
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:39:10 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12284
meaning it's limits have been surpassed, Jimmi?
Commented 18 years ago2006-06-21 19:50:40 UTC in vault item: cs_road_ex Comment #12283
Yea, this is indeed a MASSIVE map. I checked the r_speeds throughout the map and got 2000+ wpoly and sometimes 3000+ epoly, but I ran at a solid 72fps.

I'm not sure if it's just my machine or what. I've played the previous version on my ownserver many times, and noone once complained of lag. Perhaps the new additions made it worse, and I'm just not able to notice.

A lot of small crap I was too frustrated to deal with. You have to imagine I have been working onthis map for two years. I started with very crappy architecture and as I grew I went on an ellaboration spree.

The basement I even held back on, as I even thought to myself "This seriously looks like source, and there's no way HL can handle this." At one point I had pushable boxes in the warehouse, which were later removed when they showed to serve no gameplay purpose and I was over my limit of 512 precachable entities.

I will look into CS:S mapping.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-21 00:43:36 UTC in vault item: de_priory Comment #10581
Usually I go on and on forever picking out every little thing I do and do not like, but all I can say is "WOW!". This map is in my server's map cycle. Five stars.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-21 00:39:35 UTC in vault item: cs_castle Comment #10580
This is one of our favorite maps on my server. My friends ask for it by name. The map is perfect for our server size, and the layout is fast, yet tricky. The texturing was good in some places but so-so not so good in others. I think I'll fix it with the .map. The lighting really accented the entire map incredibly. It's a bit lacking on furnishing (torches would have been awesome), and you should not have even thought about using crates. The architecture was amazing in some spots, but so-so in others, but over-all the layout architecture coordination was amazing.

I give it a four. The layout and gameplay was amazing, but a little bit of everything could have been better.

It's in our mapcycle. Very good map. Congrats.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-18 16:31:43 UTC in vault item: de_twilight Comment #10543
I'd have to agree with most people who commented.

This is becoming a server favorite. The map is very good in almost every aspect. THe only thing I have wrong is, like said before, no ambience, and the crates/barrels.

Why crates? DON'T USE CRATES UNLESS YOU HAVE A REASON!!! And why barrels? It doesn't make any since... really. And many of them are too big. The rooms and things however were very nice.

The doors were a no no. My friends played this for about 30 minutes, and the entire time I constantly heard "please tell me this door is breakable".

Add a plot. It makes the scene seem so much more realistic.

I recomend making a a version for any of the other map types. AS, ES, and CS. This map is perfect for ALL types. In fact, MAKE ONE OF EACH! RIGHT NOW! :P

If you fix this version, and/or make other game type versions of it, PLEASE contact me. We love this map.

4 stars, because it could be better.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-18 16:19:51 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10539
Oh, don't put guns in the map, but props for making it something other than AIM or FY
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-18 16:19:17 UTC in vault item: de_repo Comment #10538
My thoughts, it's FAR too repetitive and pointless. Where is this place?

Secondly, people on my server played this for about 20 minutes, and they were dying to play CT. It was an unfair map.

We never found the bombsites. CT Spawn? Only one?! Ct sided map.

Water was a decent glitch, but the very first time I jumped from the top floor, I was killed instantly upon impact with an oblivious CT's head.

Lights switches were nice, but ultimately ineffective.

Too many prefabs.

You couldn't walk down the tunnels, which wasn't believable. Use chain-link fence or maybe a blocking APC so I know why I can't go down them.

The stairs were too steep, and the entire map was just... it wasn't very good...

The outside was very nice, however.

I give it 2 stars
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-18 16:12:45 UTC in vault item: de_syrinx Comment #10536
Ok, now for my bitching...

One: Crates. Why? Oh, why? Crates are the most over-used thing of ALL maps. To make a long lecture short, only use crates if they have a reason to be there. In this case, make sure we know they hold crystals.

Two: Lighting. It got boring... fast. This goes into number

Three: Texturing. Very bland and boring. Between that and the light, it was impossible to tell where you were in the map. Everything looked the same.

Four: Architecture. The stairs were far too steep. I always tumbled down the stairs rather than walked. There were some spots that just didn't make any since, and most of the map was very linear.

Five: Layout. What building in the world is constructed like that? Why would someone make stairs leading into all these places? Where am I? Make me believe I'm in a crystal mine or factory, where these things are actual produced.

Six: Gameplay. I think you already understand, but I give you major props for making it a functional defusion map rather than an AIM of FY, which are close to worthless.

Seven: Plot. Major props for having one. Most people don't care, but I enjoy knowing what my setting is. It makes me believe where I am. The only thing I have against it is... why would you wanna blows those up? I'd steal them. Maybe you should make it an ES map where the terrorists are mining illegal crystals and they're being arrested and taken by force.

