
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-26 13:08:57 UTC in journal: #8256 Comment #49516
Happy belated! Nabooru!
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-21 01:51:26 UTC in news: Rise From The Ashes Comment #100215
Commented 11 years ago2013-09-20 15:25:01 UTC in journal: #8205 Comment #40304
Very nice!
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 20:01:46 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42191
Your stuff is great. In my opinion good things are timeless so no matter what engine or program you use, it's the passion that counts. Keep up the good work, ever consider making cell phone games? I hear you can make killer amounts doing so.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-19 19:48:15 UTC in journal: #8201 Comment #49458
Awesome wish I lived there man! Let me know if you're ever in Houston Tx.
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-17 04:38:09 UTC in journal: #8198 Comment #42158
As I've learned the best way to avoid pregnancy is abstinence, but I know it's hard to do. Being Christian I believe sex is more important than we can perceive and goes beyond just pleasure and reproduction. It's hard not to do it with someone you love and i'm not saying I've ever had the will power not to.

I don't want children either, at least not now. But someday I might.

I think people are voicing their concern for you because we admire you and would like to see you pass on your genes to future generations. But what you do is clearly a personal decision, good luck!
Commented 11 years ago2013-07-16 16:56:25 UTC in journal: #8200 Comment #42190
Wow hope you come out of this ok!
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 17:08:05 UTC in journal: #8129 Comment #58231
Honey and pb toast is a quick breakfast.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-23 03:15:53 UTC in journal: #8034 Comment #42129
Happy thanks giving to you and everyone!
Commented 12 years ago2012-11-14 23:43:09 UTC in journal: #8026 Comment #52716
In highschool I worked out four days a week! Now in college I try to workout two if I can. Three would be the best.

I try to run twice a week usually just combine it with my workout.

At work I stand many hours in a row... Not really exercise.
Commented 12 years ago2012-10-30 05:22:28 UTC in journal: #8002 Comment #43796
Happy really late birthday!!!
Commented 12 years ago2012-10-10 12:35:50 UTC in journal: #7994 Comment #55953
Omgosh strider, that is so hot!

Nice tools captain, I only really use the hide tool. Never used any of the others, nice to know.

Edit: "plays with paste special" whoa wtf. Why don't we know about these tools.

I use the hide tool to assign the selected brush/ objects to a visgroup and name them. Sort of like layers in most modern modeling programs. Then I can hide and reveal them in the visgroup's window while I work.
Commented 12 years ago2012-10-06 19:38:35 UTC in journal: #7987 Comment #42109
Happy birthday man! 26% there hopefully.
Commented 12 years ago2012-10-06 18:28:49 UTC in vault item: DM_Cybrain & TDM_Cybrain Comment #20136
4 hrs sounds like a wi exaggeration, but it's not impossible. Great little fast map, the animated textures were really cool and the map "works" Reminded me of Duke Nukem a little which i'm a huge fan of. Over all a really cool little map! Edit: fixes gets ambience working, now were talking. Wow yes this map rocks my socks! Great job dude!

4hrs, really? Reallllllly?

And place the start location in the level, no one actually plays dm these days.

Btw, mind sharing where you got the content? Textures and sound from? Really nice!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 18:52:59 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45759
Happy birthday! And dayum, that one in the first pic on the far right >:)
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-12 18:29:24 UTC in journal: #7964 Comment #40296
Notice the person nearby? Neither do I. ;)
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-11 12:53:04 UTC in journal: #7964 Comment #40295
Haha @ Archie.
Commented 12 years ago2012-06-04 02:57:19 UTC in journal: #7827 Comment #58028
Ocassionally I smoke wine flavored wood tipped black and milds. To not breathe in too much cmoke just sort of suck the smoke into your mouth/ lungs and then inhale air after removing the cig from your mouth. It will mix air with smoke making it less hot and potent. Don't just suck in a ton of smoke, that's horrible.

I personally think hooka is the worst thing on the planet because it's very hard to tell how much you are inhaling and when I smoke it I inhale a butt ton of smoke. And days after I feel short breathed.

If your wearing an over shirt or coat just take it off before you smoke and then put it back on. Just brush your hands across eachother to get rid of the scent and wash them.

