
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-24 14:15:46 UTC in journal: #5207 Comment #47026
heh, i have a blimey hard time just sitting down doing nothing, not my thing.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-21 00:31:53 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Pointfiles Comment #100821
For goldsrc, load the .lin file in hammer 3.5 It will ask you to load the default pointfile, click no and select the .lin file, it will give you similar results as shown in this tutorial.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-15 03:25:45 UTC in journal: #5194 Comment #51618
Good to here your still alive, and that picture looks beautifull, although eerily quite.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-12 13:42:42 UTC in journal: #5190 Comment #53694
The scottish aye?

Good luck with your GCSE results!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-12 13:39:36 UTC in vault item: DM Towers Comment #16127
Heh oke, will do, didnt know it looked that dark.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-11 07:43:03 UTC in journal: #5187 Comment #36014
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-11 07:22:42 UTC in journal: #5187 Comment #36013
hot man-love with Hugh?
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-09 05:12:28 UTC in journal: #5183 Comment #59865
Yeah i love the houndeye, looks great!
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-09 03:26:19 UTC in journal: #5182 Comment #44240
The E3 is done, a few big publishers dont even go there anymore. Thankfully for those in gamedesign there still is the GDC, wich opened for registrations yesterday. Although some people say it will go down the same way as the E3, mainly because more and more non-gamedesign press is going to this event.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 14:00:07 UTC in journal: #5181 Comment #35996
Your lightning is fail!

I love your charters though, especially the ghost.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-07 13:11:34 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Terrain Comment #100579
Cheers, nowadays i usualy move the vertexes in a random position, i also tend to start with 2 triangles, and from there on copy and paste them in the place i want them to be, it takes more time but definately gives you a bigger form of control over how your terrain will look.
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-03 04:10:22 UTC in journal: #5171 Comment #40690
Whoo! Now i shall have my personal invincible unstoppable army of snarks for about 20 seconds! World domination here I come!(Muzz might remember my snark spamming in the DM days:D)
Commented 16 years ago2008-07-02 03:10:30 UTC in journal: #5170 Comment #40682
I prefer doing just freelance stuff on order, the sun is the only thing that is free. It probably also avoids annoying people coming to knock at your door.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 15:20:33 UTC in journal: #5148 Comment #59193
Indeed very interesting, in what setting are we supposed to see this? Alien? Future?
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 15:18:34 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35098
Both true, collision in flash is a bitch, still messing with that. And the turret indeed moves over the house, this is due to the Zindex. In Flash you can arrange your objects in one file( the body of the tank is an object, the tree, the house, etc). As you can see shuffled some of them around to test various things, wich makes it look buggy:).
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 15:09:49 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35097
kinda like a hardcore/casual gamer switch :o)
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 15:00:34 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35096
cheers, i'm trying to find a balance between fun and realism, i modified the playing field to what i believe makes a better moving area, offcourse this required scaling down of the houses. Most people that play flash games dont really care about customizing the controls, although i could throw in a switch that flips the controls between the WASD and the arrows, but that is something for later:).
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 10:21:27 UTC in news: TF2 Update Now Available Comment #98569
I still haven't played TF2, but if I would then it would definitely be a pyro. I tend to pick that class in TFC to all the time, nothing can beat burning a few unsuspecting scouts or heavies.
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-20 09:51:14 UTC in journal: #5151 Comment #35095
Captain Terror, il upload a newer version in a few minutes!

CP, i only had acces to the career fair and the student expo from the HKU, even then i didnt see all of it, altough 2 of my teachers are still around there. But if i would have know then i surely would have dropped by, offcourse i could also visit your studio someday in the future if you guys dont mind:).

Daub, the crosshair indeed looks big, in this shot, but the whole game is in a 1024x768 resolution, wich makes it look a tab bit smaller.

EDIT: current version:

It is still in the prototyping phase, so a lot of things can still change and most likely will.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 12:33:48 UTC in journal: #4990 Comment #40607
i love it, quik, call wesley snipes!

sequal: Snarks on all planes!
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-24 05:27:15 UTC in news: Happy Everything! Comment #98456
You sure did, oh sweet irony where art thy?
Commented 16 years ago2008-03-09 12:37:17 UTC in journal: #4932 Comment #35093
Yeah just the mouse movement so far, im programming the tank controls right now.
Commented 18 years ago2007-01-08 18:54:44 UTC in vault item: Xen Cryo - Compo 15 Comment #13944
The ALT-E thingie is called scaling muzz ^_^
Commented 18 years ago2006-12-09 15:32:16 UTC in vault item: fy_quickshot Comment #13643
Definately a good thing if you would ask me! Looks good from that screenie!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-27 17:35:28 UTC in vault item: Building Jump (for The Specialists) Comment #12027
Played this map online a long time ago, wasnt to bad compared to other maps around but it really missed a certain ambiance, it would have been better if you wouldnt be able to walk on the ground, more or less making it the same as in ts_lobby, it would give people a better motivation to look where they are going before making some insane jump.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-16 13:10:36 UTC in vault item: Vital Signs Comment #11901
Impressive map rate G-kid ^_^.