Overall, I give it a 2... I'm sorry I couldn't say much more. Work on this again.
Commented 19 years ago2006-01-17 16:20:59 UTC in vault item: de_syrinx Comment #10517
Maps that are fast and serious are hard to find these days. I'll try this out on my server.

Will not reate until played
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-05 14:47:51 UTC in vault item: Dust Race 2003 Comment #2588
just from the screenie alone it looks excellent. i'll try it when i get my comptuer back
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-05 14:40:50 UTC in vault item: Siege Comment #2587
how can you make it better? it's hard to say...

i think captain p summarized everything.

firstly, there is no way you can look and see an open map with half it not there and realize that something during your mapping process has gone terribly wrong.

secondly, if i were to turn my flashlight on, would i be able to tell that it is, in fact, shining light? try putting light in the map.

thirdly, sit down and read every damn tutorial on this site.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-05 14:37:11 UTC in vault item: The Big Tower of Death Comment #2586
i think it could just be so much better if the gameplay wasn't impossible and you could render at least more than 50% of your vision. last time i looked at the ceiling to my house it was, in fact there, and not hidden in the black void.

i'm not even going to ask about the fps on this.
Commented 20 years ago2004-07-05 14:32:27 UTC in vault item: fy_wildsnow Comment #2585
yay! another fy map! i was running out of them at my last LAN party. I guess 80 isn't enought to keep 8 people content
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-17 13:06:01 UTC in vault item: Problem with bots Comment #1291
ok, it's not ur map at all. it's ur bots. you shouldn't come to us about pod bot problems when there is already a pod bot forum out there. but a big map? my sister is trying to make one that's three football fields big, so his can't be as bad.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-17 13:00:14 UTC in vault item: ka_nv-labirint Comment #1290
see? see?! i start working one making some new dark maps and suddenly EVERYONE makes them... hmph...
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-16 20:51:48 UTC in vault item: Crap Map Comment #1276
umm dude... it's hl deathmatch, not cs
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-16 20:40:23 UTC in vault item: ctf_fallen Comment #1275
try this: make a big block over half ur map. if it fixes the leaks, make the block smaller and try again. keep rying until the block is covering a small area of leaks, and then track them down.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-16 12:16:29 UTC in vault item: The Barcelona Gig [w/ source] Comment #1264
looks like one of those cpl maps i saw, or at least it's the same style. because it's pretty and isn't pointless i won't bash it for being a cs map. i'll have to try it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-14 22:41:44 UTC in vault item: The Lobby Comment #1242
aww man. i saw this and i flipped out. it looks a lot like a perfect dark map i played. i thought i was gonna have to fall down and worship you.
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-11 01:45:23 UTC in vault item: ScoutzKnivez2 Comment #1205
stfu please. make an original map for christ's sake
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-09 18:53:52 UTC in vault item: fy_dustwars Comment #1193
omg. i thought i was gonna die unless i got another fy or aim map. they're soooo hard to come by these days.

I'm sorry, but even as a cs mapper, i'm not going to put any more cs crap in a vault MADE FOR HL. maybe there should be just a seperate section for cs entirely.
Commented 21 years ago2004-02-07 15:15:03 UTC in vault item: fy_aztecworld Comment #938
death to those who find it an original idea to make another fy_ map.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-31 03:40:37 UTC in vault item: cs_well Comment #871
ok, those guys are real, nvm. but it still sucks
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-31 03:35:32 UTC in vault item: cs_well Comment #870
no dude, there's like three new members. i can't believe you finished this map, uploaded it to here, then had a LAN party, and managed to get 5 or 6 of you LAN buddies to come out here and vote for a map that just so happened to love the map so much that they all gave it 5 stars. and you also want me to believe that every single one played tfc before CS and missed it so dearly and all agreed on the same thing?

