
Xyos21218 years ago2006-08-09 04:52:32 UTC 0 comments
Well, I have 30 days until I start my second year of college. Ive got 15 credits again this semester. I managed to squeeze my classes into 2 days. tues and thurs. classes from 9 in the morning to 8 at night. Sounds harsh, but its only 2 days a week :)

Today Im getting my books, school supplies, a haircut :), and a credit card. (To build my credit, not go go crazy with)

Should be on my way in a couple hours or so. I think Ill play some xbox 360 a bit until its time to leave :)
38_9818 years ago2006-08-07 03:01:37 UTC 0 comments
I forgot what i was gunna put here....Well, thats not useful is it now?
Duffm@n18 years ago2006-08-06 07:17:53 UTC 0 comments
Ok, been away making this cs:s map for quite some time, and its finally approaching first play tests. i think ive been on with this map for over 4 months now, almost everyday! will let you guys know when it arrives but some strong feedback would be greatly appreciated, and a lot of testing if anyone can be bothered!

All im saying now is that it is a small, very compact de_map with a unique style of gameplay. Originally starting off as a fy_map, the similarities are obvious. The map has a slight dod feel to it, as it is set in a war-struck part of run down england.

Watch this space! i am looking to finish the beta by the end of this month.

Oh, also this map is more than likely going to be appearing on team carrick's 14 man server eventually, so i raelly need some help testing it please!

Thanks boyos (and girls)


RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-08-05 21:04:36 UTC 0 comments
I've decided on a new mapping idea for a HL2DM level. The players will fight in and around a giant missile silo, and, IF I can get it to work :| , you will be able to launch the missile and kill everyone outside, similar to runoff.

I'm going to google some pictures for Norad, hopefuly the F.B.I. wont jump up my ass or anything :roll: .

Hello RotatorSplint! This is your 300th login. Woohoo!
Madcow18 years ago2006-08-05 09:28:26 UTC 0 comments
Hello Madcow! This is your 2600th login.

Daubster18 years ago2006-08-05 09:21:35 UTC 0 comments
Back from a week at Latvia.
Gonna be leaving again soon.
Trapt18 years ago2006-08-04 20:00:03 UTC 0 comments
Been a while since I put anything worthwhile in my journal, but now: COMPO MAP SUBMISSION! Go ahead and download, give me some comments. Sure, they're entirely useless now, but fun to read anyways. =)
IMUS18 years ago2006-08-04 15:54:17 UTC 0 comments
Dawn of Terror is done. Not sure what I'm going to do next, but it won't be a horror map with a confusing story.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-08-04 13:59:38 UTC 0 comments
Got a ticket today. I was parked in a firezone for too long. I was returning a defective recliner, so I parked out front because its heavy, and the closer proximity to the store the better. After settling the matter of the refund, I decided to purchase the same chair as a trade for the old one. So Im waiting like 10 minutes for the stock guy to come help with the chair to take it outside. He does not show, so me and my bro put it in a cart and get it to the checkout desk. (Almost snapped the cart in half, lol)

Finally I get the chair outside and I find a parking ticket on my car! Now, the clerk in the store told me it was ok to keep it there because I was returning with the other chair. When I go in to see if he knows what the ticket is about, he says: "We dont have any relations with what the police do.

Now I got a ticket, and im pissed :(

The ticket was only 43 dollars, but its the principle of the matter!
pepper18 years ago2006-08-04 04:17:07 UTC 0 comments
Working on my website, a hybrid between PS, GIMP, HTML, and CSS.
Tosse18 years ago2006-08-03 15:15:54 UTC 0 comments
Hello Tosse! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master :biggrin:
splatzone18 years ago2006-08-03 14:26:40 UTC 0 comments
Submitted my first map! Hopefully many more to come! :D
Habboi18 years ago2006-08-03 07:46:18 UTC 0 comments
Journal Update FTW!

Yes folks...Me again...Happy as usual! Where to start...

You might have figured out my little riddle and found the teaser picture of a map below this journal entry.

Well done.

Other news: Driving lesson today was grand...I've gotten the hang of it a lot now and so he took me to roundabouts, dual carriageways and small, narrow lanes where the max speed is 20 MPH.

Good good. Thanks 'A' for you're PM ages ago...I read it before my lesson and it made me confident.

My mod...It's not dead :P Sorry to dissapoint you ;)

Right now my programmer said something that made me smile:

Habboi: So do you think you can code all this?
Coder: Mate, coding is all the same...I can do it...

So you can see why I smiled. Next a guy who I added on MSN said he could model...He said he might not be able to do it so I said this to him:

Habboi: True true but tell me this...If you can't make it now...When can you? This is good practice so give it a try.

That sent him on track and so far he is working on making the bird colossus.

Only 2 days left till the compo...OH NOES. Not that I'm entering...Whistle

One last thing...Salad Fingers and Toast Boy 2 RULES! I can't get enough of it. Oh and so does Bleach, Naruto and Samurai Shamploo!!!!111

Oh and one last last thing...Me and The Hunter are working together on a horror co-op map (Maybe more than one) for Gmod Co-op. We were inspired by Nightmare House - Google it.

Mapping: Me and The Hunter
Ideas and resource gather aka sounds: Livewire - Aka Alex.

Thanks for reading.
pepper18 years ago2006-08-03 01:17:27 UTC 0 comments
Here's some interesting machina: