
Striker13 years ago2010-10-15 17:13:34 UTC 5 comments
Was bored and tried to search after some old classics on kongregate. Who knows, maybe they really are in falsh too.

Well what do you know, I just found Quake1 :D

There's also DOOM2 there I think.
2muchvideogames13 years ago2010-10-14 20:39:41 UTC 4 comments
So way back when I was a ni?o, I played this mod:

Allow me to boldly announce that this mod will offer you unlimited gameplay time, if you don't quit prematurely. How does it do that? Keep reading to find out.

Like all excellent mods, this one also features custom content, including weapon and monster model replacements. In this mod you will take up a sniper rifle with the slowest projectile speed in the history of sniper rifles. You will be chased by dawgs, but not the huskies from They Hunger (Almighty knows how many times that model was stolen.)

This mod takes place in a darkly city controlled by soldiers. They will have all sorts of dangerous munitions pointed in your direction, including a setpiece featuring around 20 grunts surrounding a rocket launcher, if I remember correctly. In addition to soldiers, civilians in cars also want to turn you into roadkill. You have to do the Frogger and cross the highway without getting popped like some cane toad. Interesting, isn't it?

You will be attacked by people in bathroom cubicles. Don't ask me about this.

You make a way through an office building not unlike Night at the Office, but the mapping is much less impressive. I personally thought that texture choices were of really poor taste. In addition the stairs are very, very dangerous. It will make Xen look like World 1-1 of Mario World.

This mod binds the T key to a cheat, because as we all know graffiti is kinda useless. The mappers knew in the bottom of their hearts that cheating is a necessary component to completing the mod. But you can change the key bind if you feel that you can defeat the mod without cheating. Your call.

The biggest merit of this mod is the amount of theoretical hours of gameplay it offers. This mod offers a never-ending story that doesn't have an ending. Endless mod is endless. This is because after you get through the last map (a forest-ish place) you will end up back at the first map (the city) and can continue completing the mission that you already completed. If there is a mission at all. But let me tell you a story of my youth.

So way back when I was a ni?o, I played this mod:

Allow me to boldly announce that this mod will offer you unlimited gameplay time, if you don't quit prematurely. How does it do that? Keep reading to find out.

Wait a minute...
Rimrook14 years ago2010-10-14 02:35:18 UTC 7 comments
So I work in quality control and stuff now. Ninety percent of the customers our order verifiers talk to are elderly. Here are some of the best things so far.
cst = customer
vf = verifier

cst: excuse me sales lady, are you married?
vf: no...
cst: would you like to be?
cst: wait a minute, i need to get my oxygen.
vf: just dial your birthday into your phone to confirm your order.
cst: what numbers do i press on this little talking computer?
vf: ...under the terms i just described-
cst: BEEP
vf: ...under the terms i-
cst: BEEP
vf: ...under-
cst: Beep
vf: Sir, I need to finish reading these billing terms.
cst: I'm pressing zero to talk to a real person.
cst: Young man, you sound like my great grandson.

that's all i can remember. :)
Skals14 years ago2010-10-12 15:29:20 UTC 8 comments
Hey guys, my college tutor showed my class this very nice little website / game today:

Apparently this site has a game of pinpointing locations around the world, and every time you get a location given right, you will acquire water cups, which will be later donated to some very poor countrys around the world (Ecuador I believe or maybe Africa.)

How may this work you ask? Well My tutor told us that they get paid when people click on their website, and later they use this money for charity water to these poorer countries, it's really nice, All you need to do is click their website, play the game and you're donating water for free! Try it!
saw183314 years ago2010-10-12 15:21:10 UTC 6 comments
User posted image
Now some of you may being saying "omgwtfbbq, how can you play by yourself, die, and still win a campaign?!? H4X"
Others of you may be saying, "Ha, TOO BAD I KNOW HOW THIS WORKS."

So, without further ado, I will, on TWHL, reveal some not-at-all-rare information involving Left 4 Dead 2 (yeah this is 2, despite it saying Bill, right?).
Anyway, what I did was I simply played The Sacrifice campaign with the Last Man On Earth mutation. Nothing special.
THIS is where questions may be asked. "But LMOE was long over by the time The Sacrifice came out!"
True, but with a simple console command, you can play any campaign you'd like on any mutation you'd like. You can even host a dedicated server to do this, but it'll essentially be friends-only.
Command is simple:
'map [mapname] mutation[#]'
For example, to do the sacrifice on LMOE you'd type:
'map c7m1_docks mutation1'
Tada. Now I suppose you'll want a list containing all the current possible mutations:
mutation1 Last Man On Earth
mutation2 Headshot!
mutation3 Bleed Out
mutation4 Hard Eight
mutation5 Four Swordsmen
mutation6 Nothing
mutation7 Chainsaw Massacre
mutation8 Ironman
mutation9 Last Gnome On Earth
mutation10 Room For One
mutation11 Healthpackalypse!
mutation12 Realism Versus
mutation13 Follow the Liter
mutation14 Gib Fest
mutation15 Versus Survival
mutation19 Taaannnkk!
X-LAyer214 years ago2010-10-10 20:16:01 UTC 4 comments
Currently working on a new short SP map for HL1. The plot is basically you need to escape from a bio-research lab after some of the experiments get out.
It won't be very difficult as I'm trying to use mainly Headcrabs and Zombies as the only enemies. This may not sound like a good idea at first but I'm trying to keep it more like the people there were only creating one species. After all headcrabs are small and they could be used in military forces as the Combine do in HL2 plus the additional fact that it is highly unlikely that all the creatures (if they produced more than one) would all escape at the same time. Of course this is exactly what happened in the mod USS Darkstar but remember the containment for those creatures was some sort of force field that lost power. The creatures in this map are contained in bulletproof glass box type things.
EDIT: Delayed because Tallon IV (leader of the {TZS} HL Clan) asked me to make a {TZS} map. Once I finish that I'll continue work on this.
Striker14 years ago2010-10-10 16:10:39 UTC 11 comments
Trolling physics...