And, you made a copy of somebody else's map. do you want a freakin cookie? how hard is it? you decompile it, put new entities in it using the CS fgd, and you compile and say it's yours. how is it DA BOMB? How is it even playable? it's a cs map. y in god's name would ct's wanna gaurd their base?
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-29 17:43:22 UTC in vault item: Mkay Comment #857
{applause} a HL map! yay
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-29 17:41:34 UTC in vault item: fy_ospace Comment #856
this looks like a very refreshing twist to the fy maps. just one thing. why in god's name are there crates here? everyone HAS to use crates. why? it's so bland and unoriginal. i mean, if you were in a place where crates are EXPECTED, like a storage space, then it would be ok. but honestly, you in an office for dirt's sake.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-10 10:49:45 UTC in vault item: Mario Air Comment #736
I played this on quicksilver's extreme steam server with about 6 ppl. I didn't really like it. the crossbows made everything pointless because there's no way to hide from them, falling off the side was very buggy, and the map looked choppy.
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-09 18:13:07 UTC in vault item: jax_marioworld Comment #732
i have an error when i open up the zip. it says it's not a valid archive
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-06 20:02:11 UTC in vault item: Mario Madness Comment #713
omg. ur recreating all the 64 levels
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-06 20:01:10 UTC in vault item: Mario Land Comment #712
This is cool. ur going old school with the 64. i like that
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-05 17:44:00 UTC in vault item: Sinister Comment #703
That looks cool. I'll try it. and finally! a hl map!
Commented 21 years ago2004-01-04 21:12:58 UTC in vault item: jax_marioworld Comment #692
i can make waypoints for people
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-31 15:44:22 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver3 Comment #641
dark places, aliens. it's so scary. i'm gonna go back to playing Mary Kate & Ashley's Passport to Paris., i'm just kidding. i really like Barbie's Secret Spy Adventure better... no, I'm still just kidding. See? if ppl could take a joke i wouldn't have to say "i'm just kidding" after every damn sentence i say.
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-30 19:51:05 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver3 Comment #631
there's sumtin about dark places and knowing that hl has aliens in it that makes me wanna PISS MY PANTS. I'm not used to sp maps. hell, i'm not really used to half-life. i'd say that this map is... meh. the text is good for the setting at some points though
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-30 19:38:36 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver3 Comment #630
it's the guy from megadeth?
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-30 12:46:14 UTC in vault item: Dream1_ver3 Comment #628
By the way, Korn's lead singer is Jonathan Davis... or am I wrong to? ... ... ... darn you for making me think.
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-29 21:38:03 UTC in vault item: jax_twhlxmas (A Tribute to TWHL) Comment #613
my winzip says it's not a valid archive
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-29 21:35:43 UTC in vault item: jax_assaultworld Comment #612
i'm not going to bitch about your work, just your creativity. why do people keep making copies of iceworld?
it's incredibly bland. oh, i see you added lots of crates. good one. never would have tought of it. so original
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-21 19:06:19 UTC in vault item: csde_school_assault Comment #593
you mean 139 ppl actually gave it 5 stars?
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-21 19:05:51 UTC in vault item: csde_school_assault Comment #592
Terran Battlecruiser? You mean like from StarCraft? I knew we couldn't trust Raynor. actually, from hear it looks like a big brick wiht windows about to be dropped on the school
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-21 18:25:26 UTC in vault item: JN_CBricks Comment #591
crates? remember my comment about the awp towers and how it should have crates everywhere? that was sarcasm. crates just show ppl that ur very new to playing cs, or just having a map-designer's "block". try using other things that would be found in, say, a two story apartment. Like, a bed, kitchen counter, or even a refridgerator. if you want to be really creative, make the doors to cabinents, closets, or the refridgerator toggle with a use key so that ppl can crawl inside.

another thing to start trying is atmosphere. besides making a leaky, dirty, falling-apart dry wall ceiling (and maybe even a small puddle with dripping sounds near it) instead of bricks, you can use things that will never be used just to add to a feeling of reality. try putting a door for the "entrance" of the building, that doesn't really do anything but look good. maybe a wooden one with a rounded top. put windows on one side of the building with glass, and outside of there put a flipped copy of the building's side to show that you're in a neighborhood. if you want to get really into it, put a street and sidewalks with a small stairway in front of each door.

maybe you can really expand this map. put an emergency fire exit in a side window that goes into an alley with a dumpster. make six copies of this building (if it's small enough. i'll find out for myself soon.) and put three on each side of the street. put doorbells on them. put a few ct's in one and t's in the other. maybe make a hostage rescue map.

If you need any help with these things feel free to email me.
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-20 15:41:37 UTC in vault item: JN_CBuildings Comment #588
sorry about the double post. i refreshed the wrong page
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-20 15:27:30 UTC in vault item: JN_CBuildings Comment #586
i will as soon as i get winzip. a piece of advice for screenies, in theconsole type "hud_draw 0" i believe, to take off your hud, then when you die go to free camera and shoot pictures like that. "hud_draw 1" will turn ur hud back on, and "crosshair 0" and "crosshair 1" will trun the x-nairs off and on.
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-20 01:55:47 UTC in vault item: JN_CBuildings Comment #584
wow! that's looks MUCH better than before. did you use all of our advice? I like the nicely curved walls.
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-18 20:33:14 UTC in vault item: JN_DustG Comment #580
so... it's a simple close cobat map, and u decided that u should put medium ranged rifles in there... i'll just shrug this time
Commented 21 years ago2003-12-15 18:47:13 UTC in vault item: cs_deagle2k Comment #577
Hmm... i've played this one out on the net i think. I thought the transparent crates were just my wallhack! No, just kidding.

I'm gonna make a deagle map (it will probably be called deagle137) that will consist of five crates and i small catwalk. It's official name will be "IHaveNoTaste" or "ImALameUnimaginativeLoserWithNoLife".