Weed is the same for me, doesn't seem to work for me. Makes me a zombie, I never personally liked it. It has helped me creatively a few times but I pretty much stay away from it. It seems to work with everyone differently.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 23:50:27 UTC in journal: #7776 Comment #40291
Just played one last night. Though i've played a map like the matrix map where you are teleported to a different arena every round and they all entail different weaponry. One would be usps. Another would be a nade battle. I think I like them better because nades alone get a little repetitive imo.

I agree Rimrook, it is very inspiring.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-07 18:19:14 UTC in journal: #7775 Comment #43518
Ooo, just had a similar exp, had to work at 7 in the morning, so came home after and slept all day and then stayed up all night. Really through off my schedule. Didn't get sick though.

I'll usually get 4-6 hrs a few nights and then finally get 8-10 one night. People say you don't make up for lost sleep but my body sure as hell wants extra sleep after missing out on so much.
Commented 12 years ago2012-05-06 03:02:12 UTC in vault item: cs_twhl_2012 BETA Comment #19951
Will check out soon. I think it would be nice for someone to make a video walkthrough explaining who did what and in what order.
Commented 12 years ago2012-04-12 04:15:42 UTC in journal: #7736 Comment #43414
Urby is furry. He has quite the stache. I think he likes coffee, and kittens and baths. He'll tell ya like it is for the hell of the laugh. He gots a red volkswagen and a big orange cat.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-28 07:04:02 UTC in vault item: Streetlevel Remake - Ports Comment #19825
Ok, I checked this map out again and also looked at it in hammer. There's a lot to say about this map both good and bad. There is also some improvements you could make for optimization. I will critique this map on a number of attributes.

Overall/ you created a very big map for gold source to handle. It takes up practically the entire grid in hammer. It is surprising that the map is playable with as much detail you achieved throughout such a large map. One thing I noticed in hammer and in gameplay is that the layaout is pretty flat. There is some vertical movement in some of the buildings but the entire map is based on a flat surface. This is understandable in that it is "street level" but in real life nothing is flat "even roads" and different height variations would have been nice. Vertical relief could have been achieved with tall plain buildings and other things that grew beyond the flat sky roof. None the less, the flat layout allowed you to achieve a very "wide" map which allowed for very far away areas which was nice in a city scape environment.

Textures/ Here's what you should do. Take all of the half life textures, throw them in the garbage where they belong and never, EVER look back!. Ok you can use some of them but generally try to avoid them as much as possible. They look super horrific and totally nullify many parts of your map! There are tons and tons of nice textures out there, it just takes a good ammount of time to put some wads together. What I do is place every wad in one big wad file and use it in hammer and then when I am finished with the map I make a single wad file only including one's used in the map. Some areas however had nice textures that actually worked very well. From what I can remember, the "crack house" wall and ceiling textures were nice. The floor was ok too. I think the back alley with the ladder was nicely textured, and the bank wall's bricks looked ok. I noticed that one building's facade had windows cut out in it but no window textures inside them. Maybe you missed it? Also you tried to make some windows appear lit but the effect didn't read at all as such and was very wasteful on entities. You should try using text lights instead. Also same goes for some of the signs, unless it was because they were all models. And I understand why you did it for the arcade sign to look somewhat broken but the same effect could be achieved using text lights. And you could have gotten away with only two lights on the sign. note: I did appreciate the nice pictures you made. But make "everything" custom lol.

Scale/ Some parts had scaling issues like the doors being 6 inches thick. And stairs, only 4 steps to get eye level high? Thats like 18 inch step heights. Average step height is around 8 inches. Just be generally aware of scale and you would be fine. The terrorist's base in general has lots of potential becaause of its verticality. Even though the stair's scale is off it still looks nice besides the horrible textures.

Brushwork/ In most cases you did a very wonderful job on the brushwork! You achieved nice looking shapes with minimal brush usage. Ie. the street lights are very well brushed out. I think in certain areas you did too much unnecessary brushwork ie. the rooftop wire tubes for the lights. Although it looks nice, the player doesn't see it enough for what it's worth. Perhaps you could just make it by altering the textures/ painting the tubes over the textures. Some of the lights were nicely made but could have been made by one brush rather than three by using the clip tool and maybe vertex manipulation. Also in many places cylinder brushes overlap other brushes which is a huge no no unless pretty neccessary. The ceiling lights could be lowered 1 or 2 units from the ceiling. And i'm not sure about func_detail because I usually use func_walls but i'm pretty sure that brushes within an entitiy carve into themselves so for the street lights, the lights should be their own entities or not touching the rectangles. It was nice that you grouped many entities together rather than making them their own. Architecturally, there wasn't anything really astounding. Everything worked pretty well and looked pretty nice but nothing really stood out as over the top or unprecedented. Your architecture was nice but a rendition of vernacular design. This is ok because your level is simply depicting a few blocks but it could always be more developed. You did develope some building's facades but you kept it pretty minimal. This i'm sure too is because of gold's limitations.

