
Red18 years ago2006-06-22 00:22:54 UTC 0 comments
Im going on a sommer course the next 2 weeks with the swedish airforce and as far as i have understood im going to fly!!! :)
Xyos21218 years ago2006-06-21 16:29:38 UTC 0 comments
Almost done with my tutorial on reflections, normal maps, masking relfections, and masking reflections on normal maps. :) Its going to be teh master!
srry18 years ago2006-06-21 15:39:42 UTC 0 comments
Hello srry! This is your 1000th login. Teh Master!
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-21 07:41:43 UTC 0 comments
Well I just had my 5/6th driving lesson a sec ago and it turns out my 1st one was a double.

Getting much better now, I can control the car with ease and the whole clutch bite system is getting more efficient and quicker.

Handbrake release is great and erm apart from that I think the releasing of the clutch in gear 1 and perhaps braking needs a bit of work.

In other news, I'm working on a secret video project that'll hopefully be a good watch for you all...That's a hint.
Duffm@n18 years ago2006-06-21 07:24:32 UTC 0 comments
wow, so my first ever journal entry. seems funny as ive been here for so long already! just havent ever gotten around to it.

The main reason for writing this is that i have gone primarily over to source. With that, 3 brand new maps are being currently worked upon, with a few interesting ideas in each. Im aiming to release the first at the end of the month, but we shall see how that goes. All 3 maps are aimed and cs source.

Mapping skills have improved significantly- i look back on previous work and see the rubbish i have submitted. Hopefully this will all now change.

Thanks for reading!

Rednik18 years ago2006-06-20 10:06:04 UTC 0 comments
I just bought CSS for 39 bux!!!! YAY!!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Dublo18 years ago2006-06-20 09:48:22 UTC 0 comments
Long time no login, duh.. I'd be happy if i still could change the account name.. but whatever... check out the OLD maps in case you havent noticed them yet on the archives.
Daubster18 years ago2006-06-20 06:52:20 UTC 0 comments
Phew.. Finally wrote a normal bio.. :glad:
Madcow18 years ago2006-06-20 06:46:33 UTC 0 comments
Hello Madcow! This is your 2400th login.
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-06-19 18:29:07 UTC 0 comments
Hello Elon Yariv! This is your 2500th login.
This is starting to be a big number... damn I was bored.
n00b #218 years ago2006-06-19 16:39:23 UTC 0 comments
So yea after being apart of this community for a little bit. I'm very impressed. I get this friendly feeling from the community. I feel most of the people here are very helpful.

But as of now,
Im at a low.
I having family problems. I've done a few things I really regret. I was staying with my dad for like the first 2 weeks of my summer but that turned sour due to my step mom and me. In the end, I ended up cussing at both my dad and my step mom. I stay with my grandma during the school year ever since my dad got married back when I was in 9th grade. Im now going to be a senior in highschool. Basically, I've lived my last 2 years without a huge authority figure in my life.
My grandma doesn't really order me around too much.
I had no problem staying with my dad but I really don't like being yelled at for small problems. So it built up overtime and I usually just let loose.
Hopefully it will turn out good for me. I have one more year and I'll be off for college.
So I'll try to hang on until then.
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-06-19 16:21:20 UTC 0 comments
well im back from a 3 day vacation and now im going to try to fix all of the problems in my finished multi_player map "not being leaks or anything just too complex"... hopefully I can get it all working properly-some func_doors become visible and stuff...
Rimrook18 years ago2006-06-19 08:33:23 UTC 0 comments
Summer is HERE! FINALLY! Three weeks of modness.

I'm also learning alot more about textures.

I got an awsome book on texturing for games!

What i know from reading, the HL2 textures were made with photoshop, not photographs, or atleast 90% of them are. I'll be writing a advanced texture tutorial in the future when i finish the book... and try not to copy the book into a tutorial.

Slasher_10118 years ago2006-06-19 04:15:49 UTC 0 comments
I'm away again >.<
gordonfreeman18 years ago2006-06-19 00:31:59 UTC 0 comments
new gygabites! free disk space finally!!!