
Commented 19 years ago2005-08-29 21:26:12 UTC in vault item: fy_castle Comment #8761
Commented 19 years ago2005-07-04 12:53:24 UTC in vault item: Chapter 1 Comment #8038
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-30 16:03:06 UTC in vault item: Beginning Comment #8000
I really have no clue what you mean by "2 lights in a corridor"... I don't remember even changing the lights.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-26 17:49:02 UTC in vault item: Beginning Comment #7935
Hmm, thats strange... I can see the screenie pretty well. It's suppose to be dark, but I can still see the details. Maybe my monitor just owns all joo...
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-26 11:15:38 UTC in vault item: Beginning Comment #7931
This isnt suppose to be resident evil ported to HL2, it's suppose to be a horror map similar to the resident evil series. But I guess no one understands that.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-26 03:20:19 UTC in vault item: Night Things Zero Comment #7927
What are you talking about? The newspapers tell a little bit about the madman. I only found two, I wonder if there's more...
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-25 22:04:53 UTC in vault item: Beginning Comment #7924
Well thats strange... 2 votes and only 1 download. Well I fixed that little problem, you'll just have to re-download it, sorry.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-25 21:48:00 UTC in vault item: Beginning Comment #7923
OHHH SHOOT!!! I forgot to add the script!! >.< DOH! Ok Lemme fix that.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-24 11:13:01 UTC in vault item: Night Things Zero Comment #7903
Wow dude, much better, the beginning is great with that movie. The walls in the beginning are still tiled and if you could do something about that, it would look much better. I like how you give info through the newspaper, thats really cool. Monster placement is much better. There are times however that the monsters can't reach you. Pipes are in the way or something. I like the new fast zombie, that one is kinda hard with only a pistol, but you should keep it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-24 10:53:29 UTC in vault item: momentary_door & momentary_rot_button Comment #7902
How bout just building a nodraw box around where the rope will go up?
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-20 16:14:38 UTC in vault item: epscout's map pack Comment #7858
How, prey tell, do you get 35 people to rate your map, when only 2 have downloaded...?
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-18 12:44:45 UTC in vault item: Do what you want to Comment #7813
Im just saying that because I noticed when I do some of my streches for football I can get pretty damn close to my crotch...
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-18 00:05:03 UTC in vault item: Night Things Zero Comment #7811
Ok, Ive played through it again, and now I have a better list of things to fix and stuff:

The walls of the starting area are tiled, it looks really bad. You should make it look a bit more natural. Same goes for most of the floor. Its so flat, it doesnt look like ground should. Your house is good, not much to improve. Wine celler is very laggy, please fix, its well detailed though. The sewer is a little boring, not sure how to fix it up though. The area with the white fogging pipes and fast headcrab is the same texture over and over. It's quite boring, you should really use more than one texture in every room. If you have the walls and ground the same, use a different ceiling, if you have the same walls and ceiling use a different floor. Vary your textures and it will reward you with stars on your maps. Your architecture is a bit boxy, use circles and arches to make your map look better. Decals are your friend, use blood decals around your bodies and monsters, it makes them look a bit scarier. I've spend a lot of time writing about your map, please return the favor if you could for my unfinished map "Beginning". It's suppose to be a scary map too.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-17 23:44:26 UTC in vault item: Night Things Zero Comment #7810
I dont know why everyone is coming down on you so hard. I thought it was great. It was quite fun to play, I personally think the monster placement was great. Architecture was a bit boring in the boxy areas, but you did well with details. Those pipes definately made it look better. I like your gullitine, miniture and lifesize. I thought recieving the pistol before the crowbar was unusual but it fit relatively well. Headcrabs around corners are predictiable and sometimes just plain annoying, use that sparingly. Ambience was great, fog, lights, and sound were well used. It was pretty short, and I dont really know how your going to continue the story if gorden just died... Your pillow sounds like a brick, but thats not really a big deal. There are points of low FPS, you should really fix those for nice smooth gameplay. Use "nodraw" texture on any face the player is not going to see. It really makes a big difference. If you supe up your architecture, Im sure your map could look great.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-17 23:14:37 UTC in vault item: Unfinished Comment #7809
Im getting an error that it isn't a valid bsp file...
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 19:02:03 UTC in vault item: Do what you want to Comment #7734
Im am intrigued by this "brainless" discussion. How does one live with just a brainstem? Is that what controls things like breathing and heartbeats?
Maralyn Manson is asexual! =O Im the most flexable guy on all the teams I participate in and I still cant reach >.< Im like 4 inches away.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-10 13:17:39 UTC in vault item: Allout: Source Comment #7679
Wow Dude! Very nice! Great detail and its very fun. Only problem is that it gets boring/old after a while. Maybe you could use this as a mini-game for a big mod? Thumbs up!
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-04 12:30:27 UTC in vault item: Office Comment #7594
perhaps you checked the not moblie flag in properties?
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-28 13:24:16 UTC in vault item: hf_graveyard Comment #7484
Wow, that map is crazy. It makes playing with bots so hard. I dont like not being able to play nightvision on this map, or anything else for that matter. But I guess thats what makes it fun.
Commented 20 years ago2004-08-13 11:33:58 UTC in vault item: Lab Comment #3315
I fixed them in the first update, I just forgot to put that there.