Optimization/ I also noticed you placed many ambient generics right next to eachother. If any of them are the same, just place one in the middle. In my map de_dust_thunder, in the mosque between the two fire dishes on either side I only placed one ambient_generic on each side of the mosque rather than four. Also, it seemed like you wanted to make everything a func_breakable. This is fun to shoot but you lose shadow detail in doing so and waste entities.

Other notes/ The arcade had a lot of potential. It was pretty cool but was confusing to tell what you wanted with it. It sort of looked abandoned but sort of didn't. And the ladder was sort of unrealistic. Just imagine how cool a little dark stair well cut into the wall that took you to the second floor would look. And maybe some candy for sale or prizes at the clerk stand. The building also had potential vertically, just open the facade up to the design you had going on the outside. If you did these few things it would be nice.

The train station was really nice. It could have been larger scale but at the small scale it looked ok. At the scale it somewhat depicts a poorer area but that's ok. I also personally didn't like the "shell" because I always get bad gass from them but that's totally personal. The gas station looked cool inside and I loved the music as I used it in my dream mod.

I really really liked your over abundance of ambience and especially music. On top of the night club is an awesome place to camp with an awp or scout. And you also did some cool work with lighting even though it could be optimized. The feelings you portrayed were nice as I think you were going after.

Forgot to mention, the t base building's court yard had a lot of potential and could be developed more ie. height variations, garden features etc. The models however were really bad. The half life plants look like big green tounges. Just use your judgement on what models you use. Here's a good site for some models:

hmm, what else. Ahh, I loved the secret! Secrets are always fun. You must know this too neing that you are also a fan of Hondo. Though the round start thing might mess the trigger up for it. Just rem, gold compiles extremely fast. That's why I constantly compile and test play my maps. Test play it and get a feel for scale, and omit things that look bad. Like the super fat doors and weird half life models.

I liked the chairs in the courtyard t base :) Though those textures! Eww.

Hmm, I liked the real life coke machine. Do they give you health? I really liked how you had a health charger, this is un common in cs maps. I like anything that is un common, once again try to be un precedented and add "new" features to the practically dead game. Who cares at this point. Hmm, makes me want to come up with a new gameplay for cs like the 35 hp knife maps.

As i've mentioned before, I liked how in the train station you fall down but cannot get back up that way. If I had done it I would have added stairs, so it is nice to see something unnexpected that drastically alters game play. This idea could be further developed in other areas.

Oh yea, the middle construction area seemed a little odd. I think this was due to the fact that it's practically all sheet rock and not frame. I think at that level of construction it would be all frame. And it seemed a little brush heavy, I know i'm telling you do it all frame but less brush heavy. The gates around it creating the area itself was cool. At second glance it actually looks really nice, just needs less sheetrock/ insulation somehow. Maybe plywood?

The pendulum door in the office looked a little strange. There's wind inside? This effect I often use for hanging lamps. Maybe if the door was outside.

To sum it up, at first glance the map looked nice and huge but the overall effect was horribly nullified due to the textures and somewhat because of the flatness. I think hondo did a street like level, check it out for vertical relief. A few things could be optimized. And a lot could be further developed. None the less, a nice map. Perhaps this calls for a streetlevel 3? hehe.
Commented 13 years ago2012-01-05 17:29:41 UTC in vault item: Apartment X2 Comment #10332
Glad to see you didn't drop gs entirely. Guess it took you getting mad to pick it up. This was a nice little map, clean and simple. Pretty cool stuff. It is actually pretty awesome! What made it play so laggy for such a small map though?

I loved the floating furniture but it would look cooler if it was slowly moving up and down or a pendulum.

