
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-08 15:49:57 UTC in vault item: Attacking Beams Comment #8085
Player wont work because the player can have random names and the player is not actually called the "player" when it comes to target values. Valve wouldve done it if it was possible. You cant give a specified player a name from the editor
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-08 15:46:43 UTC in vault item: Attacking Beams Comment #8084
player is an incorrect name for a beamtarget, and random strike is obviously random, it doensnt strike towards the player. Now valve created this program, since they used it to create the half-life campaign they would have made the beam in map c1a2 target the player, but they actually put the flag "random strike" and put a trigger hurt next to the beam to give the effect that the beam killed you.
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-06 17:07:30 UTC in vault item: Attacking Beams Comment #8059
And also, putting player in the target value wont target the player. Valve wouldve done that for Half-life if so. They created the program anyways, look at it yourself, go to map "c1a2" and go run at the beam. It wont target you, it just goes beserk because the beam has a flag set to random strike.
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-06 17:06:07 UTC in vault item: Attacking Beams Comment #8058
If you made the beam target the info_player_start entity it targets where it was placed at, not at the player
I know, an info_player_start doesnt have a name space available, to give it a name, exit smartedit and add the key "targetname" and in value, put the name of it. The beam will reach out at the player spawn point, not the player
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-05 16:56:34 UTC in vault item: de_ddust Comment #8046
the screenshot on the top left looks alot like de_dust2. But otherwise, nice job.
Commented 18 years ago2005-07-05 16:02:22 UTC in vault item: Example rides Comment #8045
try getting in its way, where i put the "stand here" and it wasn't meant to be special, as it is only a box with a rapidly rotating 'thing'. This map was mainly for the fun of it, i couldnt stop laughing how my view was turned on its side, and how you just fly and dont get hurt by standing in its way
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-30 00:41:45 UTC in vault item: Water Kinds 2.0 Comment #7993
For bioligy acid you mean its a Biohazardous material right? I wasn't sure which was which, i never tried it though for some reason.
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Commented 18 years ago2005-06-29 01:43:28 UTC in vault item: New Medkit Comment #7965
Looks cool
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-22 02:29:41 UTC in vault item: Domino for HL1 Comment #7872
hahahahhahah that was tight, nice work.
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-20 03:00:27 UTC in vault item: Scripted conversations Comment #7839
I know its a late response bob, but if you check out the tutorials for scripted sentences + scripted sequences, it makes it alot easier. I looked at the tutorial once and it made clear what i was doing. Sentences are easier than sequences unless you have the Half-Life Model Viewer, highly recommended for scripted sequenes. Not that you use HLMV to add sequences into your map, but to find out the names of each animation of a certain model. If you know the correct animation name, you just type it in for the sequence, and the monster that plays the sequence will do it when targeted, or at start. Knowing the names of animations is about 95% of what you need to use scripted sequences
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-20 02:52:52 UTC in vault item: Teleports Comment #7838
Oh and also, if you decide on downloading the map Elon, tell me what'cha think of my doors, i think they look pretty cool, part glass and a yellow + black stripe outline. The lighting inside each room makes the doors look a little bit different
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-20 02:51:17 UTC in vault item: Teleports Comment #7837
Sorry, been away from this site a bit. I didn't get that into make a special flickering effect, its just an env_fade is activated as you teleport. The exit side of the teleport is light green, like the sprite, and when you teleport, the fade makes the screen completely green, and fades back to normal within a fraction of a second. I could probably make beams and electiricity if you wanted me too, but i'd still have to work on it. Im not all that great with env_beams and env_lasers.
Commented 18 years ago2005-06-18 16:47:18 UTC in vault item: Teleports Comment #7818
Oh also, there are some special sound affects, and a fade out when you go through the teleporter. Don't worry, these aren't just normal teleporters. They got special affects that make it cool
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-14 19:40:27 UTC in vault item: de_boshi Comment #7761
Oops sorry, i meant good job, espcially since it's your "fourth" map.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-14 19:39:25 UTC in vault item: de_boshi Comment #7760
Very, Very nice map man, i looked at it and it was great. Detail put in the little areas, pretty little flowers, and you got the music going on the radio in the teleport room! i love it, buuuuut, there's one little problem. I noticed that in one room, three metal shelves were all lined up but they were off the ground a couple inches, just floating there! just so you might fix it or something. I like the teleporter too, gives you a frag and than makes the lightning noise, nice job with the little beams to. I couldnt find the weirdo lockers though.. Anyways, nice map man, especially since it's your third map!
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 23:48:12 UTC in vault item: ChickenMix Comment #7740
Oh i almost forgot, the little models for earth and mars, i think you need to place them farther apary and make them bigger, you could tell they were really small because they came up close to you quickly when you went towards the window.
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 23:46:32 UTC in vault item: ChickenMix Comment #7739
Well, nice job mapping dude, nice details, textures, and whatnot. although near the end, the door above the gargantua that is at the end, the button that opens it is slightly off the wall. In other words, its floating in mid air close to the wall. Otherwise, nice job, cant wait for it to be continued (hopefully you're doing that, thats what it said at the end)
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 23:33:54 UTC in vault item: ChickenMix Comment #7738
Looks cool, cant wait to test
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 23:31:02 UTC in vault item: Scripted conversations Comment #7737
umm, as soon as i can get the image to um, load successfully...
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-13 22:58:59 UTC in vault item: Scripted conversations Comment #7736
this map isn't all that exciting to tell you the truth bob, but, it might be useful to experiment with. And by the way, Elon, the delay does not seem to be affected much by the time i set in the multi_manager, .001 is shorter than either of your suggestions, but it still does it. if someone manages to fix that, please lemme know. Screenie coming soon!
Commented 19 years ago2005-06-11 20:22:09 UTC in vault item: func_door fun Comment #7700
nice job with the func_doors, althogh i couldnt get it to "kick me through the floor", whenever i got in the way of some of it, it just stopped, and only part of it folded.