
Daubster18 years ago2006-06-25 09:09:06 UTC 0 comments
So begins my 'real' summer..
I'm off to my grandparents for a two weeks or so. There's loads of work, that needs to be done in my grandpa's farm.

Still - I'm not leaving Hammer. I'll try finishing hs4d on it (mostly entity work, without compiling) on a MASSIVE 400 mHz, 32 mb ram laptop with a whopping 2mb of gfx! :o

So wish me luck and I'll see you soon.. :)
Penguinboy18 years ago2006-06-25 01:49:05 UTC 0 comments
i got my site using divs again.
oh, and i have holidays now!!
also, i'm making a new example map emulating this kind of puzzle:

screens of it so far are here:
and here:

tiles all done
Rednik18 years ago2006-06-25 01:17:02 UTC 0 comments
I've had 2 PM's from Jimmi:

"Please pretty please give my map a 5 star so I get 5 stars for the map!!
Then I will give ur map's 5 stars!!!
ThANKS grin - :D:D:D:D"

"Sorry for being nasty, please like me! I will be nice to you, as long as you accept my apology and also <3 me. And be nice about my map, also.
You are pure pwnage and you rock, and we must be friends not enemies!
grin - :D"

l@wl!!!111 gAyZzz0rRszzz :biggrin:
Xyos21218 years ago2006-06-24 15:52:23 UTC 0 comments
God Perfect Dark Zero for 360 looks astounding. Everything is like 4x4 normal mapped with scale at like 99! (For those of you who understand that you know thats wicked sick!11

I stared at a brickwall for like 5 minutes. It was so perfectly normal mapped, and parallax mapped! Its a flat surface, but each brick looks as though it was seperate! INSANE!

Single player is stunning graphics wise, but the VO and AI are horrible.

Multiplayer is very fun though :)

I mainly am taking more pleasure from admiring the models and engine then the actual game XD
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-06-23 18:22:06 UTC 0 comments
AHH ... I have to make a 5 star map !
n00b #218 years ago2006-06-23 14:21:36 UTC 0 comments
So scratch the thought of me attending the lan tournament. My dad refused to sign the parental consent waiver because of an earlier decision I made to not attend church. So times are really really rough and it seems that my family will only be good to me if I am a part of their religion. Good thing church and state are seperate. So my dad basically told me I don't have a right to my religion. I have to go to church because that is the rules and I can do different when im 18. well im 17 and when march comes around that will be the time. I just feel like my family here is shunning me because I choose not to go to church.

So yea after my horrible phone conversation with my dad I was terribly mad. I punched my door only to bring my grandma yelling at me and trying to make me feel better by telling me I don't have friends. And as soon as I mentioned that ordeal about me choosing to go to church or not thats when she turned on me and walked away from.

So much for the love grandma. All love in this family is based on religion and i absolutely disagree with it. But apparently im bad for disagreeing.
Yes i've gone out of control but their ignorance pisses me off so much that the only thing I can say is the wrong thing. Nothign I do is right for them.

So yea i just emailed my mom telling her how pissed off I am and that I want to go stay with her for my last year of highschool.
Hopefully she responds back.
I need to get away from these people. :tired:
RotatorSplint18 years ago2006-06-23 09:00:28 UTC 0 comments
It may surprise you all that I play my trumpet for weddings :P
I actually have one to play at tomorrow (saturday) and I'm nervous :roll: still, im gettin paied $100 :nuts:
Xyos21218 years ago2006-06-22 17:51:29 UTC 0 comments
OH God I really hate UV mapping. It is the most boring, tedious, repetitive process of modeling there is!!!

Ive finally decided on another map to make. Its for CSS and involves a city combined with an underground subway. THere will be a train (possibly a custom model I create) Along with tons of custom materials all properly lighted and normal mapped. Also custom models everywhere! Parking meters, cars, gurters, Da works. I want it to feel almost like another game while playing.

Right now Im currently modeling and skinning a parking meter for the map. Check back here for some screenies when its finished :)
Captain P18 years ago2006-06-22 15:08:38 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Rather than becoming a professional level-designer, it seems I'm becoming a professional game programmer. My new holiday job/internship starts coming monday. :)

Now if I'd only finish that template quad-tree for my rendering system and collision module...
AJ18 years ago2006-06-22 14:36:32 UTC 0 comments
New avatar!

While I'd like to claim that I'm the artist, I can't. :P This was done by my friend Lel, so yay!
Reilash18 years ago2006-06-22 13:18:33 UTC 0 comments
A month since I last posted, and it's been going well... Gotten myself back into the use of Hammer, and I'm currently working on my first multiplayer map, zp_skyscraper, for the half-life one mod Zombie Panic.
Elon Yariv18 years ago2006-06-22 12:34:57 UTC 0 comments
New Example map!!!
zeeba-G18 years ago2006-06-22 12:23:24 UTC 0 comments
when is the next competition? ? ? I want to win one so that I can come up with the next one.. i have many GREAT ideas...
n00b #218 years ago2006-06-22 08:07:08 UTC 0 comments
So yea, this saturday there is a Lan Event in my area. Panhandle Gamers based in Pensacola, Florida. I'm planning on going and it will be my first lan event ever. I'm a little nervous and excited at the same time. Bad thing is, me being a HL mapper you know my computer isn't gonna meet up to anyone there. It doesn't matter though, I'll be playing CS 1.6 there and I am exceptionally good at that game.

Im not sure if I'm gonna be there all day or not.
It starts from 9:30 AM to 10:30 pm or w/e.. 1.6 is the last game played there so who knows how long that will last.

I only know of two people from my school that are going to be there. One of them I've never met in real life but I played with him in CS once.
The other is a friend I talked with at lunch everyday.

So yea, I'm overall nervous nervous NERVOUS!!
Im excited though so hopefully I'll be able to make it . :biggrin:
38_9818 years ago2006-06-22 04:05:30 UTC 0 comments
I wanted to put something here, but i cant remember it. The only news is im going to have to suffer a 10-11 hour flight on a plane. Boredom, here i come.

385 days. Not bad, shame i wasnt active in all of them.