Btw, I know you didn't come up with the name, but this is a house not an apartment lol.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-31 20:39:24 UTC in vault item: Scientist Hunt HD Map Pack 1.2 (Beta 1) Comment #19707
Did you remake endlrainsh?
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-30 16:24:58 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Map Layout Theory for CS Comment #101047
Thanks for the good pointers. This is the kind of thinking that goes into good maps. With halflife I think a lot about movement i.e gauss and longjump etc. Counterstrike has its own unique features to think about.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-21 20:51:00 UTC in news: Competition 32 Comment #99946
That competition looks cool, but not sure goldsource would handle a ship of that size. Well i'm a huge counterstrike player and especially recently so this is right up my alley.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-06 02:14:08 UTC in vault item: de_abducted Comment #19633
I agree with everyone else, visually this map is absolutely astounding! But game play wise I think it suffers a little bit for a few reasons. There are many places you can jump/fall down to but some hurt you, some don't and some kill you. It's hard to tell which do what without testing each area. Also as camper kid mentioned, there really isn't much cover but it might make for some quick gameplay. I think most players would just jump off the glass panels and camp out under it peaking over.

I thought it would be a fun map to play with low gravity but the main area has a clip brush just a few feet above the players head. I think it is unnecessary. Also there's a few glitches in the tunnels. This I know is due to the goldsource engine's weak capabilities.

Sorry for pointing out the bads, it's just such a nice map that they should be fixed. But that's up to you. This is great work and very very inspirational. I'm working on a map right now myself with somewhat the same theme and this one visually blows mine out of the water. Did you make the textures or get them from somewhere? And could I use them? Anyways good job and great work! Just think about gameplay a little more. I can't rate this map because visually it deserves 20 stars but not gameplay wise. Sorry for being stubborn. Another constructive critisism is that though the map is visually beautiful it gets a bit boring to walk around in. Maybe because there is no vertical gameplay or things to interact with like ladders, elevators, doors, breakables, movement devices etc. Also the ambience that plays through the whole map is a little distinctive. Perhaps a longer wav. that alters more would be better for that. Though it gets the job done, after a few rounds it might get a little repetitive

Besides all that, you sure pushed gold to its limits. This map could pass for source!

Keep up the wonderful work and goodluck to your future maps! We'll be looking forward to them! :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-05 04:53:12 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43223
Give him a little cut and throw him in shark infested water. Same thing, dif. scale.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-05 03:42:57 UTC in vault item: de_abducted Comment #19628
Link didn't work for me.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-05 03:14:15 UTC in journal: #7497 Comment #43222
Wow, how disturbing. Some people have no soul.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-12-01 06:53:18 UTC in vault item: ambient_generic radius Comment #19607
Lol, why not do medium and large as well in different colors in the same map hehe? Go the extra inch :D Cool idea! This is actually very useful.
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-27 00:01:11 UTC in vault item: c31_captainterror Comment #19593
It seems like the textures as mentioned by Moaby could have been altered with lighting because of their bland consistency. Different colored lighting could have altered the texture's appearance in defferent areas. And where was the ambience???

Other than that it was very well done. The slight bends in the walls in the big ship room while harder to do than straight were well worth the awesome effect with the ceiling beams altering directions. The windows also looked really cool in the area.

I also really liked the open "ship exit" hallway. Really cool architecture. Some things seemed to deadend like the ends of the main hangar, the ceiling detail could have continued to the floor or had a better connection to the wall.

Overall, a great entry and use of textures, and great use of the oldsource. Ambience and lighting could have been used to your advantage but even without them you managed a very nice map. I think the big ship hangar is the strongest part of this map and will nudge you towards the top in this competition though i've yet to check other entires out. Good luck.
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-22 23:06:12 UTC in vault item: de_abducted Comment #19552
This along with you other maps are on my list of things to review!

Looks very cool from screens and I was working on an alien moon base map myself.
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-22 09:33:59 UTC in journal: #7383 Comment #41831
Rim hope your ok man. My dad gets them sometimes but I don't think ever that big!

