams, 255 255 255 looks unatural -place steam or mist sprites all over the ground, rendered invisible, and make them appear where the bolts hit. (might be a little entity banging, but i think it's doable.. -same as above, have a bright pointlight pulse on at where the bolt strikes, to simulate a flash, though you are going to run into the "too-many-lightstyles-on-face" error if you use too many. -same as above, have env_spark, gibs, even breakable ground parts where the strikes hit. Add a breakable tree to add a really cool effect. -try to capture a lighting strike in the screenshot so people can have a good preview of what the map is right away.
There are tons of ways you could tweak this. I would LOVE to see a mini compo based on lighting1
Very nice proof of concept! 5 stars for a electrifying example map! =)
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-14 08:22:24 UTC
in vault item: Map a dreamComment #18813
Wow this looks impressive from the screens and all the comments! I'm gonna try a new, disorganized review sytle, by just writing down my first impressions as i play.
+beginning sequence is cool, nicely executed. -scale in the bathrooms is WAY off: sinks come up to my eyeballs, and i can't even reach the light switch! =) +cool use of friction to simulate slippery water +Everything looks nicely detailed and textures +I'm starting to get the idea how this is exactly like a dream, how you jump seamlessly from one setting/theme to another =) +Some great/creative transitions! i just had the vortigaunt approaching me and i had the feeling i was paralyzed! Then, falling down the elevator shaft at the last moment... well done! =) +nicely constructed rooms with good use of effects for the most part! -those bubbles are getting a little old now, but maybe you'll tie them in to make more sense at the end (not that a dream has to make any kind of sense i guess) -in the room with the broken bridge where you can push crates into the water, i can't figure out how to proceed. i'm noclipping around now trying to find the route (i ended up noclipping up the elevator shaft) +nice use of the gman and another transition +nice how the rooms change while you are in them just like a dream. +use of pushes to constrickt/paralyze player is nice and dream-like +xen-ish area is quite nice! -can't figure out how to get out of the xen area but it looks dam cool!
It's at this point that i have to pause and complete another time!
5 stars for a tremendous amount of work! I'll play the rest and update my comments. GReat stuff man!
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2011-02-09 09:27:36 UTC
in vault item: Jalalabad Map PackComment #18806
Gorgeous map with a ton of detail.. don't really know what else to say beyond that!
The only possible distraction is the view distance which i suspect you have set that way for performance reasons..
Also, a very minor detail, some of the texturing of the bigger building complexes seems pretty blah/generic, but again, this is not a big deal looking at the quality of the rest of the map.
And as a final comment i won't even complain about the use of generic crates for cover since everyone does it.. =)
Anyway, that is your blog?! it looks very nice i must say, though, i don't understand the hating on SC... SC is arguably the best (definitely the most commercially successful) rts of all time, and you totally dismiss?
Jeff you ever play on bnet? pm me if you ever want to play coop against AI or whatev... i love playing comps on Broodwar it so much fun...
This, is what i see when i play map:
Clicky to Open
If this is not the sky you want players to see, you have to make sure you include the sky files, if they are not standard cs or hl ones.
They are located in your valve\gfx\env folder.
+The bus prop is amazing world prop for hammer, as well the light polls and arrangement of the cables/lights. Using HLFix will help you shore up the the vertices--on parts of the bus and other places)that the hammer compile screws up trying to snap things to grid points. Using Atoms's Compilator makes using HLfix and other useful things like wadinclude, very easy.
+/-The buildings are really nice. use the clip tool to cut out some windows, and make an alternately named texture that is a textlight. This way, you can easily make random windows look like light is shining out.
-some areas are ridiculously dark, like the roof and the basement. I'm sure you are planning to add more lights.
Anyway, again, i really like this map. Contact me via PM or start a WIP thread if you want more feedback!
I rate this 3.5 for the ambitiously awesome bus prop and those cool train cables, and the general feel of the map. 3.5 rounds up to a 4. If it were more finished it would get 5 easy.
-change the sky(map properties)to something other than that dreadful black mesa sky. (i see from your screenshot your sky looks different. did you forget to include your sky files?! they are in your valve\gfx\env directory if you did)
-add some ambient sounds like wind or beez buzzin or sume such.
-use something for cover besides crates, unless you really like the aesthetic value of crates! i.e., burned out cars, merchant stands, rock outcropping, water well, machinery, etc.
Nice beginner map and it looks like it would be fun awp.
That said, i noticed a couple distractions right away:
-the fan is not shaped like a real fan. google image a ceiling fan and make it look right. i.e., rotate the blades, shape them more creatively, etc..
-If the big thing on the dresser with is supposed to be a flat-screen tv, add a couple simple things to actually make it look like a tv screen, like make the screen itself an illusionary glass texture, and put the tv image underneath it on a seperate brush. make that seperate brush a textlight, so the thing appears backlit. you may have to leave some space between the glass and the texlight for the light to shine through, i'm not sure. This same exact effect applies to the computer screen.
-no sound at all. through some speakers on by that pc and pump some music, an youtube video, ANYTHING =)
-clutter up the floor a little bit to make the room look more lived in, with some clothes, take out containers, bookbag, etc.
Again great map, but not noticeably different from the first one afaik, so again, 4 stars. this map is easily 5 stars with a little extra loving..
