
Commented 16 years ago2007-06-28 12:15:34 UTC in vault item: Lighting issue (aim_k-man) Comment #15245
That's one very very bad suggestion Ghetto... this fixes your leak, but it'll also cause alot more problems.

Problem's been fixed, btw.
Commented 16 years ago2007-06-28 11:00:37 UTC in vault item: Lighting issue (aim_k-man) Comment #15243
Find a leek, lol... here's a leek for ya:
Commented 18 years ago2006-03-02 18:31:20 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #11088
Zip it, RMF really likes compression.

From the screenshot I can't see any reference to Star Craft, but oh well...
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-07 06:31:25 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #7171
I've made some more minor changes and I'm still looking for help on this map.

Also you can discuss it here:
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:40:42 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #6988
Yeah, I thought of this but I like making all the textures myself. As soon as I have some basic idea of what the level will look like I'll texture it.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 14:36:25 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level-Player Comment #6987
So, here we have it:

It's a very good thing that you have very low r_speeds. But if you're going to turn this map into an office this is going to change. And with this ladder setup and doors on every side they are surely going to be rocketed up to something like 700-1000 wpolys (wich isn't good for a multiplayer map).

You're in a very early stage of development so you can add pretty much anything to the map. I've attached an example layout which allows the map to be anything, not just office. It's made of blocks, just to show you where to put the corridors. Here's the legend:

AAATRIGER is for rooms (where you put the good stuff)
CLIP is for corridors (where you have windows, looking at the middle area)
SKY is for the middle area (which is only accessible from the top
RED is for the top arena (where you have mass murders :-] )

And a tip for start locaion placement: Put the ladders away from the doors and the walls. Then make a solid column next to the ladder and let the players start behind it. This way they won't die the second they spawn and at the same time will be close to the action.

This is only an example layout, you don't have to follow it to letter. Just make sure you change either the door or the wall texture, cause they don't mach very good.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 13:33:17 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level-Player Comment #6979
Quite so. Downloading now, expect feedback soon.
Commented 19 years ago2005-04-24 08:42:50 UTC in vault item: Hollywood Holocaust Comment #6972
Oh, and something else - I used mainly cs_assault.wad's textures, so you'r egoing to need that one.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-27 03:18:23 UTC in vault item: SubCompo entry Comment #4763
Propaganda? No, this black broken cross is the eagle's legs :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-25 09:36:58 UTC in vault item: SubCompo entry Comment #4735
hmm. I deleted that friggin wad! Anway I'll reload ASAP (probbably after 30-45 mins)
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-20 06:57:05 UTC in vault item: Multi-Level Elevators Comment #2798
How many multi-elevators are going to be up on this site?
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:50:07 UTC in vault item: Stay-Open Door Comment #2351
I've never heard of anyone being credited for a method he 'invented'.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:37:01 UTC in vault item: Hacking Comment #2350
Hey, and change that sick .jpg! People think it's not there...
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-16 14:35:35 UTC in vault item: Hacking Comment #2349
I never said it'll be special. The coffee machine is good, really. But have you ever seen such thing been done?

I see the link works and I see there's no readme so let's put things clear:

-The password is in a briefcase.
-Just press the keyboard when you've got the pass (it displays onscreen 'Passowrd found' or sumtin)
-If you're stuck in the folders press the keyboard and you're back to the root folder.
-When you finnish the level (actually copy the files) just walk out the door to the elevator and it'll fade. If this doesn't happen then what you're waiting for? Get back and have this box hax0red!
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-14 14:38:07 UTC in vault item: Hacking Comment #2315
Yeah, I expected it to be corrupted. It's not an external link, just some network problems. I hope it works this time. If not then you'll have to wait atleast until Friday and I'll remove this from the Vault until then.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-22 14:20:12 UTC in vault item: Sabotage Comment #1996
Make an alarm panel that says WARNING Alarm will sound and some security override things. And the drone on a monitor, that should be enought for the player.
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-21 03:57:31 UTC in vault item: Sabotage Comment #1958
Hmmm... Where's my post gone? I put it here yesterday! Never mind.

There's is one: good concept! Keep it up!

I read for the textures, but I don't really get it. Do you want me to do a scrolling sky texture? It's normally impossible and a normal texture so stretched will be ugly or will produce high r_speeds. Custom textures for each ship sounds accomplishable and I'll make you some sprites that will make your level look good.

I see that people don't like your space... do you need a good example of space map? Or at least good form for the ships?
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-04 13:00:41 UTC in vault item: Unfinished Naval Boss Comment #1501
What do you mean 'I miss some textures'? They should be all in there, I used only standart ones.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-01 19:28:17 UTC in vault item: Unfinished Naval Boss Comment #1473
Note that PTS stands for Phuture Tech Software. The other cool-boss is also mine. Decided to change my nick as I started programming.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-01 18:24:45 UTC in vault item: Endlevel Boss Comment #1472
Some new stuff comming out in the next few days! This time your in a helicopter, hovering round a naval destroyer. The alpha looks very cool.