113 :0
Commented 13 years ago2011-11-07 15:09:13 UTC in journal: #7465 Comment #62273
I would surprise her by wearing a ski mask and "pretending" to rob her. Then when she poos her panties pull off the mask and say "surprise!" Jk lol. Do what you feel. Personally, i'd let her know.
Commented 13 years ago2011-10-29 02:31:33 UTC in vault item: Venko's cool prefabs 1 Comment #19516
Great for people in need. But maybe you could fix the bugs.
Commented 13 years ago2011-10-01 04:47:16 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #19469
@ pot. dl worked but map didn't. Wrong weapon #?
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-19 15:33:40 UTC in journal: #7360 Comment #41812
My dad passes these all the time. Very painful :0 Good luck.
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-12 19:33:52 UTC in vault item: Aquatos: Aqua Labs (Remake) Comment #19410
Wow I must admit that the screenshot doesn't do this map justice. Pretty nice! I'm sure it would make for great gameplay. But I do agree with Dim on the terrain, its just so blocky and awful looking. You should consider smoothing it out a bit, I know its a pain in gold to do and thats why you probably didn't but with so much effort put towards the rest of the map I would think you would go the extra step to do so. Also, you gave the map the same name as the previous one. So this was meant to replace it?

Otherwise the hallways and interior area looked great. And the elevator shafts and stair well were awesome! Great job man, hope we can playtest it!
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-10 16:22:12 UTC in journal: #7352 Comment #40285
I've seen some really interesting concepts like a house or Italy style version. Also when I was younger I played some versions where it was the same concept but a totally different map.

I plan on doing the same concept but different map, though some the same.

The concepts are, a base that activates an airstrike of some sort. I could have it a chemical plant zone that releases chemicals or something different. Another concept is the "crossfire" area. Basically just a bunch of structures around a squared aread that players can go in and out jumping around through windows and doors shooting eachother. Elevators make for very quick movement amongst the area and map. I'd probably make it a little bigger. And i'll use nicer textures and whatnot.

While this is what I plan, it may turn into something totally different like you suggested Strojke. Check out and compare my stockhouse map to stalkyard to see what I might kind of do. stockhouse

It's a different floor plan and everything all together but with some of the same concepts as stalkyard. Oh and thanks Strojke, i'll try to live up to awesome for you! I'll post ideas once I get a chance to do some sketches.

I also plan on making the base more chunky and bigger with more ways to get into it. And i'm seeing a big blue screen with sattelites flying around on it. And an interesting transformation to allow you to press the button.

And i'm seeing some eery dark ambient distant hallways :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-10 04:10:19 UTC in journal: #7351 Comment #51533
Welcome back!

I was just thinking of doing a version of crossfire. I've done a stalkyard.

Maybe you could do a remake? The originals are "still" being played! :0

Crossfire is an easy small yet very popular one and probably wouldn't take too much effort. Thats why I chose it. Maybe we could BOTH do one! Yea, mark, get set, start dabbling at!
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-07 04:47:39 UTC in journal: #7349 Comment #41801
I have it on my crashed hard drive...
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-04 11:30:29 UTC in vault item: de_twhl2011 Comment #19325
Very clean nice small map. Small maps are nice because dead players won't have to wait a million years for the next round. Very nice textures, looked like hl2.

Guess it could have used some more ambience but not totally necessary. Also some of the doors opened way too slowly and the double doors that opened individually should both be triggered by a trigger multiple on the floor so that they open at the same time in my opinion. It just causes unnecesarry delay.

For a small map you managed vertical gameplay. And I must again mention those textures looked astounding! Really gave a good feel to the old gold source.

I laughed at the cstriker magazine. And I loved shooting the monitors. Good job!
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-04 11:26:30 UTC in journal: #7340 Comment #45243
Dude! w h a t! Gotta see this when its done so I can giggle and point at you and jump around on my tippy toes.
Commented 13 years ago2011-08-03 06:52:44 UTC in vault item: Garage Door Comment #19327
Thanks. I also added the little arm device that pulls the garage open and pushes it closed and runs along the black beam. I simply made it and attached it to the top garage door segment with the biggest lip value and then shifted the origin to its center and adjusted its lip value. You will see it in the mod but not for a long time. I'd upload it but the part isn't necessary.
Commented 13 years ago2011-07-24 02:33:28 UTC in vault item: Garage Door Comment #19379
Omg, this is ABOSOLUTELY BRILLIANT! Thanks so much! ! ! I'll simply use this and divide the top and bottom parts into two or three individual doors that move into eachother. The middle piece remaining is fine. Good job!

The only other bug will be the textures showing through eachother unless they are rendered invisible or placed the same as the overlapping ones. I'll edit it tomorrow.

Edit: Ok, more like 6 segments each. But I got it!

Edit: Ok, finished and re uploaded to the new open and close version. Thanks for the idea and help captain, couldn't have done it with out you!