i'l download it later on when im back.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-02 14:48:06 UTC in vault item: Spheres Comment #11629
Your correct, that is because a planet like sphere would be build up from a tehradron.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-30 14:15:11 UTC in vault item: RPG Arena Comment #10298
Played this map online, but it's an instant lag fest. Could use some optimazation.
Commented 19 years ago2005-12-01 15:48:16 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #10011
Rather bland map, it felt very empty and depressing, the lightning was horrible in my oppinion. Though this might as wel have been the authors goal. The gameplay fits right in with the map, bland. Not nessicerily a bad idea, but it didnt work for me. There isnt a real flow in the map as it is just a killbox style arena. The prop's felt like they where thrown in there wihtout a reason. Only to make up for the rest. If not only to speak of the displacements, the middle-semi central point of the map has a horrible displament filled with bumps, it feels like the auther was lazy on this and just created a giant hill and threw in the noise filter. Together with the lightning and the seemingly random props makes this map nothing special.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-28 05:57:13 UTC in vault item: Tension Comment #8727
Oh dear, im afraid i read around that, i already was wondering for what this was. Im very sorry about that.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-27 11:51:40 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #8717
Thanks, as i stated before, it was a sunday afternoon project.
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-27 06:03:14 UTC in vault item: Tension Comment #8713
Its a nice map, but i have seen much better.
When i entered the train i got the feeling i was playing a singleplayer map, its a bad idea to put AI in multiplayer, it will strain older computers, thus eliminating a group of players.

The lightning wasnt that good, mostly the same lightning overall and pretty boring, couldnt find any dark spots but that is probably deu to my screens gamma.

The layout was fine, though it would be nice to add a extra path for the players on foot, to catch up with the train or to set up a trap.

The texturing needs some work, overall you used the same theme, but some textures dont fit together. Also it looks like you tryed to put in much work on textures in some spaces, but others look really bad.

Also check the traintrack, some textures arent aligned right.

Overall it needs a lot of work to great a good gameplay, though i didnt have the ability to test it out yet.

At one point i was impressed with your brushwork, and at the other point i was disappointed, when i came outside in the canyon i was very disappointed, the rocks could use more work instead of vertical pillars.
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-17 12:41:23 UTC in vault item: WCD's Crap Map Pack Comment #8138
wcdude, I recall you posting these maps before, And as you stated yourselve, you think there horrible. Then why did you repost them, if it where a fine remake, but it isnt.
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-19 07:05:53 UTC in vault item: ANTI-Skybox Comment #7333
You are wrong, you can set the sky to not bounce grenades, though what makes me wonder is that a player would want to throw a nade over a rock.
Commented 20 years ago2004-11-15 16:11:00 UTC in vault item: The Sydney Harbour Bridge Comment #5060
ooow, i hate alloc date crashes, had a few to wiht my mod. thank god i found a solution, never make the env_shooter wihtin a entinity!
Commented 20 years ago2004-09-06 14:22:49 UTC in vault item: Deadcentre Comment #3821
reminds of a hospital map, il chek it out later.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-20 15:08:30 UTC in vault item: Control_Room Comment #3474
maby sc_arena
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-12 18:05:11 UTC in vault item: fy_wartown Comment #3312
i downloaded a completely empty zip file. try fixing it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-06 04:27:37 UTC in vault item: My first map Comment #3178
for a first map it is not bad, some tips, i can call this harmly finishd.
you used better texturing and brushwork then the avarege first map. still dont put it in the map vault, people dont like seeing all crappy 2 room first maps.
i see you used some tricks wiht the lightning etc.
there is not much to see except some prefabs, do not try to use those. people do not like seeing the bmrf prefabs in every map.

im not going to rate this because it is not finihsd and should not be in this vault, move it to the unfinishd maps vault.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-03 19:02:45 UTC in vault item: Scientist factory Comment #3138
this one is much better then 7th one and much more fun, no offence 7th
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-27 16:56:24 UTC in vault item: Scientist factory Comment #2968
4 stars, i acidentaly pressed 5 once so i rated it again, sorry for that.

-bruswork=3star. it is ok but not really great. but it is not bad neither.
-lightning=4 star. it shows the enviroment of the lab and makes you think your in a real lab.
-gameplay=5 star. of all maps submited for the compo this is definatly the one who is the funniest. let the scientist talk against eachother and then squahs one>).
so overall its a 4 star.

also the machine fits in the enviroment the most as the target of the compo was. and it is a very orignal map. but maby you should have made the machine produce hundreds of scientist in stead of 8 and then reset again.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-15 12:27:39 UTC in vault item: Monster (Tour of Duty) Comment #2724
its 188kb of nothing no rmf, no bsp, no map. nothing!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-14 17:01:15 UTC in vault item: The Discombobulator Comment #2707
how could you be able to kill a grunt wihtout weapons
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-07 05:50:11 UTC in vault item: T.S. Eliot - Preludes Comment #2609
i do not have spirit installed
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-25 14:22:38 UTC in vault item: Sw_SchoolYard (Snow-War) Comment #2484
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-06 04:37:13 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #2217
i mirrord the whole level underneat hte floor, the floor is a func wall wiht glas render settings
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-05 03:04:49 UTC in vault item: Bunkers Comment #2212
those rocks are hilarious. they look like cardboard cut outs:P

you will need ot go do some vertex manipulation to do rocks. there are serval ways you can do that.