
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-28 09:42:14 UTC 0 comments
7th Driving lesson...Meh...Worst so far.
38_9818 years ago2006-06-28 09:28:52 UTC 0 comments
Goddamit! Theres not a day that passes when some bloody bug bites me.

On the other hand, we're getting a new dog called buddy who doesnt stop playing. Real active dog. Cant wait to have him.
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-06-27 18:08:27 UTC 0 comments
some more peeps plz dl my map lost_tech and comment.
srry18 years ago2006-06-27 17:31:47 UTC 0 comments
Got a slightly changed avatar. less cluttered, and without my name pointlessly printed next to it.
Xyos21218 years ago2006-06-27 15:11:32 UTC 0 comments
OMG I pulled a fuckin muscle in my back. It hurts like a mother FUCKER! OMG there is no profanity I can use to represent the pain!

Argh! wimper.....................

:cry: :cry: :cry: :zonked:
GeRtJe18 years ago2006-06-27 12:56:43 UTC 0 comments
Wohooooo! Today I bought a little book about C++.
ONLY 904 pages... I've been coding PHP for a long period now, time for another language :)
Habboi18 years ago2006-06-27 07:12:22 UTC 0 comments
Journal Update FTW! A new quote by moi...In fact I noticed I have quite a few actually...

Like for example when someone says they have ?1 I go "You can buy a car with that sort of money!"

Or my famous saying: "Life is like a sandwich, you never know what it is going taste like..."

I sometimes like saying: "Hello my fine feathered friend" and later found out someone says that same slogan on Spongebob.

In other news...This very day I thought I lost my USB stick containing not only my mod project files but other things...Thank luck for my friend who noticed it lying on the coach chair after he got off...

For his help I'm going to do something nice for him...Maybe include some aspect of him in the mod or so-so...

Finally mod progress...The part everyone loves to read...

Well I can go over the details but that'd be boring so what I'll say is this..."The mod is great, my artist is free to work, I got a sweet texture artist of whom you all know, I may and this is a big may have one of the three top coders known..."

I'll need a website someday once we have media so if anyone feels they are good enough to use Flash or some kind of professional Internet Language I never heard of them give me a call via PM or talk on MSN @

Thanks :o
The Killer18 years ago2006-06-27 04:46:04 UTC 0 comments
School holidays, want to fix my hammer quickly as possible so i can get started on some stuff. Learning being one of those things :)
AJ18 years ago2006-06-26 22:38:12 UTC 0 comments
Well, it's over for Australia. Knocked out of the World Cup as a result of some truly shoddy refereeing. I don't think any Italian (even the most stubborn, and yes I have Italian heritage so I can say that) can say that the penalty was deserved (nor was Italy's redcard for that matter).

Australia should've won that match. They had the game under their control, they just didn't have enough cracks at goals. I am certain that if the game went into extra time, they would've done it. To get a penalty against in the the dying seconds is incredibly cruel.

Which brings me to my next point: why aren't there four linesmen? How the hell is one linesman supposed to see right over to the over side of the pitch?

Irrespective of these points, Australia have pretty much won the World Cup. They won it by getting in to it, they won by scoring not 1, not 2, but 3 goals against Japan, they won it by advancing to the final 16 and they won it for putting up a tremoundous game of Football against Italy. Congratulations to the Socceroos: you bloody well deserve it!
RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-06-26 12:46:32 UTC 0 comments
i have NOTHING to do for the rest of the summer except read my summer-reading books, so im kickin back n takin it EZ :cool:
a18 years ago2006-06-26 07:12:14 UTC 0 comments
This is the entrance to CPR Industries (through the back during the winter of 2005)

User posted image

Heres another photo from yesterday morning (the security gaurds were pretty irate about me taking pictures - that is untill i decided to take a picture of the Higher Ranking Officers - more of that later)

User posted image

Here is my work Team (from left to right: ignore the guy in background - he the janitor. Luce Pierre(french), Johnathen Pauls(Scottish), Myself (alien), Katherine Moors (Scottish), Teronea Sernes (Polish), Alexei Kerenov (Russian, and my esteemed mapping buddy [but not happy0], Tatiana Renove', Luissa Permonne (accent above the 'o'), and on the far right, (in a hideous sweater), my beloved wife - Vladmira Elizaveta

PS - that map in the backround simply reprisents distribution of our supply lines - eg, where we get our parts from and so on...

User posted image

Security team officers: (from left to right) Random guy who i dont know the name of, Sergei someone (he patrols the area outside my office), Team Leader - Roskovitse Dorane, Garsha Oleg, Pavel' Kazamir, Markov Rostislav and finally Vsevolod Borislav

User posted image
n00b #218 years ago2006-06-26 06:49:48 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
12 x 12 is 144. A significant number. Its even and 3 digits.
Nothing beats that.
38_9818 years ago2006-06-25 15:51:41 UTC 0 comments
Here i am in Canada, now an official resident. The only thing i can say is how hot it is. Britains sunny days are usually short-lived but the weather here in Abottsford if going to be lasting for something like a fortnight. Luckily my rooms in the basement which stays nice and cool, Which is useful since anything above ground burns my hands if i touch it.

Now, where did i leave those Oreo's?.....
Snpbond18 years ago2006-06-25 12:07:01 UTC 0 comments
Well finished making a php news script. With install, no download as of yet since I need to work out the little bugs. Check out the test page here:

and the admin panel here

password = admin

Post away! :)
Saribous18 years ago2006-06-25 10:48:11 UTC 0 comments
I've been experimenting with FruityLoops a lot recently. Today I made a short tune that turned out quite well in my opinion

Feel free to give me some feedback, I'd appreciate it very much :)