->[EDIT] Also, I just won a copy of "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". I really hate the physics in this game, and especially the "instant-duck" ... not mentioning the recoil. For some reason, I feel the recoil is better in shadow of Chernobyl.[/EDIT]<-
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A friend gave me this. I can't stop laughing =)).
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-10-09 09:41:21 UTC 10 comments
I'm going to see Paramore in Perth, our captial city, tomorrow! I have been looking forward to it for months and wasn't sure I was even going to go until last fortnight. It's a long drive, 200km along the new freeway thank goodness they built it. It will be my first time driving in a heavily populated city, and I have to drive home straight after. The concert starts at 7pm and goes to 11pm, then it's a 2 or 3 hour drive home. This is gonna be killer!
2muchvideogames14 years ago2010-10-08 20:27:45 UTC 4 comments
Ok, so since like 20 people told me to put a link of what I talk about in the journal I figured I should start doing that. After all I can get into some pretty weird crap sometimes.

Tactical espionage action is a third person shooter. Just thought you might want to know this up front.

Ok so you might have heard of this one on moddb it's called metal gear...wait I mean, TEA. So in this mod you drink tea and talk about a weapons company under terrorist attack. You'll be given a metal gear radio or whatever thing's called, and barney will relay instructions to you in the field.

English natives will be pissed off by this mod and the slew of typographical errors. There are also some very glaring mispronunciations and generally butchering the English language. But since no one except English natives actually care about that, I assure you that this will not be a problem for most.

In this mod you play as a black ops male assassin, using a very strange mp5 that shoots lasers on semi-automatic. I am not going to go any further on that, on pain of a horribly confusing paragraph that has no bearing on the main idea of this article.

The mapping is pretty decent, though I didn't get to finish it (go into this later.) They used condition zero deleted scenes textures, which if you know, make for very impressive visuals by goldsource standards. They also picked up the stealth elements of deleted scenes, which is implemented in a way that is playable.

The health system is just like call of duty. You have a regenerate-able health but can be easily killed by taking too much damage at once. Of course, this makes the gameplay seem very easy, but...

If you read the comments you'll notice a trend forming there. Everyone seem to complain about a certain area with a tank or something. This is probably the most annoying boss I've had to fight in a while. I think I died, like, 20 times against this 2-HP beast. Let me describe this set piece for you.

You start out in a garage with a shotgunner firing at you. From here on, you have to do a repetitive task: load a missile on a crane, move the crane with a control panel, shoot the missile when it's positioned above the tank, use the panel to move the crane back to the missile box, and repeat. This sounds like standard procedure, but problem: there are three spawn points for soldiers, with one located directly where you start, that spawn soldiers each minute, with max live children = 1 for each. And the tank has a machine gun too. Hiding behind stuff will cause the soldiers to spam grenades at you, it's so much like call of duty that it's not even funny.

After dying twenty some times and beating the tank finally, guess what. The next map has this problem from reissues where all the brushes disappear and I'm staring at a skybox. Were you expecting an epic ending behind that beastly tank confrontation? Well life tends to be anticlimactic if you haven't noticed yet. The end.
Rimrook14 years ago2010-10-07 01:58:31 UTC 15 comments
Had an MRE for dinner. Shit is amazing.
User posted image
User posted image
I especially enjoyed the "Patriotic Sugar Cookies."
Archie14 years ago2010-10-06 21:02:13 UTC 13 comments
Top 10 reasons to procrastinate:

Striker14 years ago2010-10-06 16:43:59 UTC 13 comments
Something really bad happened in Hungary, a neighbor country.
An ecological disaster :/.

This stuff is so toxic that it can melt\burn skin(it has diluted NaOH in it and lots of other toxic substances). The problem is that the sludge is now heading for the Danube...
Habboi14 years ago2010-10-05 19:13:59 UTC 8 comments
Finally got it. Left 4 Dead 2.

I am not ashamed to say I was one of those sad "boycotters" and made a deal with myself. If the game were to sell for no more than 10 pounds I'd buy it.

Well I missed the last price cut but I think it was still something like 10.05 so it wouldn't have count no matter how stingy that sounds.

Anyway for 5 pounds it's a bargain. I'll be trying it out tommorow. Well to be fair I did play the Xbox version before it was out to the public if you remember? Yeah, the one that froze cause it was running on some beta code and Chet Faliszek was like yeah I'mma reset that for you.
Striker14 years ago2010-10-05 02:18:12 UTC 10 comments
Right now I'm writing from school. I'm at an informatics class. They installed new computers! (yay, I guess)
Well, the old computers were running on windows xp and were about 6 years old. These new ones have windows vista installed on them(although we have computers with windows 7 in the library).

The old computers had 17' CRT monitors, these new ones have 19' TFT wide format monitors, but unfortunately the computing performance isn't a lot higher. The old ones had 256 mb of ram and a 1,6 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 processor.
These new ones have 2 ghz Intel Celeron processors with 2,5 GB of Ram(and integrated video card...).

The problem is they are a bit slow, but still, it's a lot better(my eyes don't hurt anymore), and the classroom has a more... modern feel :D.

I also installed code::blocks on my pc :D :P.
Notewell14 years ago2010-10-04 20:59:09 UTC 14 comments
So tomorrow I go in to the dentist to get the first tooth drilling in my life.