= )
p.s. i would love to offer help to build some props for your map if you need any.. i would love an excuse to map something for goldsrc again..
edit: haha i just played it again and see that you're right.. i don't know how i could have thought stepping under those would change the destination...
me dipshit +1
Works superb! =) A very nicely crafted example map. 2 small observations:
1. have the player facing the the opposite side(not against the wall) when he teleports.
2. walking under the multimanager blocks(which was really neat btw) worked fine, but i found you had to walk under each one twice to get it to trigger. Without knowing your entity setup, maybe like having trigger_cameras and some other things, if you killed the previous entity before triggering the next, you'd get an the teleport change instantly after walking under the MM block the first time. I realize this is not even remotely crucial to the nature of the example map, again, just an observation.
= )
Have mv moderator remove dimbark's rediculous comments(and these responces to the stupid comments), since none of those criterion apply to an example map. If he even downloaded the map and actually tried the example, i would be surprised. (if only i had a ban stick) Same with psilous' one-word comment/rating...
+1 confetti +1 hat!!1
+Sandstorm effect works well, and turns an otherwise very open map in spots to NOT just a killbox
++Superb destroyed/broken architecture.. you could copy and paste almost your whole map into any terminator movie..(a good thing!)
+music worked decently
++you put a lot of time into small detailing and it shows.. map looks sexy as hell...
I can't really think of any minuses after only giving it a quick look. I will play it again or pm me if you want to try some gameplay on a server..
Great work!
could not open test.wad
Wadinclude your textures using Compilator, and you never have to worry about missing wads again!
Download Compilator
Pm me if you fix it i'll redownload/play/comment...
If you took someone elses dust2 port, made small changes, and reuploaded, i see it as largely pointless you would upload something like this here..
If i want to add displacements to my 3d skybox, do i add them before or after i shrink the whole thing down to .0625?
I also found that if you have your 3dskybox texture right next to a the same texture in your normal map, if you scale it to 1.00, it will match perfectly with your 3dskybox textures scaled .0625.
I also found "rounding" the outer edges of your 3dskybox makes it blend with the sky textures very well, i.e., you don't see a square on the horizon if the player is able to get up somewhere high to see the horizon.
some possible ideas to tweak the effect:
-make the beams thicker
-add more colors to the beams, 255 255 255 looks unatural
-place steam or mist sprites all over the ground, rendered invisible, and make them appear where the bolts hit. (might be a little entity banging, but i think it's doable..
-same as above, have a bright pointlight pulse on at where the bolt strikes, to simulate a flash, though you are going to run into the "too-many-lightstyles-on-face" error if you use too many.
-same as above, have env_spark, gibs, even breakable ground parts where the strikes hit. Add a breakable tree to add a really cool effect.
-try to capture a lighting strike in the screenshot so people can have a good preview of what the map is right away.
There are tons of ways you could tweak this. I would LOVE to see a mini compo based on lighting1
Very nice proof of concept! 5 stars for a electrifying example map!
+beginning sequence is cool, nicely executed.
-scale in the bathrooms is WAY off: sinks come up to my eyeballs, and i can't even reach the light switch! =)
+cool use of friction to simulate slippery water
+Everything looks nicely detailed and textures
+I'm starting to get the idea how this is exactly like a dream, how you jump seamlessly from one setting/theme to another =)
+Some great/creative transitions! i just had the vortigaunt approaching me and i had the feeling i was paralyzed! Then, falling down the elevator shaft at the last moment... well done! =)
+nicely constructed rooms with good use of effects for the most part!
-those bubbles are getting a little old now, but maybe you'll tie them in to make more sense at the end (not that a dream has to make any kind of sense i guess)
-in the room with the broken bridge where you can push crates into the water, i can't figure out how to proceed. i'm noclipping around now trying to find the route (i ended up noclipping up the elevator shaft)
+nice use of the gman and another transition
+nice how the rooms change while you are in them just like a dream.
+use of pushes to constrickt/paralyze player is nice and dream-like
+xen-ish area is quite nice!
-can't figure out how to get out of the xen area but it looks dam cool!
It's at this point that i have to pause and complete another time!
5 stars for a tremendous amount of work! I'll play the rest and update my comments. GReat stuff man!
i haven't tried the original ramen in YEARS tho... maybe i'll pick up some to re-live the magic!
The only possible distraction is the view distance which i suspect you have set that way for performance reasons..
Also, a very minor detail, some of the texturing of the bigger building complexes seems pretty blah/generic, but again, this is not a big deal looking at the quality of the rest of the map.
And as a final comment i won't even complain about the use of generic crates for cover since everyone does it.. =)
Great map!
no. sort the map so it loads properly.
I as well can't open puzzle.wad.
i also wasted 15 minutes to figure out what i thought was your bsp was an internet shortcut to the actual download.. =/
your mapvault submissions should be error-free and as simple as possible to install. put it in problem maps if you can't get it sorted.
I would recommend wadincluding your wads using compilator, that way you'll never have a problem with missing wads.
what are disaronno soup? 151 causes me to gag as soon as it hits the lips =)
and yeah I'm not a big of how absinthe tastes, but its always a good drunk for me
It was a little much to show the pic of the cat though, almost made me feel like the whole article was fake..